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VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:09 pm
Could anyone please advise of what is happening with the VK6RMS 2m repeater from Mt Saddleback in WA ?

Last I heard it was off air, is this still the case?

If so are there plans to bring it back into service? What is the issue causing it to be offline?

Reason I ask is because this is the only VK6 repeater I've ever been able to work from here. Myself and Brian (now VK5BC) always give it a shot when the conditions look good to the west. :mrgreen:

Re: VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:19 pm
by VK6LD
Hi Leigh,

The repeater has been repaired and was being bench tested. I believe there is also a 70cm link for WIA News & APRS digipeater also to go in at the site. I understand the APRS is right to go, but not sure about the 70cm link or its antenna.

Mt Saddleback is located on part of a large bauxite mine site and there are a large number of safety requirements to comply with before being allowed on site. Every person has to complete a safety induction which I recall is only valid for 12 months. From memory, inductions and site access is only on weekdays & during normal business hours. Everyone must also wear full working safety attire, including hi-vis shirts, hard hats, steel cap boots, etc, etc. the other requirement I know of is the vehicle must be mine site spec with the high mount lights/signals, flashing lights, high mount flag, rollover protection, etc. The vehicle will have to be hired from a commercial hire place for the day or 2 at some expense to the club.

For all the above reasons it does take some time to line up all the ducks and ensure that everything can be done in a single visit, otherwise it does put a hole in the club finances.

Hope this helps.



Re: VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:24 pm
Hi Rob!

Thanks for the info.

Could you perhaps put another post up when it gets back on air ?

Thanks again.

Re: VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:57 pm
Just an update to this thread Leigh. I drove near VK6RMS area today and it is obviously still off air. Tried to access but nothing there.

On another matter. Don't know if it has been mentioned anywhere but the Mt Barker VK6RST 2 metre and 70cm beacons seem to be sick. Within sight of the tower (unless they have been relocated for maintenance ) and the beacons were barely audible whereas usually from the same spot they are usually pinging the S meter FSD. I was wondering if my rig had gone deaf but the FM repeater was strong and the Perth beacons as I passed through Perth were strong and well audible. Definately something not the same at Mt Barker.

Re: VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:18 am
Any further updates regarding VK6RMS ?? :?:

Re: VK6RMS 2m Repeater Status

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:30 pm
by VK6LD
G'day Leigh,

I believe Bob VK6ZGN is lending a hand to getting the equipment running, but no ETA on returning it to service.

Unlikely it will be back in service this summer tropo season.

