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Hoax email from Ron Bertrand?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:44 pm
I've just received this very poorly written email claiming to be from the Radio and Electronics School. Here it is un-modified:


Dear Past and current students
This is a message from fron Ron VK2DQ
I am about to express my dislosounmentment with the WIA (Wirelss Institute of Australia)
In my view they lack vision for amateur radio and have failed in their respoonsibilitites to amateur radio. They have repeatedly ignored to acknowlege or support those doing the most for their cause, Myself, their RTO Fred Swainston and a silient benevolent supporter Jeff Creed the man behind RES IT and the Assessor system. All of which have given their beneovlent time to promote and expand amateir radio in Australia.
After much reflection and disussion with them I have considered strongly the closing of RES. There has been little support or recognition from them. For the efforts of Fred, Jeff and RES. I am seroiusly considering my resignation from the WIA and the school will exists to exist but we will honour our committments to current sttudents. In 14 years they have failed to recognise our contribution. Little or no finicial support. We believe the WIA has lost its way and is self serving and does not server amateur radio as they have pledge in their office to do. This is with great regret. We are opposed to the lack of recognition and support. We have been expected to provide services to amateur radio with little help from them. I am considering my resignation from the WIA immently.
Amateur radio has to be led by people of vision the WIA board in my view and others does not have that vision.
As a consequency RES will close and siece to exist no more. The RTO Fred Swainston the WIA RTO feels the same. We have not been invited as guest to the next AGM i Darwin. We have given advice to them and it has fallen on deaf ears. The WIA board is weak in our view and we question the way members funds have been used previously and into the future. I speak to Micheal Owen at 3 PM today unless he has a turn around which I doubt RES will be no longer. No new enrolments but we will honour exisiting arrangments. Sad but thats the way it is - express your views (if you have any) to I (we) can no longer be a benevolent organistion without the "peak body" of amateir radio supoorting us.
I wish you well (unless something chnages today) we will close.
We believe resources and members funds have not been spent wisely or in the interests of the WIA or its members.
Regards to all Ron VK2DQ


Re: Hoax email from Ron Bertrand?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:45 am
if you hadnt noticed its already been posted in the forum under its own topic.....
