The wind and bright lights in the sky

630m (472 kHz) - 10 m (29 MHz) antennas, propagation, operating, etc
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The wind and bright lights in the sky

Post by VK4BXI »

Hi to the group,

I want to get some feedback and insight from the group about my ideas for placement of my next antenna.

Its going to be a Hexbeam (I like them) I have a double story house and want to put it on the top of the house in the middle of the roof with the top of the beam 3.5 metres above the highest point. So far so good.

now it comes to the mounting of the beam and rotating it and earthing it !

My thought process so far is to put the rotator and support under the tiles. Then use a fibre glass/ epoxy pole to the beam so as not to encourage the "bright lights" to get into the house. The coax for the feed to the beam would be 1/2" hard line and run down the roof to the ground and earthed there.

Coming from the Highveld in South Africa where the air is 20% thinner and the lightning is very bad. I would like to know what experience folks have had in the Brisbane area as to lightning strikes on equipment ?. I have also heard that there have been some bad winds in the area. so how strong am I going to have to make my fibre glass pole section ?

Regards Bob
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