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VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 12:09 pm
by VK3ER

EMDRC is once again offering to assist the VK3 Microwave community in running a Spring Test and Tune day in preparation for the vhf/uhf field day's 2014

The club rooms and club facilities will once again be made available and we are interested in expanding this year's event to allow some tuning and optimisation, we are working on having a selection of test equipment available, and some experts :) on hand to assist in getting the best from your gear, fixing up those issues and just providing some general advice on how to have it perform at its best.

The day is also perfect for those interested in higher bands, but not sure where or how to start, with lots of gear/ideas and people to talk with and see how its done.

All the typical microwave bands are expected to be going, a chance to dust off the gear and get it going for the summer portable activity.

As usual, the BBQ will be running for lunch, cold drinks in the fridge, maybe even a raffle! With the event starting in the morning ~9am and extending through the day as long as is needed.

We would love some feedback from interested people to help choose a day that will allow as many interested parties to attend as possible, it would be great if people could help by voting for a day that they feel would be best suited, The current preferred day is Sunday ~9th November, this is 2 weeks before spring field day, but the final date will be decided by the masses.

It would also be great to see by reply any interest in the event, of course we would only open the club rooms and offer to host such a day if their was interest.

More details will be provided as we get closer to the event. Initially, we need to agree on a day!. (advertised early to generate discussion at Gippstech)

The EMDRC club room is located at the Milpara Scout group hall, 13A McCubbin St Burwood. You can find it on Melways reference map 61-E7. Entry to the hall is via the driveway from McCubbin St. Look for the Green Letter Box, the drive is next to it. There is parking available both in front and around the scout hall.


Thanks Andrew vk3bq on Behalf of the EMDRC Committee VK3ER.

Some photos and videos from 2013 event ... -day-2013/

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 5:20 pm
by VK3ER

As per the discussion and promotion from
Gippstech. We plan for Sunday 9th November from 9am.

People were keen to try 3.4Ghz. But it's your day. So. Please discuss below. Thanks.

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:53 pm
by VK3ER
Only 3 months until the vk3 test and tune day. Who is going to attend.

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:11 pm
by VK3ER
Only a couple of weeks before the VK3 microwave test and tune morning.

who will be attending

its your chance to show off that 3.4Ghz gear, see interesting equipment, learn how to get on the micowave bands and get assistance from "ham microwave experts" in the community.

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:22 pm
VK3ER wrote:Who is going to attend.
Not one answer in two months?
I guess interwebs is far too scary.


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:44 am
by VK3ER
From the WIA weekly broadcast Sunday.

only 3 weeks until the 3rd annual VK3 UHF / SHF
Microwave test and tune morning, Sunday 9th November from 9am at the
EMDRC clubrooms in Burwood make it a plan to be there.

Bring your microwave band equipment along for a test and tune morning, or
come along and see what it takes to start out on the higher bands. We plan
to test some 3.4Ghz gear but all bands and equipment is keenly welcomed, we
will have a test bench and some “higher band experts” on hand to assist with
troubleshooting. even if you have never dipped a toe in the microwave water,
come and have a look.

The BBQ will be going for lunch as well. See you there, everyone welcome!
head to for more details.

(Andrew VK3BQ for EMDRC Committee)

So. Who's coming? Is anyone from the microwave community interested. Are people Keen to use this 3.4ghz band?


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:59 pm
I'll beg for permission and see if I can make it.

I'm working on a 2.4 transverter, it's conceivable it will be at the point where testing is needed. I was going to start investigating signal sources to peak the rx & tx filters so this may end up being well timed. It's a bit of a long shot to get it working together with an decent antenna for the spring field day but will give it a shot.

Andrew VK3JBL

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:41 am
by VK3ER
Next Sunday morning the 9th of November from 9am, VK3 microwave operators and people interested in higher frequency operation will gather at the Eastern and Mountain District clubrooms in Burwood to tinker, play, demonstrate, optimise and explore the higher frequency bands, as a warm up for the upcoming Spring VHF/UHF Field day contest.

Lots of people will be on hand with experience on microwave bands and methods required to get onto these higher bands. we will have a test bench setup with some gear to help troubleshoot that piece of equipment, Come along and show off some of your own microwave gear, bring along an item to test or operate, or, just come along and have a look at an interest aspect of the hobby, and see whats required to start out on these higher frequency bands. We aim to have some testing and operation on the 3.4Ghz band, but any higher frequency gear is welcome and stations will be set up and in operation from 1.2Ghz to 47Ghz and beyond! The BBQ will be going for a sausage lunch, the drinks fridge will be primed, and Everyone is welcome.

for more information head to the EMDRC club’s website see you there.

