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recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:53 pm
Hi Gang,

tossing up between a Kenwood TS 2000X ... HF to 1296MHz and an Icom IC 910 with the 6m and 23cm modules
I like the idea of the 2000X with DC to Daylight (well almost :wink: ) the Icom you need to pay lots extra for the
other 2 modules (6m and 23cm) as its only 2m and 70cm stock standard.

BUT if the Icom was really a better radio specially in the RX department , ability to handle strong adjcent signals more
sensitive etc, I could be persueded to go that way and forgo the HF part of the band and just continue with my FT 897D
for HF.
Who on here has either of the radios and can give constructive and unbiased reviews of their experience of how each


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:02 pm
vk2tdn wrote:Hi Gang,

tossing up between a Kenwood TS 2000X ... HF to 1296MHz and an Icom IC 910 with the 6m and 23cm modules

6 meter module?? not sure if such a beast exists??

Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:30 pm
vk4apn wrote:
6 metre module?? not sure if such a beast exists??
Dang ya right,
I must have mis-read .... went back and looked at the spec's 2m 70cm and 23cm

ok so..... can still do 6m with my FT897D if necessary but the TS 2000X still intrigues me all in one set!!

still need informative thoughts on both radios :)


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:13 pm

I use an FT897D for 6M and a 910H for 2/70/23. My 910H has a single DSP fitted which I think is worthwhile. Power out on 70 is slightly better than the TS2000 otherwise they are the same.

I think the metering on the 910H is below par, no SWR and the power setting method is poor, you need an external meter to actually work out how much power is set. Interfacing on the 910H is good and its easy to get it to work with a linear and external preamps as it has its own 12V up the coax capability, settable by band. The linear control is also settable by band. The preamp, especially on 70CM is a must for weak signals. I rarely use the 2M preamp but the 70CM is almost always on. Makes a HUGE difference with the sats, S1 to S7. I have the Icom "up the mast" preamps.

At field days the 910H doesnt seem to have problems with an adjacent 2M radio when being used on 70CM and 23CM.

The SAT button is great if you are into satelittes. (anyone know how many T's there are in sattelittes?)

Menus are good, I've alwys been able to work out how to do what ever I've needed, sometimes with reference to the manual. Display is large and bright, so good for guys our age.

Only on air issue I have had was in winter on a very exposed site (Shooters Hill) in a howling gale and the F varied lots. I needed the heated Xtal conrtolled oven accessory thingie, or a warmer place to operate from! With wind chill it worked out to be -18 C.

The AFC is interesting to use with another 910H as they both start chasing each others F. Easiest to have 1 of them off when in a 910H<>910H QSO. Someone else may have the answer to this?

I have a nice camera style Al case that I use when I take it portable.

There are a couple of versions about so if you are buying make sure it is one 'good' for OZ.

If you want to take a look and have a play give me a call.



Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:58 pm
Hi Compton,
thanks for your comments
... hahahaha Satellite 2 x T's, 2 x L's :wink:

was it possibility the 910 I saw comments on somewhere about the freq instability on 1296 even without
extreme temps ? "KRAFTS" disease has well and truely set in .... was prob a totally different radio
you may be able to confirm

an all band base radio (HF - 23cm) is truely what Im looking for, Kenwood seem to have the only one

keep the thoughts coming :)


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:14 pm
by VK3BA
G'day Dave,

I assume you've probably read a few of the topics on the 910H under viewforum.php?f=23

I've had mine new since August 2008 and bought it with the 23cm module. I have been quite pleased with the rig although I'm seriously thinking of going the TCXO high-stab option. I asked around whether the DSP option was worth it but the general concencus was probably not. Otherwise, the rig was on the test bench soon after I got it and it pretty well met or exceeded spec in most areas. Certainly no shortage of continous power.

I'm not guru in these things. But I love the general feel of the rig, the way it functions and the received audio. Whilst it also has the FM mode, it's probably pointless spending all that cash just to work repeaters unless you often work very distant repeaters. Mine is mainly for SSB work on all three bands with a smidge of FM work on 23cm.

I can't comment on the TS2K as I really haven't spent much time with one. If you decide to go the 910H, you won't be dissapointed.


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:21 am
by VK3HZ
Yes, the IC910H was discussed at length here: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=653

I considered both and went for the TS-2KX. There is a big difference between the two rigs. The more I use the TS, the more I'm amazed by the functionality Kenwood have squeezed into the box (taking the lid off shows that there's a lot in there!) When used with something like Ham Radio Deluxe, there's a lot you can do. In comparison, my memory of using a 910H is that it is relatively simple. However, that may suit your needs.

The User Manuals for the rigs are readily available for download. Google will show you where. It'd be worth a read to get an idea of what each of the rigs can do.

Perhaps you need to find friendly locals with the rigs and see if you can have a play for an hour or two. Everyone's needs are different.


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:42 am
I went through many nights thinking the same thing (TS-2k Vs 910h) and I'm glad I ended up with the TS-2000(X).

