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Info wanted on multi band vertical

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:03 am
Hoxin HF-5DX Multi-band Vertical HF or Hokushin HS-HF-5 not sure on the spelling but both will get some sort or result from google

Im after a Instruction manual or a photo mainly to cover the radials and how to attach the (trap/counterpoise) with the radials to the main antenna

any help would be great


Andy Kay

Re: Info wanted on multi band vertical

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:22 am
by VK4TS
Attached is Manual for antenna -

Re: Info wanted on multi band vertical

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:16 pm
Thanks Trent

I found that one too it does not cover the mounting of the counterpoise to the main antenna though I think this is something someone has put together

Re: Info wanted on multi band vertical

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:17 pm
by VK4TS
Hi Andy,

As a minimum rather than one wire per band you are best to install 2 per band - the radials need to be attached to the bracket that has the U- Bolts on it - there should be a terminal of sorts. If not you can get away with the U Bolts nuts themselves -

Radials can be buried or raised - some speculate that raised radials do not require as many as ground mounted - However with extensive testing on 80M I have found that Ground mounted radials (for DX) out perform raised radials. However for Intra VK just have one or two radials on 80 and 40 - increased numbers on 15 and 10 M

Given the F call power levels the chance of working international DX is limited on the Low Bands BUT you can be very loud on 80/40 locally by having a high angle radiated signal - this occurs when you have fewer rather than more Radials -

Good luck with the installation.