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WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:55 am
Hi all,
Time I spoke out...
WSJT and WSJT-X on Linux use non standard sound sampling rates, such as 12000 and 11025 b/s.
(48000 / 4 and 44100 / 4)
Very few sound cards have drivers with these rates.

Not one USB sound card, I know of, offers these rates, so, how do I use a laptop?

Yesterday, I downloaded, via SVN, the latest, compiled it, all works. WSJT-X v1.3 r3777
CAT control is included. An "other" band for 23cm is there, all good BUT, it finds only one sound card:
2 [AudioPCI ]: ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI
Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1371 at 0xcc00, irq 17

In WSJT-X is shown as: alsa_input.hw_AudioPCI_0

Has anyone else had these blues?

I have a Linux box running 24x7 and want it to do digital modes!!!!

Alan VK2ZIW :(

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:40 am
by VK3HZ
I'm interested in embedded implementation of WSPR / WSJT, but not a Linux "guru" by far.
However, does ALSA provide a possible solution:
It seems to provide sample rate conversion.


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:04 am
Hi all...

looking around on the net....there seems to be a Linux guru right here, but not on this forum so you may have to try get his current email address or someone may know him....or know of him....

Hamish Moffat VK3SB

copied from Linuxham yahoo group..

Some modern sound cards do not support sample rate 11025 requested by WSJT . If you have such card you will receive errors during direct access try. If so use the clue suggested by Hamish Moffatt VK3SB:

1. Create in your home folder empty hidden file with name:

2. Copy in it the following code: {
type hw
card 0
device 0
pcm_slave.radioslave {
pcm radio
rate 48000
pcm.radioconv {
type rate
slave radioslave

3. Use appropriate Audio Device number for device called "radioconv".


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:10 pm
Please DON'T submit a solution until YOU have tested it. Yes, you.

Reason: WSJT-X Ver 1.3 uses PulseAudio sound devices. ".asoundrc" has no effect.

80 when 1/2 wave rectification is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:08 pm
To Dave VK3HZ

Yes, it would be fun to balloon with a Pi onboard and running WSJT-X or WSPR etc..
I've found an "armhf" WSJT and WSJT-X Ver 1.1 on the net for the Pi.
The SD card in my Pi has gone corrupt.A Kingston 8Gb SDC4/8GB 31311-001.A00LF so, can't test yet.

The WSJT-X team, (WSJT-X is to replace WSJT) need a Linux programmer capable of fixing this issue.

The statement, up the page "Some cards don't support 11025" is baloney. The only samplerates you can be sure
work are 44100 and 48000 with today's cards, USB, PCI and PCI-E. So, the program (WSJT or X) needs to use these.
The Behringer UCA202 I mention is the 1st USB sound device, developed by Burr Brown, a division of TI, ancient.
It is available on eBay today, I bought four.
But, it supports 11025 (WSJT) but not 12000 that WSJT-X needs. See the hassle, so I bought other USB cards:
C-Media CM108 (good for PCRepeater), Creative expensive and cheap, Ultra cheap Tend.
I want it working, but again, I'm NOT a Linux audio programmer guru.
Rather than write here, I should 'have a go'.
WSJT uses samplerate 11025 so use ".asoundrc" fix, unless your card does support 11025. eg. Behringer UCA202
WSJT-X up to Ver 1.1 all need the ".asoundrc" fix unless your card does support 12000
WSJT-X Ver 1.3 uses PulseAudio, so the samplerate issue is fixed. But, you need a Linux with Qt5.


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:15 pm
Hi all.

As your talking to me....its not my was a suggestion to try....

As you don't want any suggestions.....I will not say the suggestion I was going to say...I try not to be rude on forums...


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:08 pm
Sorry John VK2FAK, your solution is not relevant for the version of software, WSJT-X Ver 1.3.


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:06 pm
Well, on Fedora 19 x86_64, WSJT-X "Configuration" "Ausio In: and Audio Out: come from PulseAudio.
So, by default (NOT MY CONFIG) ALL cards belong to PulseAudio. This is CRAP as PulseAudio is defective.
PulseAudio does not route audio, it, I have found, sends to all
This is WHY I allow PulseAudio to use ONE card only, so System Sounds and Web Browser sounds go ONE PLACE ONLY,
NOT and definitely NOT the Radio interface.
I will try out PulseAudio on Fedora 19 here and report here later.

Please WSJT-X programmers, think again, go back to PortAudio => ALSA. And document.

Alan VK2ZIW Caught, again, by MY own smartness.

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues VMware ESXi

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:51 pm
Another note: VMware server aka ESXi 5 does not support streaming audio to USB sound cards, so,
my brilliant idea of using several virtual machines one for each of my 3 radios, will not work.
Somehow I need the audio streamed over TCP/IP.

Has anybody any thoughts?


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:11 pm
by VK4TI
VK2ZIW wrote:Hi all,
Time I spoke out...
WSJT and WSJT-X on Linux use non standard sound sampling rates, such as 12000 and 11025 b/s.
(48000 / 4 and 44100 / 4)
Very few sound cards have drivers with these rates.

Not one USB sound card, I know of, offers these rates, so, how do I use a laptop?

Yesterday, I downloaded, via SVN, the latest, compiled it, all works. WSJT-X v1.3 r3777
CAT control is included. An "other" band for 23cm is there, all good BUT, it finds only one sound card:
2 [AudioPCI ]: ENS1371 - Ensoniq AudioPCI
Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1371 at 0xcc00, irq 17

In WSJT-X is shown as: alsa_input.hw_AudioPCI_0

Has anyone else had these blues?

