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RD Contest

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:01 pm
by VK5NE
As I work all possible bands during the RD Contest I have to enter 2 logs. Why can't we have an all band section like the John Moyle? Surely an all band mode would increase the action, which is now nothing like the contest was in the 1980s when the winners could manage over 1000 QSOs in 24 hours and that was without repeats QSOs on HF.

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:42 am
by vk1da
The all band log concept in the JMFD is actually an error. Because scoring for HF and VHF contacts are quite different, it becomes unfair to an HF-only entrant for them to be competing with VHF logs. The VHF scoring was changed to reflect the relative difficulty of making dx contacts on various vhf bands, and as part of that change, the HF/VHF logs were split. That was in the late 80s or early 90s. Since then a subsequent NFD contest manager has reintroduced an all band entry, apparently without considering the impact. Now there are complaints from HF operators that VHF contacts get too many points. Well of course it's unfair. The wrong rules are being used.

An NFD example of the inequality. Vhf contacts can earn up to 50 points. You have to work 50 HF contacts to equal that point score. why would you bother?

For the RD, I don't see the problem in entering two logs. Even if you use manual logging, it's simpler to use separate pages for each band, so as to make dupe checking far easier. A computerised log is dead simple to run and the software looks after the two logs. The logs can be emailed to the contest manager within an hour of the contest ending.

I don't understand how an all band entry would increase activity. Please explain.

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:23 am
by VK4TS
I must agree Andrew,

The JMFD all band category really is a farce with the scoring irregularities to the point that the ALL BAND category would make it worthless to even put up a HF antenna when VHF UHF scoring is so one 40M contact from the mobile to validate the log and the rest on VHF UHF....

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:50 pm
by VK5NE
I don't understand how an all band entry would increase activity. Please explain.
Without an all band section most contest operators will not operate on all bands but concentrate on the section they intend to enter. They will not venture to the other end of the spectrum when the action slows down as it could cost them points in their section. "All band" operators will go where the QSO rate is the highest. They will therefore make more QSOs than purely high or low spectrum operators. This will result in a higher total of contest QSOs giving more overall action in the contest.

Look at it another way. As a high band operator wouldn't you like it if most of the low band operators in your area turned up every two hours and gave you another QSO. Don't you think that would give you more action?

Not all operators have the advantage of having an elevated and or low noise QTH. The average suburban ham needs to use as many bands as possible to keep the action going. Lets encourage everyone to participate in the RD.

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:31 am
by VK4TS
Rule changes drive software writers batty..

Multiple categories also have the problem of diluting the meaning / significance of a RD win...but a reading of the rules and results and I could see validity in a ALL BAND category - but it would mean expanding significantly the number of categories - as there is phone and cw and combined -

So the ALL Band would add three separate categories to the RD contest - so another thought arises -

Should all the categories be combined ? Everyone knows the rules regarding scoring and they are all very similar, VHF UHF HF etc so rather than having all these separate categories - should there just be ONE category..

Operating TIp for the RD..Looking at the VHF /UHF category - 17 of the first 20 are from VK6 - obviously the VK6's have hit on a way to make high scores in the RD -

How ? Assume these roughly 20 stations can work each other - every two hours a repeat is allowed, all modes are allowed, but lets assume they don't work CW. They can work a minimum 40 contacts every two hours by working each other (per band) using a Multi Mode that gives a possible 120 contacts every two hours 6,2, and 70 cm -

My tip ? every state should hammer this category in 2010

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:41 am
by VK5NE
My tip ? every state should hammer this category in 2010
This is fine from the point of view of state scores, but it will mean less QSOs for the low band operators as increased action in one area will lead to decreased action in another. I must admit it is rather annoying that although VK6 win it can be very hard to find many of them on HF.

However, the fact that VK6 can make so many points on VHF points very strongly to the fact that high band operators do not need any favorable scoring treatment, both in the RD and the JMFD.

I would support going to only two sections - All band multi op and All band single op with one point per QSO.

I would also support CW having 2 points a QSO and being limited to straight key operation only, in the spirit of the occasion.

Although it would be nice to also highlight AM operation with 2 points a contact, in the spirit of the contest,the bandwidth required could wipe out 80 metres at the height of the contest, particularly with so many recently produced rigs having an AM capability. I think it would also favour VK3 and VK2 due to cross border population density.

I would like to see digital modes added, but I fully understand that these modes can be operated automatically which is not in the spirit of this contest.

Re: RD Contest

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:22 am
by vk1da
My earlier reply addressed the reason why the national field day contest rules were not a good template to copy to the RD rules.

We all see these contests differently, which is why we can see the same problem but believe there are different solutions.

Some stations are limited to VHF bands, due to antenna limitations or simply their own interests. If you merge all the bands into a single log, it is very difficult for a vhf-only station to compete with stations who do operate on all bands. For these operators the question is how to encourage them to operate in a contest that is seen as largely an HF event. Getting more people to use the VHF bands is surely the answer to that. Whether that would be done by an all band concept is not clear to me. I guess the answer is that "it depends".