HELP! I am going DEAF!

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HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK4WDM »

Hello Everyone

I have a progressive hearing loss that mainly affects high audio frequencies. It is making my ham radio life, especially copying CW, more and more difficult. I have never been a "whizz" at CW, but could, and did, use it, but since this hearing problem kicked in it is becoming a real chore especially if the signal is weak and/or there is QRM.

I have tried changing the pitch to make the tone much lower in frequency. I can certainly hear it better but copying is degraded.

I have tried some of the computer programs for reading CW but they really don't seem to be much good unless the signal is in the clear and computer-generated Morse is being sent.

Although CW is the main concern I am starting to experience trouble with SSB as well

This type of hearing loss is reasonably common and I can't be the only ham afflicted with it. I would be REALLY interested in hearing from others, especially those who have learned to cope with the problem.

Does changing the pitch work ok for you?
Are there particular hearing aids that you find effective?
Do you use computer-aided reception (don't be shy about admitting it).
Any other advice you can offer?

The new sunspot peak is almost upon us and CW is still an essential skill, especially on 6M, and I would really like to get this sorted out.


Wayne VK4WDM

Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK4QB »

Hi Wayne ,
Yes, you are not the only one affected by deafness. I originally could hear to 22khz but 2.2khz is I think the top frequency now. I found like you, that I have to tune to a lower frequency to to get the beacons clearly, and yes it does effect the ssb reception. I have found that use of headphones gives betterreception, mainly to eliminate extraneous noises and also this doesn't annoy the XYL as the volume she can hear is nil. (she can't get any response out of me either). I have a pair of aircraft type headphones which I believe are response shaped to perform much the same way as a ssb filter in a receiver ie. 300 to 3000 hz bandwidth. These seem to make it easier. I dont recomend the stereo type headphone as they are for wideband audio systems - 100 hz to 8000hz or so. I have yet to try a earpiece type headphones, cheap little things but I dont know what their frequency response is like. Don't forget with headphones you have to match them to the set, to minimize distortion. :D
Brian 4QB

Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK5LA »

Hi Wayne,
I know exactly how you feel. I too, have (or had) the same problem.
The perception of deafness is that people think you can't hear them. The reality is that you can hear them perfectly well, but you just can't understand it!

Like you I tried everything to make reception better...My solution - Hearing Aids!

They have transformed my life very much for the better, I am now able to understand what people are actually saying instead of hearing "mumble mumble "
and hoping your response is appropriate!

Your family friends and workmates will very much enjoy being better able to communicate with you as well. They have made a real difference in the workplace for me.

As for the radio, beacause the hearing aids boosts the frequencies that contain the intelligence of speech, the difference for me was quite remarkable.
I am actually enjoying the radio again!

Like anything, you get what you pay for. Most are digital these days and there are quite a few different types available, some better than others.
See if your Audiologist will let you try some out, if not, perhaps try another Audiologist!


Andy - 5LA
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Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK4TU »

Last time I looked, MFJ were making a parametric equaliser for boosting frequencies that were going quiet. The Eham reviews seemed positive - It's certainly worth checking the reviews to see if it fits your needs.There's certainly going to be a need for something when the ipod generation grow up - tinnitus anyone?
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Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK7XX »

The solution for my increasing deafness on radio was to purchase an Altronic C9060 headset. This particular set has gel filled ear pads and when on the head, cuts out all extraneous external noise and keeps all the sound in the cup giving you a really good ear full. Mind you, I had to rewire the set as it came wired as a mono set with an aircraft type plug, ( I needed stereo for the dual RX on the 1000MP) but that was easy and, I also ripped the supplied insert out and fitted a Heil HC-5 insert. All this was some 6 years ago and I honestly could not operate without the headset.

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Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK4APN »

VK4WDM wrote:it).
Any other advice you can offer?
Good headphones certainly help - I have some Sony headphones with very good sealing around the ears, they certainly reduce extraneous noises well. Over the years I have played with tailored response speakers ( from an article in ETI, EA or AEM???), Tuned cavity (audio) speakers to peak a single CW tone (was called CW1 from memory) as well as equalisers - they all work and are worth trying. I like a previous post regarding hearing aids - would be interesting to try a few out.
CW reading software is worth a go, but like you mention only really work well with machine assisted sending or supberb manual sending. Most of them use DSP too.
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Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by ZL1RS »

Electronic noise canceling headphones do a great job on the aircraft entertainment system's audio for getting rid of background noise from the aeroplane. Does anyone use them on their ham radio? I guess their worth for amateur radio use would depend on the location of the shack relative to other household noise?

Comments please ....... 73, Bob
Bob, ZL1RS in the Bay of Islands at RF64vs
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Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK5BJE »

Hi Andy and all those who responded.
I am simply writing to say how much I admire and respect all of those, including you Andy, who have been responsible for these posts and comments. It is really good to see men being honest. I suspect there is an article here for AR. We are an ageing group despite all the younger F Calls coming along and we will all face this and similar problems as we age.

Best wishes to you all
John D :D

Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK6GOS »

Wayne ,

My son has a progressive loss and uses a hearing aid and a CI. Hearing aids have a T switch function for use with telephones but you can buy inductive loop systems of different types, some hook behind your ear near the aid some you can put a loop under the floor or in the roof and cover a hole room. If you put a loop arround you shack driven by radio audio you would just have to switch to T mode on the aid and the radio audo would be piped straight in your ear. We have looped the TV in the louge room so our son can watch TV without having it so load it shakes the window. Australian Hearing will supply pensioners with quite good digital aids for free. A room wide loop is about $350.

Regards Stephen

Re: HELP! I am going DEAF!

Post by VK4WDM »

Hello Again

Thanks to all who have responded, there are some very useful ideas worth trying. I obviously need to swallow my pride and go and see about a hearing aid as a first step. The inductive loop sounds like a good idea too.

I will still try and find some software to back up my ears and would be interested to hear of anything new that comes along.

Yes, I do think that this topic would make a good article for AR.


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