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Back-ordering Eltek controller?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:27 am
by G4XAT
I've had a good run on eBay (selling surplus 'bargains') and have amassed myself funds that allow me to treat myself to one of the touch-screen controllers for a Flatpack 2HE.
Any way I can get on a waiting list? I've a brand new unit all ready and several amp designs it will run for me.
Gareth G4XAT

Re: Back-ordering Eltek controller?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 1:09 pm
Thank you for your interest.
I get email queries about this every week.

I'm sorry, but experience has taught me not maintain a waiting list for anything!
It becomes extra work maintaining that, contacting others, and with too little time available.

I did maintain a list for the IC-910 MultiSend kit years ago, and it was proven there was a high percentage of time wasting tyre kickers out there who were not serious to begin with.

I only build up 5 at a time due to not wanting a lot of $$$ tied up in touch screens just sitting around.
When I have one kit left in stock, that is the trigger point to buy in 5 more screens.

Keep watching the store.
More Eltek Controller kits will be added soon, as I am assembling some right now. :thumbup: