Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

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Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4WDM »

As is being discussed on the 6m chat segment, there are still a number of operators that need confirmations in some of the ZL territories, the Pacific Islands, the Indian Ocean and eastern Asia. I don’t think that propagation is the real issue, especially during summer E’s, it’s lack of 6m signals. In some cases there is HF activity but no 6m.

I have talked to a number of hams about this over the years and there is a fairly general opinion among those that don’t use 6m that:

6m operators are elitist and somewhat “snobby,” and that operating successfully on 6m requires expensive “state of the art” equipment and big antennas.

Unfortunately some 6m ops do come across as overly overbearing and opinionated, but you find those types inhabiting any of our bands. They are just more obvious in our group because of its smaller size.

Our vigorous debate on the VK Logger and elsewhere on the use of calling frequencies etc can be very off-putting to outsiders who can easily get the impression that our band plans are complex, and that an asteroid will come crashing through the shack roof if someone dares to call cq on the wrong frequency. In reality, 6m band plans no more complex than those on other bands and all bands have “spectrum police” who are very willing to correct any "crimes" real or otherwise!

Our discussions on the logger often give the impression that 6m is a waste of time unless you have a “state of the art station” and at least a 9 el long yagi. The better equipped stations are obviously going to perform much better under marginal conditions, but the good thing about 6m is “when its open, its open” and then even modestly-equipped stations will still get through if the operator uses effective skills.

I have been on 6m since 1965 and my station has seen a lot of changes since then, but there has not really been a big increase in distances covered and countries worked in the Pacific and the nearest parts of Asia.

Further into Asia and Europe is obviously more difficult, but up until the middle of the last SS cycle I was using an old Icom transceiver, a 30W home brew amp and a 6 el close-spaced yagi and still worked 25 countries in Europe. Of course I didn’t work as many as those with the “high tech” gear and big beams, but I still worked my share (I would have worked a lot more if I had used cw a lot more – a good hint for new 6m ops!)

Many of the ops in the Asia-Pacific area (and in VK and ZL) simply can’t afford “high tech” equipment and big beams for 6m. Many of us have older 6m gear sitting around the shack that we could pass on to other hams to them started on 6m and to boost activity.

So in summary, I believe we could boost activity by:

• Being more welcoming, supportive and encouraging to those who want to experience the “magic band”.

• Being careful with our rhetoric, and try and tone down the impression that we are elitist (as I said, I don’t believe that we are).

• Don’t terrify newcomers with the 50.110 bogeyman or drop-bear. Take time to explain carefully, and in a non-threatening manner, why the band-plan is an advantage to all of us.

• Don’t give the impression that one HAS to spend up big to be able to work 6m successfully and enjoyably.

• Pass on any unused equipment to those who can use it.

• If we do get new stations on the air in the Pacific, treat them with care and consideration. They may be new to dxing and the frantic activity that accompanies a good opening can be stressful.

• Encourage any Dxpeditions to include 6m activity. Offer to lend equipment if need be.



Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4WDM »

Something I forgot to mention in my last post: we really DO need a beacon in the Central Pacific. We have them in the Northwest and Northeast, but those pathways have very different characteristics than the one directly to the east. Cook Islands or Tonga would be ideal.

There is a radio club in the Cooks, I wonder if they would install one if VK and ZL could supply the equipment?


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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4GHZ »

VK4WDM wrote:...Cook Islands or Tonga would be ideal.

There is a radio club in the Cooks, I wonder if they would install one if VK and ZL could supply the equipment?
I think you might find, like on Tonga, that reliable mains power becomes the biggest factor.
Many of these remote communities use diesel generators, and although the extra power consumed for a beacon might be insignificant in itself (equivalent to one or two light globes), I would expect running these generators is a relatively costly exercise, and limited to essential peak hours only.

I spent 3 months working on some island last year, and because there was no mains electricity, everybody ran their own generators for a few hours in the morning and again in the evening. It was too expensive (and noisy) to run them full-time. Power was a precious commodity.
And where was this island?
No where that special, and only 80km east of Auckland.
(Great Barrier Island)

Sure, you could trickle charge a battery system, but this automatically limits the beacon to a few watts, and then becomes of limited value.
We have seen the comments from Paul, A35RK, who constantly monitors the health of his power system and adjusts (read as: compromise) his on-air activities accordingly. When the battery volts gets too low, he goes QRT.

