Primary allocation of the band 50-54 MHz to the Amateur Service in Region 1
The World Radiocommunication Conference (Geneva, 2015),
a) that fully or partially harmonized worldwide bands for radiocommunciation services are desirable in order to achieve international operability and the benefits of economies of scale;
b) that there is a need to establish sharing conditions, when considering frequency bands for possible additional allocations to any service;
c) that the use of the frequency band 47-68 MHz by the broadcasting service has decreased significantly;
a) that the frequency band 50-54 MHz is mostly allocated to the amateur service on a primary basis in Region 2 and Region 3;
b) that No. 5.169 of the Radio Regulations provides for an alternative allocation to the amateur service on a primary basis in a number of countries in Region 1;
c) that No. 5.162A of the Radio Regulations provides for an additional allocation to the radiolocation service on a secondary basis in a number of countries, limited to the operation of wind profiler radars in accordance with Resolution 217 (WRC-97);
d) that the frequency band 47–68 MHz, or part of it, is allocated to the mobile service on a primary basis in a number of countries in Region 1,
resolves to invite ITU-R
1 to study spectrum requirements in Region 1 for the amateur service in the frequency band 50-54 MHz
2 to study sharing between the amateur service and the mobile and fixed services, the radiolocation service and the broadcasting service, taking into account the results of the studies under resolves 1 above;
resolves to invite WRC-19 to consider the results of the above studies and take appropriate actions.
There are also calls to include the amateur satellite service in this allocation, said to be useful for low-power Cubesats.
See: http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2015/o ... jV6FyuYJ3p
Posted in the interests of sharing the news.