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WSPR Observation after X Flare 22.10.14

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:24 am
A few stations monitoring WSPR activites at the time of the X Flare this week, noticed that a very interesting freq shift occurred only minuets after the flare started, which was at 1402 utc on 22.10.14.

Firstly a screen shot from KB9AMG, time periods 1404 and 1406 utc marked -
KB9AMG X Flare obs 28 MHz
KB9AMG X Flare obs 28 MHz
Some screens from Jorgen OZ7IT -
OZ7IT 10 MHz
OZ7IT 10 MHz
OZ7IT numerous other HF bands
OZ7IT numerous other HF bands

Re: WSPR Observation after X Flare 22.10.14

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:49 am
by VK1JA
Very interesting Leigh, considering the freq shift was only over a 1-2min period it was lucky to get a handful of screen shots from various stations showing the effect.

A lot must happen in our atmosphere during a flare !

Re: WSPR Observation after X Flare 22.10.14

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:49 am
very cool.

what that must mean is the reflective layer at that frequency is changing height, quite significantly, to create a doppler shift in frequency. As the frequency shifts upwards the reflective layer is being pushed closer to the ground - this is either the actual particles being moved physically closer or a deeper layer of air responding to incoming x-rays. Then when the frequency drops below normal the layer is rebounding.

On a non-technical level it may be like a water balloon being slapped by somebody's hand. Could be all sorts of ripples propagating through the ionosphere for a long way that aren't immediately obvious to us.

This video is a good visualisation on what's happening around earth:

my favourite view is the ENLIL prediction