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ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:20 pm
ZL National VHF FD starts Saturday afternoon.
Hours Sat 1700 to 2300 local time (0400 to1000 UTC)
Resumes Sunday 0700 to 1300 (1800 to 0000 UTC)
All Bands 50MHz and up.
All Kiwis will have access to the whole 6m band. Contest ops are requested to to use 50.150MHz and upwards and qsy up for the contact
Each hour is a new contest period
Rules here: ... and-above/
Contest Logs to:

Terry ZL4TAE/ZL4XX and operating ZL4AA (Dunedin Club) for the contest

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:21 am
by ZL3RC
Looking forward to the weekend. Im going to be up on the port hills with a good view south and north so should be fun.

Will have 6m 2m 432Mhz and 1296Mhz.

Like the new call Terry :D


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:25 am
by ZL1RQ
Dont forget to turn your beams north and look for me from Niue, commence operations Sat pm for 10 days, call E6RQ


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:43 pm
Gee. Distance-based scoring. How about that :mrgreen:

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:51 pm
Hi Terry.
I will be on from home on 6m through to 23cm.Just put 23cm loop yagi back up this week.

Hope the weather is kind to you on Sunday.Saturday looks to be good for us all.

73 Ross

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:19 am
by ZL1RS
ZL4TAE wrote:... Contest ops are requested to to use 50.150MHz and upwards and qsy up for the contact ...
Forgive me if I made a wrong interpretation of your comment Terry, but the new Clause 15 in the rules indicates that there is no "requested" about it ...
VHF-UHF-SHF-EHF Contest Rules - With Effect from November 2013 wrote:CLAUSE 15. 6 metre band operation: No contest operation is allowed below 50.150 MHz".
I understand the contest organisers will be taking this clause seriously, and that even the practice of contest stations calling CQ below 50.150 (e.g. on 50.110) and moving stations above for the contest exchange is regarded as "contest operation" and therefore contrary to Clause 15. It will be interesting to see if any contest stations will be foolish enough to risk their contest entry on that point ... not to mention the inevitable vilification of other 6m operators if they do it anyway.

I'll be on from home with 6m and 2m at least, and possibly also on 70cm and 23cm to give out a few numbers and send in a check log. Field stations are welcome to e-mail if you want to try JT65 or FSK441 meteor scatter contest QSOs on 6m or 2m (zl1rs_at_yahoo_d0t_com). Using the full contest exchange according to Clause 9 will not be easy on those modes, so a little coordination before hand may be useful ... however, the distance points scoring makes it interesting/worth a try, and it is always a bit of fun :D


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:58 am
Thanks for your input Bob
I was in need off a good snooze and didnt dig into the rules as you have done
Hope we catch you all on the air

Terry T

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:11 am
What about stations that don't submit a log. If they call on 110 are they at risk of causing havoc for the operators that will be submitting a log ? Better clear this one up before the contest.
Im not in it for the 59xxx.


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:46 pm
by ZL1RS
ZL2WHO wrote:What about stations that don't submit a log. If they call on 110 are they at risk of causing havoc for the operators that will be submitting a log ? Better clear this one up before the contest.
Im not in it for the 59xxx.

No, not at all.

To my way of thinking the key words in Clause 15 of the rules are "contest operation" ... if contesters are below 50.150 (e.g. on 50.110) asking stations to QSY above 50.150 then making a contest exchange, then that is plainly part of their "contest operation" which is contrary to Clause 15.

If someone like yourself or myself who are out for a bit of fun, hears that the 6m band is open and works a few DX contacts below 50.150 (no contest numbers exchanged, therefore not in the contest log) all is well and good. That is not "contest operation".

The idea and consensus for implementing Clause 15 was to avoid having contests stations endlessly calling on 50.110 which is not the gentleman's agreement/accepted use/band plan allocation (in some countries) of 50.110. Such abuse of 6m convention/goodwill will just make a lot of people very unhappy (having their sleep disturbed while listening to hiss on 50.110 :lol: ). The Aussies implemented a similar rule into their VHF contests for good reasons, and the ZL VHF Contest administrators have done the same thing here.

Also keep in mind that 50.110 is the International DX calling frequency and that contest operation is largely going to be local QSOs. We wouldn't answer a ZL station on 50.110 anyway as they are not International DX, so contest stations calling CQ on 50.110 simply makes no sense in terms of contest operation.

