I dont belive this.....

General discussion - When it doesn't fit anywhere else
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I dont belive this.....

Post by VK7HDX »

Last night I was listening on 80m, when I heard 2 VK's having a QSO about things in general when all of a sudden I heard someone whistle over the top of one of the VK3 stations. To start I thought it was just someone tuning up but it went on and on. And then the verbal abuse started and I mean it was BAD and very offensive, But the 2 stations just kept going (thur the QRM) and didn't let on. So anyway they said there 73 and went QRT. Then I moved up to 3.600MHz and 2 other VK5 station where having a QSO about antennas (as U do) when it started again but this time one of the stations made the mistake of saying something about the abuse and that just added fuel to the fire and it just got more intense the noises. I couldn't belive I was on Amateur band listening to this, mind you this is not the first time i have heard odd non-amateur attudes on 80m. I felt sorry for the "F" call station who was not getting thru on his QRP radio chatting to a VK5 station. I could hear the more experance operators not even letting on that there was a problem.
Hopeful this will go away (QRM) off 80 and back to you know where...

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