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Apple Mac Pro Supply?

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 6:17 pm
G'Day To All,

In the household we have a number of Apple Mac Pro's and as we all know, the Power Supply leads fail after a period of time. This has resulted in me purchasing Power Supplies from eBay and as we also know, they are crap when it comes to EMC.

Up until now I have been winding the leads around a toroid core, but loose precious length with the lead.

Strangely enough, it's only these Apple clones that are causing problems. All other small Switch Mode supplies are surprisingly clean.

I now wonder if I was to purchase genuine Apple Supplies, would the problem go away - seeing as they would be more of a high quality supply (assumed).

For the Apple owners, has anyone gone down this road before?


Re: Apple Mac Pro Supply?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:02 am
by ZL3RC
Hi Pete,
Been supporting Mac product in my day job for years and I think the answer to your question is Yes.
But you'd need to get a boxed genuine Apple one.
I had a problem here where I had wide band noise in a direction that was normally very quiet on 2m. After doing some DF work I discovered the problem was a "look a like" Apple iPhone charger. This thing radiated noise to my QTH at S5-6 from about 400-500m away! It looked like the genuine one but a close look at the label soon showed the difference. Ive seen them with no label at all but this one had a very convincing label so be careful.

Roger ZL3RC

Re: Apple Mac Pro Supply?

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 7:24 pm
Hey Roger,

How are you on a very cold night. I think it's about 12C at the moment, it's pretty cold :D :D :D

Yea, that sounds very muck like what's going on here as well.
Even looking close-up with all the labelling and tags they have, one would assume it's the real deal.

I have a FT817 here, so what I will do is take it into the Apple Store here and ask them to plug one of their's in and see how the 817 sounds.

I will bring the results back here for others to view as well.

Take it easy Roger.
