The DC input socket on this RX-LCD5802 7″ 5.8 GHz diversity monitor had become loose, as I discovered when attempting to charge it one day.

Aside from feeling “not quite right”, you could wiggle the charge plug around a bit and see the red charge light go off and on.

In hindsight, my external DC power cable I use in the field for running the screen off an external LiPo battery was too heavy a gauge and the weight of it was a bit too much drag on the connector.
After putting off the inevitable for a few weeks, I decided to see if this could be easily fixed, but I didn’t like my chances of obtaining a replacement connector, if that was broken.



First thing to do was remove the 10 small Philips head screws around the perimeter.

(You don’t need to remove the four screws associated with the mount)


When splitting the unit apart be careful, as the two halves are tethered together with flexible flat cable (FFC).


So, what’s wrong?


Looking at the DC input socket, we can see the solder joint has cracked on two pins, which is allowing the connector to move around, and become intermittent:


Ok, well that’s very easy to fix!

It’s not necessary to disconnect the FFC, as it’s quite manageable to work like this:


Next thing to do is to clean the solder joints with your favorite de-soldering tools.
I use a solder sucker blower bulb to remove most of the solder, and finish it off by using de-soldering braid.

Tip: It helps if you swipe a flux pen across both surfaces of the braid to help with the wicking action.


All four solder joints have been re-worked:


Now test for correct operation by pluging in charge lead.

All ok?
Job done!

Time to screw the enclosure back together.

And just in case you’re wondering what type of battery is inside an RX-LCD5802, one of these:


Another easy repair, done! 🙂