What were the Headplay design engineers thinking???
The Headplay HD 7″ Headset picture looks absolutely stunning when fed with a HDMI source, but the lack of clearance with the connector shroud makes it impossible to use many of the common mini HDMI leads out there.
You’re going to need a mini HDMI plug within a very small molded body, and I found this on eBay:
It cost all of $2.07 including postage from BuyinCoinsAU and took 19 days to arrive from China to Brisbane.
Overall length is 17.5cm, male mini HDMI plug at one end, HDMI socket at the other:
This is one of the few mini HDMI plugs that actually fits within the stupidly tight shroud, and you can plug in a conventional HDMI-HDMI lead of a suitable length into it.:
One thing I would like to see on a v2 Headplay HD headset is a HDMI shroud that allows for mini HDMI plugs with a larger molded body.
This should not be rocket science!
Freerider Simulator
If you have a HDMI output on your PC’s video card, one really cool PC program you need is FPV Freerider, and only costs USD$5.
It’s a FPV mini quad simulator that uses your Taranis etc as the joysticks.
Playing this when it’s raining outside or not, is awesome with the HDMI input of the Headplays!