Once thing that (still) amazes me is that there are no regular FK8 operators that use the Logger.
Here we are on their own doorstep, and they show no interest to maximise any opportunities that might present.
6M summertime Es is very predictable, but imagine how popular the FK8s would be on 2M!
Either power, internet (or both) are an issue, or there is genuine apathy about it all.
I think the apathy and "island time" culture gets worse the further out you get.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see a competent beacon network operate throughout the Pacific.
The UKSMG and some yanks (forget the name) both offer beacons to remote areas... so equipment isn't the major hurdle.
It's getting these islanders interested enough to see the project through, and actually getting the equipment operating on air AND maintaining it.

As we look forward to the next peak, now is a good time to start giving this some serious thought on how this might be achieved.
Adam, Brisbane
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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4APG »

For the "some yanks" into providing and maintaining beacons for 6m see:
Planned Projects include beacons for:
Pitcairn Island (VP6) The Falklands (VP8) Fiji (3D2) French Polynesia (FO)
Three of these would go towards filling the empty Pacific.
Believe that FO beacon in the past was very helpful as an indicator that Central America was open or about to be so.
Now's the time to send 'em 100 USD (never been cheaper). Plus encouragement to equip FO as a starter.

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4WDM »

I agree that a reliable power supply for beacons is an issue but an output pwr of 10 watts would be ok - that is all our local beacon has and it is very useful.

There are a number of maritime and aviation comms stations out in the Pacific and a number of non-directional beacons. I wonder what they use for power? I do quite a lot of travelling in the Pacific (not enough time to operate unfortunately) and I will see what I can sus out.

With regard to lack of FK8 activity on 2m. It drives us nuts up here - we hear their repeater from time to time some of us have managed to put a call out with a nil result. I guess we need a French speaker! It would be a good path to try on the higher bands too. :(


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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4GHZ »

VK4WDM wrote:I agree that a reliable power supply for beacons is an issue but an output pwr of 10 watts would be ok - that is all our local beacon has and it is very useful.
I would agree 10W is adequate for single hop Es, but may limit any serious multi-hop investigation.

Put it this way, on most openings (and there were many), Paul A35RK, rarely got to be a genuine S9 here.
It was typically S5, not that solid.
I think Paul may have throttled his power back to 50W at times too, but remember, he was using a 3 element Step-IR yagi.
Not as good as dedicated monoband yagi, but probably offers some gain over that of a typical beacon antenna.

From the 6M Logger History; (using A35RK as the DX station of interest)
9-Jan-08 04:53 VK6KXW >> A35RK in AH20TE on 50.1100 319 CW > OF87JR @6903km Others qrming him

At 6,900km, this is the longest recorded event we have from last summer.
You'll note only a 319 copy.
In fact most signal reports recorded were typical S1-3.
(This is where the value of a database and users logging true S-meter reports becomes useful, rather than the moronic and robotic 59 report)

One hop in, in the 4,600 - 4,900km range, and the typical report is S5.
From that we can predict how a beacon of similar EIRP would be received, and determine whether that would be adequate, or not.
VK4WDM wrote:There are a number of maritime and aviation comms stations out in the Pacific and a number of non-directional beacons. I wonder what they use for power? I do quite a lot of travelling in the Pacific (not enough time to operate unfortunately) and I will see what I can sus out.
Wayne, that would be brilliant, to have some boots on the ground.
Don't know if you operate HF, but if you come across any of these 6M ops on HF, it wouldn't hurt to start seeding the idea.
VK4WDM wrote:... (not enough time to operate unfortunately) ...
That's a pity. :cry:
Adam, Brisbane
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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4GHZ »

I can certainly appreciate where Steve is coming from.

Four or five years ago, I wouldn't have bothered responding to a JA calling on 6M.
Having not worked a JA in several years, I cannot wait to work my next JA!

It's all relative.

When you have it - you don't want it.
When you don't have it - you want it.

I still don't understand why the FK8's are active on 2m SSB though.
Perhaps they are not familiar with the concept of chasing grid squares, or making other achievements to help pass time.

What is the point of having all that gear there, and not using it?
Adam, Brisbane
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A reailty check is called for at this stage.

Post by vk3six »

The reality is no one is listening to us.
Ask around about 6 what?
Nah never bother with that band too much white noise.

Instead of sitting around waiting for the sky to fall what are YOU doing about evenin the odds?

Adam and I conduct extensive research and author web pages,
what do you guys do except watch the TV screen all day and
whinge about the lack of dx and
your lot in life.