There is nothing in the rules about soliciting contacts via the Internet or other means, and that will surely be a very effective tool for contest stations e.g. posting on the VKLogger's "6m" and "2m & above" pages like "ZL1AA looking for contest contacts on 50.160" ... or even calling people on the mobile phone!

That's my 2c worth. In the end the contest administrators (Auckland VHF Group) will have the last say, and Clause 16 will apply 8)


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:17 pm
by VK4TI
ZL2WHO wrote:What about stations that don't submit a log. If they call on 110 are they at risk of causing havoc for the operators that will be submitting a log ? Better clear this one up before the contest.
Im not in it for the 59xxx.

It's reasonable to suggest anyone screaming contest on .110 might be "told"??

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:21 pm
by ZL3MF
ZL1RS wrote:
ZL2WHO wrote:What about stations that don't submit a log. If they call on 110 are they at risk of causing havoc for the operators that will be submitting a log ? Better clear this one up before the contest.
Im not in it for the 59xxx.

No, not at all.

To my way of thinking the key words in Clause 15 of the rules are "contest operation" ... if contesters are below 50.150 (e.g. on 50.110) asking stations to QSY above 50.150 then making a contest exchange, then that is plainly part of their "contest operation" which is contrary to Clause 15.

If someone like yourself or myself who are out for a bit of fun, hears that the 6m band is open and works a few DX contacts below 50.150 (no contest numbers exchanged, therefore not in the contest log) all is well and good. That is not "contest operation".

The idea and consensus for implementing Clause 15 was to avoid having contests stations endlessly calling on 50.110 which is not the gentleman's agreement/accepted use/band plan allocation (in some countries) of 50.110. Such abuse of 6m convention/goodwill will just make a lot of people very unhappy (having their sleep disturbed while listening to hiss on 50.110 :lol: ). The Aussies implemented a similar rule into their VHF contests for good reasons, and the ZL VHF Contest administrators have done the same thing here.

Also keep in mind that 50.110 is the International DX calling frequency and that contest operation is largely going to be local QSOs. We wouldn't answer a ZL station on 50.110 anyway as they are not International DX, so contest stations calling CQ on 50.110 simply makes no sense in terms of contest operation.

There is nothing in the rules about soliciting contacts via the Internet or other means, and that will surely be a very effective tool for contest stations e.g. posting on the flogger's "6m" and "2m & above" pages like "ZL1AA looking for contest contacts on 50.160" ... or even calling people on the mobile phone!

That's my 2c worth. In the end the contest administrators (Auckland VHF Group) will have the last say, and Clause 16 will apply 8)

So lets take this scenario Roger ZL3THQ (sorry Roger using you as an example) is up on the port hills as a contest station and whilst tuning around hears an exotic station on say 50.110 or 50.1 CW ....excited (as we all would be) calls and asks him to QSY to 50.150 and quickly exchanges contest numbers (remember no one outside ZL particularly Northern Hemisphere will know there is a ZL VHF field day contest let alone know to listen above 50.150)
So if I have this right when Roger hands in his log that contact will be a no goer is that correct??
If that IS the case to be honest it is the biggest load of bollocks I have ever heard....

My 10c

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:53 pm
by ZL1RS
I guess it depends on one's spirit as a ZL VHF+ Contest participant Mike, it is doubtful that anyone would begrudge Roger that contest QSO in those circumstances.

The context of what I wrote about Clause 15 was to do with the reasons laid out in the third paragraph. This was discussed on ZLVHFCONTEST, and from what I recall of the discussion most agreed with the principle of "6m contest operation only above 50.150" and the reasons for it. Only one one person passed a contrary comment ... words to the effect "what, no contest CQing on 50.110?" Going by the tone of other posts from that person, perhaps this was more a case of stirring the pot, than a serious question?! The contest administrators made a decision based on the consensus of the majority of comments to add the new clause.

Being realistic, there will surely be a few anonymous cries of "please QSY to 160" or such being made on 50.110 if 6m is open tomorrow evening and Sunday morning! :wink:


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:26 pm
by ZL3RC
So contest rules are made from the discussion on ZLVHFCONTEST. Thats like making laws from the discussion on Twitter.

I cant think of a better way to have some fun than with a big pileup on 50.110 opps sorry its a contest dont mess with my little listening post go away and play up the band out of my way. If you dont like contest, and I know they aren't ever ones cup of tea, stay off the band just like on HF or go up to 50.150 and have a chat there.

I just hope 6m opens wide open over the weekend and then we will see what happens.

This rule/Clause is just silly.

