GRAVE Design Error crippling Icom IC-746PROs

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GRAVE Design Error crippling Icom IC-746PROs

Post by VK3GK »

Hi ppl
i just got this off yahoo groups email.
it relates to a fix for IC746, IC151, a uPC1678G failure, no TX.

Cheers Lee
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Re: GRAVE Design Error crippling Icom IC-746PROs

Post by VK4FP »

Hi Lee,
Thanks for the info.
I have a IC7400 (same as 746pro).
Its 12 months old and no failures yet.
I am reluctant to modify mine due to warranty issues.
Also there is a display fault due to a transistor failure as well .
Has anyone had these problems with late model units ?
Lloyd VK4FP.
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Re: GRAVE Design Error crippling Icom IC-746PROs

Post by VK5ZD »


My IC-7400 had the display fault which was fixed by under warranty by Icom. It got it back in 7 days :D

Iain Crawford - VK5ZD
Munno Para West, SA - PF95ih
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