Yeah they are 6M BLOGS, so what

what have you got to support use of 6M or promote the PACIFIC RIM activity??

Go get a life do something.
Go on an expedition or two.

I reflect on my 10 countries activated 6M DXCC WAC ALL DXCC on HF and 100,000 QSO's and then look at you pathetic lot and wonder where ham radio is going..

yardy yardy yar,..

30 years on we are out of wack/sync whatever.
Dont hold your breath and watch this space..

As you can see nothing has changed in 30 years still working ZL and VK6 ad nauseum,
all there except the lack of JA's and Pacific stations.
There is even a H44 on but she has no 6m neither does E51QQQ or the guy on KH2.
Not strictly true they have 6M radios but no antenna or inclination to operate.
and so on..
Name an active KH6?

carry on regardless

:lol: :lol:

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK2VEL »

Hmmm. I wonder if any of the old timers still have an old IC-502 tuned to 52mhz? Looks like a fun little set.

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by vk3six »

Actually you are thinking of a 506 and SMIRK sent them all around the Pacific to no avail.
I tell a lie I worked VK2ZZV on a Noumea balcony with the pull out whip on 6M once.

:roll: :roll:

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK2VEL »

Maybe they have different export area model numbers? I was talking about this one, which does have the telescopic antenna.

I missed one at an auction a few years ago. looks like a cute little set for casual operating.

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4APG »

Think I still have a 502 in the garage somewhere. Worked my first 10 or a dozen countries(including first US state) with it feeding a h.b. 20 watt amp out of Roger Harrison's magazine article. Oh dear does that date me?
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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK2ZRH »

Sure does ! :lol:

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4APG »

Thanks , Roger. Is there no end to answers to rhetorical questions? :cry:
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Re: Boosting activity in the Pacific - some suggestions

Post by VK4CZ »

Eeeek.... do you have to be an old timer to have had an IC-502. :shock:

I worked KH6 using mine with the whip and on batteries standing on the verandah of the farm house in QG61 two cycles ago (late 80s)..... I then had an IC-505 (which I took to YJ8 in 1990) so much more modern with a digital read-out!

I must have been 5 years old back then :lol:
Scott VK4CZ
Clear Mountain QG62lp

Re: Pacific

Post by vk3six »

When it does come are you prepared?
Yesterday there was some CW suddenly on 110 calling CQ.
Weak as water and I got a 3 and a D maybe a 2.
Keyer would not work in new rig, produced garbage when plugged in and I found I needed stereo plug not mono and some memory configuration.
0404 CQ Call by dx.
0408 Called qrz the 3D2 on SSB mani time up to 0411.
0411 CQ DX de /??3 DX
3 DX

Thats it.
I suspect T31DX bored with RTTY on 080 went to 6M for a brief time before tearing down the gear and getting on the ship.
And so it goes.
Wont know for weeks until he gets home to JA.
Not that it matters it wont happen again.
I dont know what you all think the dx will be like when it comes in.
Dont be fooled by this no CW rhetoric.
JA8BMN running T31DX is a seasons old timer with high CW skills.
If you dont know cw you will miss some good dx.
Going back on SSB was a waste of time.

By the time I ripped all the leads out of my newer radio and hooked up the TS690S it was all over, he flicked the switch back to HF and closed down.

I guess how you view working DX depends on your point of view.

IMO there is NO NEXT TIME and I can cite quite a few examples of missing a never to be repeated QSO.

T31/KH1 last time on was VK9NS/NL and very few worked it on 6M.

This time we did not know T31DX even had 6M and he was there all last week when the band was open and no one including me thought to get him to look on 6M.

yesterday when asked he said he had no time meaning I am about to catch a boat.

In this case the fat lady sang.. :roll:

But it shows that when things are hoppin dont get locked into rag chewing interstate.

How many of you even realized that the path extened out 5000 k yesterday?
Or that 2M as open to ZL?

Last time it opened to ZL from VK2 in 1998 we worked FO5DR in December on the 8th to be exact at 0430

Paul A35RK will be up as AH8 today and that was last worked from VK in DEC 1997.

I often just listen like I did in 1991 when a similar cq call came on 110 from 9Q5EE for the 1st recorded long path from VK.
That time I had a morse key plugged in that would work.
This time had not even thought about why a Yaesu radio would even consider using a stereo plug.


A bad mistake on my part.

How many countries do you think are available on 6M out there in the Pacific at this point in time?

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