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tax deductions for school amateur radio club

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:42 pm
I work at a school in Brisbane and have, with substantial help from various people from the Radio and Electronics School, ran a foundation course at my school.

There are at least 3, possibly more students who wish to progress to the standard call next year. So, without any financial support from my school, I want to give these students access to a transceiver on a regular basis throughout their studies.

I am considering an FT-897D ( this is what I use at home) and would be prepared to purchase it myself, providing that I can claim some tax deduction for its purchase.

My question then is : has any other teacher in my situation purchased a transceiver and how did you go about showing to the tax department that it was a legitimate deduction?

I am very keen to get a radio club going at my school, but realistically it will be totally up to me to do so.

By the way I told one of my colleagues what I wanted to do and he asked me what music we would be playing!

Thanks for any advice that you can give me

Tim Roberts

Re: tax deductions for school amateur radio club

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:15 am
Like a lot of people I've had to buy gear for work privately over the years. I suppose that if you can provide documentary evidence (teaching materials?, license showing callsign of school station? endorsement from the school that you're working on this as an extra-curricular activity? etc) IF and when you get audited, then it should be considered reasonably legitimate.


Re: tax deductions for school amateur radio club

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:59 pm
by VK3GK
We donate art materials to the school my kids attend and get a tax deduction for our company to the value of the goods, provided the school gives a letter of proof.

I see no reason that a donation of radio equipment would not be the same. Regardless that is it from an individual.

Regards Lee

Re: tax deductions for school amateur radio club

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:52 pm
Thanks for the advice and ideas.

I went to my accountant this afternoon, as I do have more support from my school than I originally thought I had. Apparently there are three important issues when claiming expenses:
1) The equipment will only be used at the school.
2) I must get paid for running the club, in other words, as far as the tax department is concerned the equipment is used to generate income
3) the equipment must be new when I start using it (bought for the purpose of running the club) - I cant take in and use old equipment and then claim for that.

If these three are met then the equipment can be depreciated over 6 2/3 years. This works out to be about 30% of its residual value each year.

If I leave the school after say 3 years then the residual value is written off.

I hope this is of some use to other hams ....... but of course seek your own advice before proceeding

Tim R

by the way If you have a stuffed crocodile that you use to generate income you can depreciate it over 10 years! TRUE!!