Finding FK8 Operators for 2m Contacts

2m & 70cm discussion - antennas, propagation, operating, etc
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Finding FK8 Operators for 2m Contacts

Post by VK2KRR »

Last night there was probably an easy shot from many VK4 locations on 144 MHz into New Caledonia. Past couple of weeks there have also been good opportunities. But we haven't been able to find anyone to make contact with.

I was sent (from Ryan VK4/SWL1 on the World Tropo Ducting Network group) a web address for the FK8KA Website, ARANC or Association des Radio Amateurs en Nouvelle-Calédonie and its Radioclub FK8KA (ex FK8KAB).

This has some information about the repeaters, and also some email address's for operators over that way, so I got as many emails as I could and tried to get some of them on the air and find out some info about the repeaters.

I got a response from the group president, Sam FK8DD.
Sam mentions the following -

-Repeater FK8ZHB is running TX - 145.100 and RX - 145.700. I am unsure if this means YOUR radio needs to listen on 145.700 and have negative offset to TX 145.100, or if its the other way around. But try either way and you should be able to work it out. This is located at a site called "Sémaphore" which over looks Noumea. (Sam did not mention FK8ZHA repeater)

-145.600 FM is monitored and is also an Echolink that can be reached via Eric FK8HM.

I hope this is helpfull for starters, if myself or others come across some other information, please update this thread with the info.
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