"But the best would have to be 11,462 Km UN3GX MN83je decoded by
VK3WE QF32se at -18dB rx only on 50.313."
Like Alice and the mad hatter I dived in to investigate. Low and behold it was one
Russian called Bauer A. Tulepov aka UN3GX aka UN3G aka UL7GBD aka RX7GBD
aka RA0GD aka RL7GD. Operating with the United Nations in Kazakhstan illegally.
From Igors feedback to me it makes all those naughty boy UA0's scattered close
along the chinese border and Sakhalin running QRP into JA land 50.313 in the
same boat.
Cheers Peter, VK6KXW
................................................snip ........................................................................
On 12/06/2019 5:14 pm, Игорь Ч wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> It can be illegal operation as there were notes in Russian forum made
by UN operators that 6m band is not allocated for amateur radio use
in Kazakhstan.
> Anyway distance is great for this band.
> 73 Igor