Answer..... Its all in one box 160m to 23cm

Extra bonus are, built in transverter (for digital display on extra higher and lower frequencies). Sky command system via a suitable H/H plus a few more little features the TS-2000(X) offers.


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:40 am
Just been through the same process. I have a TS2000 and wanted 23cm. (My transverter/IC202 combo just wasnt happening!)
A 910 H with 23cm module and TCXO option works out to nearly as much as a 2000x, so I paid the extra 300 or so to get the 2000x. Plus I dont have to learn how to use a new rig, and all my interfacing stays the same.


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:21 pm
Hi All,

Nik and Dave .... funnily enough I initially didnt know that the 910H specifically had been discussed on here
till a couple of days after my posting ... I was doing research on google of various reviews and found a link to
the VKLogger topic :roll: interesting comments and even tho the radio seems to suffer a few probs many
are still happy to purchase it. But after serious comparisons between the 910H and the 2000X .... that few
100$$ more seems to be the way to go with all bands in the one package (money isn't really an issue in the choice
between the 2)
I will Take up Compton on his offer of a play wth his 910H, dont know anyone locally to me (inner west Sydney)
that has a 2000(X). Definately nothing like having a chance to dabble with one "in the flesh, so to speak" :wink:


An after thought..... Dave VK3HZ, you commented that you like the functionality of the 2000, tell me in reality
what is it like when used to control outboard amps (power/pre..) etc ?? .... have read a number of comments abt the
difficulty of use of the 910H when controlling multiple amps for different bands, eg you cant control them separately

Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:52 pm
by VK3HZ
Hi Dave,

For controlling linears etc., the TS-2KX is much simpler. It has individual 'Tx Active' outputs for each of the VHF/UHF bands which are taken to ground on transmit (although the outputs are not capable of switching a coax relay directly - only 20mA max). You can configure a delay from when the output is grounded until RF comes out of the rig to allow time for a relay to switch. It has a separate socket for controlling an HF linear. Also, if you buy the rig new, it does come with a set of plugs to fit the sockets.

The IC-910H has a single line (SEND on ACC(1)) which performs the double duty of external PTT input and 'Tx Active' output, although that's not at all clear from the doco. SEND can be configured to activate when the rig is transmitting on one or more (or all) bands. Trouble is, there's no easy way of telling which band the rig is on. So, which linear do you activate? Either you activate all linears at once (not good), you have a switch to manually select which linear, or you get into the 910 and bring out a band select signal (which is what some have done - not good for the warranty). It could also be done with a PIC getting the band setting through the CI-V interface, but that's getting messy.


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:46 pm
Thanks Dave,

the sort of excellent practical info I'm after from a rig user, rather than just what the doco's state :)


Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:12 pm
HI Dave, Its Dave vk2jds.
I use the 910h for 23cm eme as you know, please feel free to come out for a stay-over and operate the station if you want to see a 910 working well. its got the high stability option and 23cm module, cw filter and dsp. (also a matching 70cm mastmount preamp.)
single dsp works well with the CW filter for return pings clearly audible.
i have tried a ts2000, found the display small and hard to read, the buttons small and so many to figure out that for me by comparison,the icom was not a do-everything radio like the ts2000, but a dedicated v/u specialised transciever with a nice clear display and less tiny multifunction buttons doing what i wanted to do out in the hut at the dish. My eyes are not as good as they used to be and i am not getting any younger!
i have a 746pro in the house to all the hf 2 and 6m ssb/cw work and dont need the extra clutter and functions of the ts2000 when you are dashing in and out to the dish and aiming up on the moon in the heat of some rare dx contact.
if your shack is all in the one room then a ts2000 could be just what you want , they are very capable on all bands. arguably the dsp and noise blanker is better too.
On a mountaintop you could utilise the 910h on 23cm with module, a transverter for 13cm with 432 IF and a 10GHz transverter with 2m IF, then use a hf set separate for liasing when setting up your contacts rather than trying to pack it all in the one set.
its all about how you want to operate your gear.

Re: recommendations on TS2000X and IC910

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:39 pm
by VK3BA
Yep, and it might also come down to which brand logo you like to have on the top of your rig. For me it's Icom all the way :D Bit of the old Holden vs Ford vs Toyota favorite battle. And a bit of whatever you've heard from other users on a forum like this - a top place for everyone to throw around their ideas and feedback. It would be a great opportunity to pit both rigs against each other at the same station using the same antennas via an A-B switch and taking some careful notes. Maybe there's some lucky person out there who owns both rigs and can provide some comparison results. Or maybe it's an idea for a future article in AR Magazine. Peter 3KAI are you watching? Can just see it now. Front cover - TS2KX vs 910H - battle of the 2/70/23 base rigs! Nice big glossy pic on the front cover. Round up a few of the local microwave guru's for a weekend comparing these two bad boys at the same QTH. A ripper feature article it would be. Perhaps I'm dreaming... :lol:
