My Down East Microwave Inc 3W 10GHz amp kit arrived in the mail recently.
It was ordered on 14/4/11 and arrived 20 days later on 4/5/11.
There aren’t too many pictures on DEM’s website, but here is a quick look at what this kit contains.
If you’re looking for a few watts on 3cm, this kit appears to offer excellent bang for the buck.
For 3W output, it requires 10mW (10dBm) of drive, which is a perfect PA to follow the VK3XDK 10GHz transverter board.
With the good exchange rate at the moment, the amp kit (USD$225), a 10MHz 4-way active splitter kit (USD$25) and postage (USD$37) ended up costing AU$282 delivered to my door.
Above: This is how the kit comes.
Above: The complete kit of parts.
Above: The on-board components. SMD parts are supplied in vials.
Above: The active device – a Eudyna FMM5061 X-band Power Amplifier MMIC.
Above: The hardware kit.
The label is a bit grotty from rubbing against other things, and really should be supplied in a small bag by itself. No big deal though.
The NTE303 gunk is thermal compound, a nice inclusion.
Above: The base plate is machined out to accept the FET device. Note the tapped holes, so things bolt together easily.
Above: The PCB sitting on top of the aluminium base plate. You can get an idea of size from the ruler and 20c piece.
Above: This gives an idea of how the case bolts together.
4 bolts down from the lid screw into the base, and the SMA sockets fasten the sides together as well.
The 7 pages of instructions are quite comprehensive, but devoid of any photos, which would have rounded this off nicely – take note DEMI! (A picture can be worth 1000 words 😉 )
Includes the following sections;
- Specifications
- Pre-assembly
- Assembly
- Testing
- Instructions for use
- Components List
- Component pin outs and mounting details
- Schematic diagram
- PCB overlay
Looking forward to assembling it and getting it on the air!