EMDRC Hamfest online survey.

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EMDRC Hamfest online survey.

Post by VK3ZFS »

Great Hamfest less than good parking, do the survey maybe feedback can improve parking ??


here are some comments, maybe need to take note of feedback ??
An example of an answer already provided to the survey:
10 . Please provide any additional feedback that would improve the EMDRC Hamfest for 2015:
Please ban cameras at the hamfest, for security reasons.
Parking near the current venue is woeful. There are always clashes with other events in the area eg, the tennis courts.
The club should expand the scope of catering to consider generous allowances for various cultures, such as providing a Halal menu.
It would also help to have a venue with better ventilation as many of the visitors seem to think that showering on a Sunday is optional.

Re: EMDRC Hamfest online survey.

Post by VK4BLP »

VK3ZFS wrote: An example of an answer already provided to the survey:
10 . Please provide any additional feedback that would improve the EMDRC Hamfest for 2015:
Please ban cameras at the hamfest, for security reasons.
Interesting comment..... what's such a security issue of people having cameras at a hamfest ?

Going to be a bit of a problem stopping people from bringing in their smartphones, as they have cameras in them.

I'm only going to say that special dietary requirements are the sole responsibility of the individual that requires them, not a club like EMDRC to specially cater for.

Re: EMDRC Hamfest online survey.

Post by VK3ER »

why do people visit hamfests

some results
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