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23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:12 pm
by VK4CZ
Welcome to the December 23-on-23.
Santa at Radio.jpg
Since it's just a couple of days before the fat, red suited nordic fella arrives [sorry if this description offends or resembles someone you know], this months 23-on-23 might have to be a night time event even though it falls on a weekend!

So Sunday December 23rd is the next scheduled 23-on-23 - providing another opportunity to activate your 1,296MHz and other uWave home or portable station capabilities.

Activity could be conducted as follows :om: :
Start time: 10:00z / 8:00pm AEST / 9:00pm ADST
QRG: 1,296.100MHz

Digital and 2,403MHz
Start time: 11:00z / 9:00pm AEST
23cm QRG: 1,296.225MHz (Mode JT65)
13cm QRG: 2,403.100MHz USB

These events are designed to develop the level of activity on 23cm and above amateur bands.

Please do not hesitate to share with others who you know have capability and see if we can continue to grow the numbers of participating stations.

Activity is not limited to stations within SE VK4, and the growing contingent from VK2. Everyone is very welcome to participate. Please share and promote on other forums and FB pages.

As is often proven, if the participating stations are unaware of your operation, there is a high likelihood that you won’t be worked. [Quite simple and very logical really :wink: !] Please take a moment to share advice of your participation here, and on the night log into on the evening and the ‘23&Above’ iChat page, so that attention to 'exploiting' the path can be achieved.

Even though it's a weekend, I may not be available due to the street X-Mas party being held on my driveway. But my ‘good fortune’ :silent: shouldn’t impact others from participating… so get on and activate 23cm and 13cm!

Good luck to everyone.

de VK4CZ

Re: 23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:14 am
unfortunately I won't be participating in tonight's 23 on 23. I'm not even remotely organised to go portable for this one. I have had too much on my plate in the past few days and have the first of the Christmas visitors arriving this afternoon. All the best for those who do get on air all the best for the festive season. Hope to catch you all on uWaves again next year.


Re: 23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:18 pm
I can be on but the morning rush is the primary working opportunity.
Buninyong was loud this morning so will check tonight and hooe a few come on.
Still vk7 beacon only, vk5=2 qsos vk3 about five.

Re: 23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:21 pm
I will be on 1296.1 at 8pm in Sydney. 250w to a 41 el DL6WU yagi and or 2.1m dish

Re: 23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:03 am
by VK4CZ
Summary of activity.... probably expected due to closeness to X-Mas and higher priorities than being on radio being attended to.
23-on-23 20181223.jpg

Re: 23 on 23: Sunday December 23rd 2018

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:52 pm
by VK7HH
We have a 23cm QSO party every Sunday after the WIA/VK7 news broadcast. We have quite a number of stations active on air now.

Perhaps we should start to look at a 23 on 23 type arrangement too where we can encourage some to get out portable, try new modes etc.