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PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:05 am
by VK3YT
Hi all,

FYI, PS-34 is in the air. Unplanned last minute release.

Solar powered party balloon, 10mW TX
APRS on 145.175Mhz
Olivia 8/250 with RSID on 434.649Mhz USB (Dial frequency)

Tracking as PS-34 on SNUS
and VK3YT-11 on APRS.FI!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a ... &tail=3600



Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:27 am
hi all..

OK there a test in this one......

Gives me time to get some shopping down before it gets up this way......

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:08 am
by VK3BQ
Tracking well on Olivia north of melbourne

$$PS-34,56,22:01:11,-36.8131,145.3655,7575,75.64,4,3,4,4183,1029 1101*7838


Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:21 pm
Hi Andy, I just decoded it as

VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1:!/_^[(sPOCO etc etc

and my mountaintop fill-in 1-1 digi wont repeat it to our local igate which is vk2asy

what do i have to change in the configuration of the vk2jds-1 digi to make it repeat the balloon transmission?
its good to see i am decoding them
73 dave

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:46 pm
by VK3YT
VK2JDS wrote:Hi Andy, I just decoded it as

VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1:!/_^[(sPOCO etc etc

and my mountaintop fill-in 1-1 digi wont repeat it to our local igate which is vk2asy

what do i have to change in the configuration of the vk2jds-1 digi to make it repeat the balloon transmission?
its good to see i am decoding them
73 dave
Hi Dave,
The balloon uses compressed APRS format, so maybe that is what you need to enable?
The path is WIDE2-1.

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:17 pm
Ok, thanks, but jds-1 is set as a 1-1 digi. how do i get it to digipeat the balloon ?

also no packets have gone into the local gate via me or the vk2rao digi, or even directly into the gate itself, although its signal is there and decodes at my place ...

its been suggested i set the alias on the tinytrak4 to wide1 and wide2 on vk2jds-1 that might fix it ?

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:43 pm
I must be losing my touch with APRS.
Looking at the raw packets I'm trying to work out what's going on here.
There's a clear half hour delay with packets coming via VK2RBX-1 and VK3WRM-1
It appears that VK2RBX-1 is functioning correctly, so I suspect there is something wrong with VK3WRM's settings.
Is anybody able to give him a heads up?

