Knowing your multirotor’s altitude can be handy information, and with an FRSky Taranis radio system, it doesn’t get any easier than this!
This is the FRSky FVAS-02H high precision BARO Altitude Variometer sensor.
Simply velcro’ed to an arm – this is literally a 5 minute install job.
This sensor uses the “Smart Port” data bus, so it’s a easy matter of daisy chaining with other S-Port sensors.
Here, the altitude sensor plugs into the spare S-Port port on the voltage sensor… which then connects back to the FRSky X8R S-Bus receiver.
The Telemetry pages on the Taranis can be configured to display altitude as a number, or as a bar graph.
(Sitting on the work bench here)
Why not have one of each on different telemetry pages!
And it only takes a minute or so, to set up the configuration of the telemetry pages.
It will be interesting to compare the reported altitude using this sensor, compared to what the Wookong-M flight controller reports via the iOSD.