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:17 am
by VK3ER
Sunday morning the 9th November. EMDRC Burwood will again open its Clubrooms from 9am for all and everyone interested in the higher bands for their 3rd annual microwave test and tune day

Http:// has address details

We will have a test bench with some gear and some help available for troubleshooting that "challenge". The emdrc Clubrooms facilities will be made available to the microwave community on the day.

Gear can be set up outside for some testing and operation. Dust off the gear after winter hibernation and get it ready for the upcoming spring vhf/UHF field day

We hope to see lots of people with 3.4Ghz gear, given the recent concerns of this band, this is your chance to get that gear going. And show how active a band it is. We expect gear from 1.2Ghz to 47Ghz and beyond.

If you don't have gear, but are interested in the higher bands, come along and see how it's done, see how others solve higher band challenges and just come and say hello.

And the BBQ for lunch will be running.

Everyone is welcome. The event is free. , the event is being offered to help the UHF/vhf/microwave people in Melbourne and Victoria . It's your event..

Hope to see lots of people attend,

Thanks emdrc

Some photos from 2013 event to give you an idea at ... -day-2013/

Andrew Scott
VK-VHF mailing list

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:24 pm
I look forward to the EMDRC test day and will be bringing 3.4G and 5.7G equipment.

Ian Mc - VK3AXH

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:13 am
Gained permission only to discover immediately after that I have to travel to vk6 this weekend so won't be able to make it after all. :-(

Andrew VK3JBL

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:44 pm
by VK3ER
Sundays weather looks great

Sunday 9 November
Min 13
Max 23
Partly cloudy.
Melbourne area
Partly cloudy. Winds generally southerly 15 to 25 km/h.

this event is for the vhf/uhf microwave community of vk3. with emdrc offering their clubroom's and club facilities and providing a free bbq lunch for the days events. it gives vhf/uhf operators the opportunity to test and demonstrate their equipment, get it ready for the coming spring field days while meeting with peers and with a wider vk3 ham community, it offers hams who are unsure of the higher bands an opportunity to come along and meet active operators and see what's required to get onto the higher bands. For people just starting out to meet and ask questions of existing operators. It gives the microwave community an opportunity to share knowledge and demonstrate how much activity and interest their is on these higher bands. So, microwave operators and people interested, see you Sunday. its your day.


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:14 am
by VK3BQ



A small crowd so far. Everyone welcome.

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:41 am
by VK3BQ


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:29 am
by VK3BQ
Free lunch. Image

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:01 pm
Congratulations again to EMDRC for another great opportunity to test and display a variety of microwave equipment from 1296MHz through to 47GHz. As always it's the chance to not only give your own gear a run but to see how others do things which gives us idea's on how to improve our own individual setups. Let's hope the weather in 2 weeks time will be good enough to allow us to have fun from a variety
of sites around the country.

Great job EMDRC.... I'm an avid supporter.


Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:54 pm
by VK3ER
A much smaller event this year, not sure why, maybe another club can run it in 2015? maybe their just inst enough interest or activity?? does anyone want to take it over?

anyway, those who attended had a good day, and were able to introduce a number of new people interested in microwave gear to the hobby. (education and encouragement) we even had one travel a LONG way on a train to try and learn, not much microwave activity in his rural victorian town.

thanks to those who made the effort, who were keen to display and test their gear and help promote microwave activity in vk3.

some pics from the day ... 095531164/

Re: VK3 Microwave Test and Tune Day Spring 2014 9th November

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:22 pm
by VK3PY
VK3ER Wrote:
A much smaller event this year, not sure why, maybe another club can run it in 2015? maybe their just inst enough interest or activity?? does anyone want to take it over?
FWIW, I'd suggest that any one such event shouldn't be taken as being indicative of interest in general. I think you guys offer a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in microwaves, and especially those who have constructed gear and want a "health check". Then there are those who might be circling at the periphery, thinking about getting involved, but need some direction. I understand that your club members give up their time etc. to make this event happen, but don't chuck it in just yet.

Perhaps the event's proximity to the Spring FD is a problem. At first blush it appears to be an obvious choice of date, but when you think about it, anyone who has assembled microwave equipment in the hope of using it in the spring FD would probably have got it functional earlier in the year. Organising such an event within weeks of the spring FD leaves precious little time for any resulting bugs to be ironed out. Then there are the other considerations as we approach the year's end ("She who must be obeyed").

A secondary aspect is the opportunity for exchanging practical ideas. I know this, and so do you guys, but I wonder if this aspect might need to be promoted? I'm thinking of my own experience through the winter "down time" this year, trying to find a solution to a 2.4/3.4 GHz dual-band feed. I could have saved a couple of months of chasing shadows had I taken the opportunity of kicking the topic around with more knowledgeable individuals who've gone down a similar path. Eventually I arrived at a neat solution. Maybe this event presents the opportunity to share it.