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

I feel better now, off to get some ant ready for the weekend.... :D :D :D


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:12 pm
Ah yes, the ZL VHF contest. Brings back memories of me, in the 1960's and early 1970's perching on various hill tops around Tauranga with the late Paul Gillett ZL1QI working plenty of 2m stations on AM, even as far away as ZL3. One year we ran a varacter multiplier from 144 to 432MHZ and the spurious output on 2m was being heard further away than the 432MHZ output! On 6m we used a carphone that we tuned by squeezing and stretching the output coil and ran modulated CW by whistling into the microphone. The gear was bloody heavy too - all valve.

Real amateur radio! :D


Wayne VK4WDM (ex ZL1TLR, ZL1AZP).

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:03 am
by ZL3MF
ZL3THQ wrote:So contest rules are made from the discussion on ZLVHFCONTEST. Thats like making laws from the discussion on Twitter.

I cant think of a better way to have some fun than with a big pileup on 50.110 opps sorry its a contest dont mess with my little listening post go away and play up the band out of my way. If you dont like contest, and I know they aren't ever ones cup of tea, stay off the band just like on HF or go up to 50.150 and have a chat there.

I just hope 6m opens wide open over the weekend and then we will see what happens.

This rule/Clause is just silly.

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

I feel better now, off to get some ant ready for the weekend.... :D :D :D

Quiet agree Roger :mrgreen: and good luck with your field day station :D Will be very interesting what you can hear!!

Mike ZL3MF

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:47 am
by ZL1RS
ZL3THQ wrote:So contest rules are made from the discussion on ZLVHFCONTEST. Thats like making laws from the discussion on Twitter.
Actually, the contest administrators sought information from several sources including ZLVHFCONTEST (106 members, mainly VHF operators from ZL with an interest in the topic), the direct opinion of several active ZL 6m operators, input from the NZART 6m Liaison Officer, and consideration of the Australian VHF contest rules. The vast majority agreed with the proposal for Clause 15.
ZL3THQ wrote:I cant think of a better way to have some fun than with a big pileup on 50.110 opps sorry its a contest dont mess with my little listening post go away and play up the band out of my way. If you dont like contest, and I know they aren't ever ones cup of tea, stay off the band just like on HF or go up to 50.150 and have a chat there.
50.110 has a widely accepted use as an international DX calling frequency. The intended meaning of this concept might be more apparent if ZL always had access to 50-51 MHz. 6m has its own set of operating protocols ... conducting a big pile up on 50.110 (at any time) is not one of them.
ZL3THQ wrote:I just hope 6m opens wide open over the weekend and then we will see what happens.

This rule/Clause is just silly.

:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Silly or not, it is now a contest rule. Last year several 6m logs were disqualified for violation of Clause 11 in the contest rules (no legitimate "50 MHz permit" as required then by the radio regulations). If 6m opens wide it will be apparent from Internet spots/comments that ZL Field Day stations are operating above 50.150, and those who are interested in "giving out numbers" will tune around accordingly.
ZL3THQ wrote:I feel better now, off to get some ant ready for the weekend.... :D :D :D

So, hope to see you on 6m in the contest ... I'll be above 50.150 because contest stations will be after legitimate contest contacts.


Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:03 am
Hi ZLs

Good idea to keep contest activity away from 50.100-50.3MHZ because there are still Asia-Pacific openings occuring, and this time last year there were some USA openings, so domestic pileups on the low end of the band from either side of the ditch is what we don't need.

If I work anything this weekend I will remind them to check above .150 for ZL contesters. I will be keeping an ear out on 2m as well. Good luck guys! :D


Wayne VK4WDM

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:14 am
by VK4BZ
Wull, luts hope we hear sum gud sugs from acruss the dutch thus weekend!

I'll be listening above 150...or I'll be beached as... :D

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:24 am
Uf ya gunna try und imitate us kiwis... its beached "az" bro.. :D
Are we all calling on 150 or just not going below it. I thought 0.200 was the call freq ??
Little point in calling if we are all using different frequencies like last year. :(

Re: ZL National VHF FD This weekend

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:48 am
by ZL3RC
So, hope to see you on 6m in the contest ... I'll be above 50.150 because contest stations will be after legitimate contest contacts.
Sorry Bob didnt expect a full detailed reply just having a rant. Ill be above .150 too so do hope we can maker a contact.

Dont know if Ill be going up the Port Hills tonight as its blowing a gale down here at present and putting up ant in that is no fun. May go up later but probably wait till the morning and get up there as early as I can. That sounds like an an early start :D

Roger ZL3THQ