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Google maps gone

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:39 pm
by VK3LU
Anyone having problems with Google maps?
On my three browsers,IE, Firefox and Chrome all I get is a beige screen where the maps should be. The same on two laptops. All PCs are running Win7.
On an old XP machine with IE it works. The Google maps that appears is an old version with the toolbar along the top.

Any clues


Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:29 pm
All good here... I would flush your browser caches out and see if that helps?

The thing that's strange though, is all your machines doing that. I wonder if it's the firewall in your wireless router playing up? Have you tried rebooting the router?

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:49 pm
Working fine here too on Internode network.

Not for this, but here's a good site to check miscellaneous web site connectivity issues.

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:40 am
Nev, VK3LU, You may have installed something that's common to your Win-7 machines, but not installed on Win-XP.

You might also check the hosts.[nul] file for any entries where your Win-7 machines are being denied access to Google's map servers, and is redirecting those calls to your local machine, thus blocking any applications requiring those URL's.

Using Notepad [run as Administrator], navigate to:

Blocking websites using the Windows hosts file - Google Search: ... hosts+file

Cheers & 73, Danny VK6DVR

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:23 am
by VK3LU
Thanks all,
Rob, it's not the wireless router as the XP machine uses that too.
Danny, the hosts file is OK.
It must be something that was installed in an update recently but it is a mystery.
I tried going back in time with different restore points but that was no good. Even going back two months.
IE on the Win7 machines shows maps partially, that is, blocks are missing and it is always the same ones!
I tried uninstalling Firefox and re-installing but that didn't work either.
I will try the site that VK3FABS suggested and see what it has to say.

A work in progress!


EDIT I have also run Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security Essentials...nothing found.
EDIT EDIT I installed Opera... still NBG

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:08 am
by VK3LU
I've solved the problem...sort of.
I used the option of switching back to classic google maps and lo and works again!
Why is it so? (as Julius Sumner Miller said)
I have not a clue...compatibility issues perhaps. I will leave it in too hard basket for the moment until I have more time to research it.

Thanks all for your input


Re: Google maps gone - try: CCleaner

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:21 pm
Hi Nev (& everyone reading this),
If you haven't done so already, I recommend everyone to go download then install CCleaner:
Hint: Set the option to run when Windows starts to clean your machine each day.
Cheers & 73, Danny VK6DVR

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:59 pm
by VK5PJ
you may want to check the version of JAVA you have installed and on the PC's that are having problems, trial setting the java security slider to be the lowest level (Medium I think). [Control Panel / Programs / Java]

Java can impact on lots of browser functionality and would be the same across all browsers on a PC.

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:59 am
by VK3LU
I'll try that when I get a moment. It is strange that all three machines went wrong at the same time.
Must have been an update of some kind, probably microsoft.


EDIT...I couldn't find the slider in Java you mentioned.

Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:59 pm
by VK5PJ
Okay Nev,
it depends on which version f JAVA is on the PC as to whether there is a slide or not.
VK3LU wrote:EDIT...I couldn't find the slider in Java you mentioned.
It might be a wild goose chase but try going to (select the "Do I have JAVA" link) and it should with a bit of luck tell you the version of JAVA you have. I would hazard a guess you may want to update the JAVA on your PC's if they are not at least "Java 7 u25" (mine is Java 7 U65)

This might help fix your Google Maps issue as the maps function uses many java applets to give it the zoom pan and other features.


Re: Google maps gone

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:20 pm
by VK3LU
I downloaded the latest Java and set the slider to medium but to no avail.
I will stick with the old maps for the moment.