2015-02-15 11:30:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`;f?sCF2O%S!/A=030291|56,11,3,6,1,1225,4268,0101
2015-02-15 11:30:02 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`Kx%s?{_O%S!/A=030176|50,8,3,6,5,1263,4260,1101 [Rate limited (< 5 sec)]
2015-02-15 11:35:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`8z"sD!LO%T!/A=030321|57,11,3,6,1,1263,4268,0101
2015-02-15 11:35:38 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`I5\s@QDO%S!/A=030242|51,12,3,6,4,1114,4268,010d [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 11:40:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`6/qsDWfO%T!/A=030330|58,11,3,6,3,1227,4268,0101
2015-02-15 11:40:01 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`FV$sA)GO%S!/A=030327|52,13,3,6,6,1176,4276,1101 [Rate limited (< 5 sec)]
2015-02-15 11:45:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`32KsE6\O%T!/A=030340|59,11,3,6,4,1197,4260,1101
2015-02-15 11:45:02 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`Cz7sA[yO%S!/A=030216|53,13,3,6,1,1149,4280,1101 [Rate limited (< 5 sec)]
2015-02-15 11:50:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`0D`sEnXO&T!/A=030271|60,11,3,6,1,1137,4260,0101
2015-02-15 11:55:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`-^ysFJgO&T!/A=030262|61,11,3,6,0,1241,4268,0101
2015-02-15 11:55:03 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`A3nsB5FO%S!/A=030258|54,13,3,6,2,1248,4276,1101 [Rate limited (< 5 sec)]
2015-02-15 12:00:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`*`6sG--O&T!/A=030350|62,11,3,6,0,1261,4260,1101
2015-02-15 12:02:34 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`>H.sBkLO&S!/A=030285|55,12,3,6,2,1252,4268,0101 [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 12:03:17 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`;f?sCF2O%S!/A=030291|56,11,3,6,1,1225,4268,0101 [Duplicate position packet]
2015-02-15 12:05:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`'h-sGh8O&T!/A=030209|63,11,3,6,1,1231,4260,0101 [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 12:05:03 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`8z"sD!LO%T!/A=030321|57,11,3,6,1,1263,4268,0101 [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 12:10:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`$s3sHILO&T!/A=030248|64,11,3,6,0,1108,4260,1101
2015-02-15 12:15:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/`!zqsI*TO&T!/A=030239|65,11,3,6,0,1176,4268,0101
2015-02-15 12:16:05 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAS,VK2KAW:!/`!zqsI*TO&T!/A=030239|65,11,3,6,0,1176,4268,0101
2015-02-15 12:18:30 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`6/qsDWfO%T!/A=030330|58,11,3,6,3,1227,4268,0101 [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 12:19:58 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RBX-1*,WIDE2*,qAR,VK3WRM-1:!/`32KsE6\O%T!/A=030340|59,11,3,6,4,1197,4260,1101 [Duplicate position packet]
2015-02-15 12:20:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/_yycsIhBO&T!/A=030353|66,9,3,6,1,1224,4268,1102 [Location changes too fast (adaptive limit)]
2015-02-15 12:20:44 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,VK2RWG-1,WIDE2*,qAS,VK2KAW:!/_yycsIhBO&T!/A=030353|66,9,3,6,1,1224,4268,1102
2015-02-15 12:25:00 EST: VK3YT-11>APZ269,WIDE2-1,qAR,VK2XSE-1:!/_w.>sJGLO&T!/A=030275|67,10,3,6,-2,1139,4268,1101

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:02 pm
by VK3YT
VK2JDS wrote:Ok, thanks, but jds-1 is set as a 1-1 digi. how do i get it to digipeat the balloon ?

also no packets have gone into the local gate via me or the vk2rao digi, or even directly into the gate itself, although its signal is there and decodes at my place ...

its been suggested i set the alias on the tinytrak4 to wide1 and wide2 on vk2jds-1 that might fix it ?
Opps I misread your initial post :)
I assume the digipeater is setup as a fill-in and only responses to WIDE1-1 path?
Not sure how you can change this behaviour without reconfiguring the digipeater.


Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:34 pm
by VK4KL
Whats the software to use to decode this? Looks lime 3-4 hours it should be on my horizon


Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:37 pm
No worries Andy, its now configured as alias1 wide1 , and alias2 wide2
i have been up and down off the mountain several times today with laptop , radios and cabling to fix it.
so far no problems on the local network, i have consulted with the gate operator Kim vk2asy, so its all set and should digipeat your next fly by :)
btw, the DR135 alinco got replaced by a ic22s and it decoded your balloon well. the alinco was finicky about only decoding packets with exactly the right deviation, whereas the 22s decodes everything
73 Dave

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:49 pm
by VK3YT
VK4KL wrote:Whats the software to use to decode this? Looks lime 3-4 hours it should be on my horizon

dl-fldigi Adrian, details in email.
I should make this part of some instructions

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:28 pm
by VK4KL
Did not manage to decode anything must be something not quite right my end. All I got was garbage on screen

Will investigate when I feel better


Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:22 pm
by VK3YT
Updated prediction
Might just be within range of ZL1 stations tomorrow morning

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:54 am
Hi all...

I see the Balloon has made it to NZ and flying past doing about 201km/h

Next stop South America...

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 9:12 am
by VK3YT
Yes PS-34 made a fly-by passing Northern Coast of New Zealand this morning.
Updated prediction:

Re: PICO balloon APRS Olivia MEL-NSW-QLD

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:45 am
Hi all...

moment of truth for the Balloon this evening...

It should be within range of Sth America by around 5pm , over land by about 11pm....based on predictions a bit of give and take on the times..