I have a Linux box running 24x7 and want it to do digital modes!!!!

Alan VK2ZIW :(
I run a dell on Mepis
find a card to run on your linux and get it working (usually not hard) then do you update get etc

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 1:57 pm
Thanks George M1GEO,

Can I ask you to include the versions of all software in your discussion, eg. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x86_64
and, "svn -r3829 co svn://". This makes WSJT-X v1.3, r3777 by K1JT
so we know what versions you are using.

Also, in your "Running WSPR-X" section, please open the Setup => Configuration page and show the
sound devices it finds on your system.
Please mention YOUR audio hardware.

======== Important Notes ==================
WSJT-X Ver 1.3 audio devices come from PulseAudio, as found by your desktop "Sound Settings"..
So, you must be running PulseAudio (which is automatic on most Linuxes).
Remember, configuration changes only take effect after program restart.

80 Alan VK2ZIW

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:35 pm
On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64, the latest WSJT-X won't compile, but packages are available of WSJTX v1.1
which has SoundCard samplerate issues. None of my cards do 12000 in this box, so use the ".asoundrc" fix.

I chose Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for it's Long Time Support. WSJT-X v1.3 needs Qt5, so back to WSJT-X Ver 1.1.

80 Alan VK2ZIW

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:16 pm
WSJT-X v1.3, r3777 on Fedota 19 x86_64
Issue1: CAT control of my IC-910H can't reliably switch bands and set the frequency.
Issue2: CAT control can read the dialed frequency but TX from "TUNE" doesn't work.
Issue3: RX audio doesn't always work. Also, desktop Sound Settings crashes when you try and
monitor the RX audio device. (Use it's level meter)

Solution: for TX use DTR.

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:51 pm
Using DTR for TX keying

Well, that doesn't work either. The port "/dev/ttyS0" is open, but nothing happens.

Sending from another terminal: user$ date > /dev/ttyS0 turns DTR on as expected.
Do then: user$ stty 0 < /dev/ttyS0 turns DTR off.

So, there is still some coding to do.


Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:47 pm
Using DTR or RTS on Linux with WSJT-X v1.3 r3777 downloaded today.

In "rigclass.cpp" is the function:
int Rig::setPTT(ptt_t ptt, vfo_t vfo)

Which should do all this stuff. As I see it, it doesn't.
There is nothing for DTR or RTS mode not using "hamlib" in "not WIN32".

I'm not a c++ programmer, but I can see "nothing happening" in the code.

Any help much appreciated. -- Alan VK2ZIW

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:23 pm
WSJT-X Ver 1.3 r3777 on Linux only looks for ttyUSB0, ignores pull-down list in Configuration.
Change "getfile.cpp" from line 177 to look like this. Now ttyS0 (motherboard COM1 port) is supported.

if(*nopen==0) {
fd=open("/dev/ttyUSB0",O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if(fd<0) {
fd=open("/dev/ttyS0",O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if(fd<0) {
return -1;

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 7:27 am
I just use an old ACER laptop with inbuilt hardware and two leads
I don't use any other electronics
same with RMV old ACER laptop using Linux and two lead dongle from OK

PTT is RTS line and audio in out
No issues no hum

But I found audio interrupted on WSPR-X so used WSPR V2 only less graphics and crap
no breakup
WSJT should use same sound interfacing

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:14 pm
More Linux blues... Fedora 20 Desktop x86_64 fresh install.

";asoundrc" is ignored so WSJT effectively won't work.

Funnily, Fedora 18 x86_64 upgraded to 20 with "fedup" does use your "~/.asoundrc"


Can anybody help with this ";asoundrc" bug?

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:08 am
by VK1WJ
Here is my 2c from

I use Mageia 4 the 32 bit version. I have an integrated sound system: ‎82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller
Module snd_intel8x0 is required to run all WSJT programs without exception. MCC insisted that I use snd_hda_intel, and would not let me define a sound driver of my choice. The latter had to be done by editing /etc/modprobe.conf as follows:

alias sound-slot-0 snd_intel8x0

The package for LINUX is a DEBIAN package, I have it installed under Mageia as follows:

Download from the Debian version wsjtx_1.1.r3496.1-1~jtn~precise_i386.deb.
Convert it to an rpm with alien -r wsjtx_1.1.r3496.1-1~jtn~precise_i386.deb giving you wsjtx-1.1.r3496.1-2.i386.rpm
Apply the rpm


1. wsjt-x does not honour the /dev/ttySx for PTT. Therefore use either digital vox with your transceiver or use an interface utilising digital vox. In both cases set PTT=VOX and PTT port=NONE in Setup.
2. Pulseaudio MUST be used. If it is not enabled no audio is received.
3. The windows version cannot be run under wine (aborts without pulseaudio with protection exception and "cannot start portaudio" when pulseaudio is used).

Hope that helps somebody. It worked for me.

73: Waldis, VK1WJ.

Re: WSJT-X on Linux, Sound card issues

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:41 pm
Fall 2014, Both WSPR and WSJT now use Python 3 and the Imaging Library "pillow".
Ver 2.6.1 of pillow, crashes when a waterfall is drawn.
Downgrade: pip3 install -I pillow==2.5.3