USA to JA Bicycle (Tricycle ) portable

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USA to JA Bicycle (Tricycle ) portable

Post by VK6ADF »

Saw this on the Buddipole forum.
I heard two Japanese stations this evening, the first time I had ever heard
Japan from CA. so that's a good sign. I heard JF8GFB, Man, on CW, and
called him perhaps forty or more times before he heard me. He got part of
my call several times, so kept giving it over and over and over.

He finally came back with my full call and a 5/3/9 report. I gave him the
same report. 50.098.63 MHZ at about 0252 UTC. I logged it on my leg in
ballpoint pen.

The other JA did not hear me.


I was running a Buddistick and 100 watts with one of the new A-123 batteries
on my recumbent tricycle.

and here is a picture of Budd on his Tricycle.


Budd,W3FF is the inventor of the Buddipole Portable Antenna System and prefers to operate Tricycle Mobile and also Pedestrian Mobile. I guess the signal report is a bit generous considering the amount of calls he had to make, but a 2 way contact is a contact.

73 Phil...VK6ADF
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