Cavity Back Dish feeds for 3.4 GHz

23cm, 2.4/3.4/5.7/10/24/47 GHz and above - antennas, propagation, operating, etc. Includes Optical communications, with light,
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Cavity Back Dish feeds for 3.4 GHz

Post by ZL1SWW »

Hi All,
I found a posting on the VK logger about cavity back dish feeds by Andy VK3ES. I am looking to streamline my contest station a bit and have been using a deepish dish with a loop feed but with the radome etc, makes for quite a heavy and bulky dish. It was an Ericsson 60 cm dish from a minilink system.
I have an old C series dish that is lighter and would like to have a system where I can screw on a dish feed with an N connector at the dish centre. I do this on 5.7 GHz with good success. Means everything can pack down flat in the car relatively nicely. 7 microwave bands in the car gets a bit tight!

Had a bit of a google around with little success. Hoping that someone knows the link to the construction details especially for 3.4 GHz.

Any info gratefully accepted.

73, Simon
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Re: Cavity Back Dish feeds for 3.4 GHz

Post by VK3ALB »

VK3ES Cavity Backed Dipole Dimensions 9cm.pdf
(83.54 KiB) Downloaded 319 times
VK3ES Cavity Backed Dipole Dimensions 13cm.pdf
(83.51 KiB) Downloaded 297 times
VK3ES Cavity Backed Dipole Dimensions 23cm.pdf
(21.71 KiB) Downloaded 358 times
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: Cavity Back Dish feeds for 3.4 GHz

Post by ZL1SWW »

Thanks Lou,
Most appreciated. Looks like some others wanted it too judging by the download count.

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Re: Cavity Back Dish feeds for 3.4 GHz

Post by VK2ZIW »

How can we make the feed a crossed dipoles arrangement for circular polarization?

My thought, loop dipoles formed with 1/4" hard line or coax loli-pop style. Feed opposite the stem.
Cavity will have to be supported by non metallic something.

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