Why it's sometimes worth staying until the end
A box of hamfest freebies
A box of hamfest freebies
Peter VK3YE http://www.vk3ye.com
NEW FOR 2019! Illustrated International Ham Radio Dictionary. 200 page Kindle ebook. $AU $5.99. Get yours at http://home.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/dictionary.htm
Peter VK3YE http://www.vk3ye.com
NEW FOR 2019! Illustrated International Ham Radio Dictionary. 200 page Kindle ebook. $AU $5.99. Get yours at http://home.alphalink.com.au/~parkerp/dictionary.htm
Re: A box of hamfest freebies
The relays would be good value at least, aerial changeovers and the like.
Some good finds there.
Some good finds there.
Re: A box of hamfest freebies
You definitely can make some good finds at the later stages of hamfests, rummaging through boxes beneath a table uncovered a couple of working transistor radios recently. They were $2 or $3 each. Component cabinets can be great buys and usually contain all sorts of potential treasure