2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

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2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4ADC »

Event details on the WIA web site at http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/vhfuhf/. There are some rule changes so best go read the words of wisdom eg. no EME or digital DX modes allowed..

My participation in the Winter VHF/UHF Field Day ( 22/23 June) is in doubt except for maybe a few 2M and/or 70CM contacts (if time permits) from the new QTH : QG62LG51, or while mobile. I do not really expect to have any microwave gear running for this event but one never knows - maybe the XYL will give me a few hours off.... I was looking forward to making some 5.7 and 10GHz contacts during this one but I guess I will have to wait for the Spring FD.

I have a QTH-move happening late May or early June so most of my FD gear will still be well and truly packed by this date. There will not be any permanent station or antennas set up for some time so maybe it could be classed as a portable station operation :D

P.S. Anybody like painting walls ??? There might be a 'painting bee' there before the end of the month :P
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK5ZD »

VK4ADC wrote:P.S. Anybody like painting walls ??? There might be a 'painting bee' there before the end of the month :P
There was a bloke once called Michelangelo who was fairly keen. It's said he liked to do the odd mural, but maybe that was just the renaissance version of graffiti. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Iain Crawford - VK5ZD
Munno Para West, SA - PF95ih

Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK2GOM »

I certainly plan to be out there this time. My 2/70/23 /P station is coming together. No microwaves any more. Got my 5.5m NBS telescopic mast, welded up a base mount, built a 70cm 13ele Yagi, got the 2m 7ele Yagi, got all the bits for a 23cm 38ele Yagi, bought an Anderson plugs distribution box thing from a guy in the States, so it will all be a good test run of setting three antennas up on one mast and seeing how it goes.

Looking forward to it!

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4OE »

Hi there Rob.

Do you have a plan yet as to where you will be operating? Perhaps it's only in the greater Sydney area (by that I mean the roughly triangular Newcastle-Blue Mountains-Southern Highlands region) but, for we who operate in Northern VK2/Southern VK4, it would be great to know what's possible.

Similarly, your knowing what's possible up this way is valuable information to be aware of. This Logger thread should develop more over coming weeks. It's still early days for folk to be suggesting firm plans for late next month.....

However, to that end, I have a tentative plan to be operational from the Border Ranges National Park in Northern VK2 (QG61NP). That would be on the Saturday evening and/or the Sunday morning, weather permitting, of course.

From there, apart from a close-by, not-too-thick, 'curtain' of rain forest, it's a clear shot to the South, [In fact, to access internet services from there I have to use an 800 MHz beam pointed approximately South - there are just so many strong base station signals emanating from the greater Brisbane area that the wireless modem refuses to talk to any of them - the beam is used more for its front-to-back performance!] Should be rather cool at that 1+ Km altitude at that time of the year!

Hoping to work you and as many others as possible on as many bands as possible!

--Doug Friend, VK4OE.
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4CRO »

hi . Field Dayers.
vk4wie will be operational from Brisbane valley at 600m asl , 130km from Brisbane .
on a test recently the 1296 beacon quite strong from there
We will have 10ghz 1296 2m 70cm and 6 m .
cu in June
Ron cro

Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK2GOM »

Hi Doug,

I will be up in the Kings Tablelands, on the Great Western Highway on the way to Katoomba.

Unless some spectacular propagation graces us, I'm not holding out for mega-DX, but for me it is more a case of an equipment assembly/functionality/disassembly/transport test run.

From there I can hopefully identify what improvements might be needed.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4EA »


Scoring still based on grid squares, seems like the old farts are not listening, so screw that, I is taking my bat and ball, spitting the dummy and staying home.

It may be a punitive measure, and most likely will not sway the views of the contest manager, but it will make me feel a little better.

So if you hear me on air over the weekend, do not expect me to give you a number. I will respect the contact and give you a report, just a report, not a serial.

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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4TS »

It will confirm that you were the kid in school that was never any good at sports...
Trent VK4TS
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4REX »

Going to give Howells Knob a try on Sunday morning (23 June), hopefully all bands from 2.4 to 10Ghz.
First tryout of the gear since it's all been built.
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4EA »


Absolutely correct, I'm a gumby nerd that can't kick or hit a ball. But I am well paid, highly qualified, well travelled, well informed, tolerant flexible individual, and most importantly happy nerd comfortable with my strengths and skills.

I am quite happy to participate in competitive activities, and freely admit winning is not my primary goal. To me, a radio contest is all about participation, but if the scoring system is skewed and unfair, why would I participate?

Having said that, I will participate to stimulate activity, my 'little' protest is merely about the scoring system and the seemingly inflexible attitude toward reform suggestions.
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4TS »

Thanks Peter ,


Contrary to popular opinion it was me who put together the team who did the distance based scoring proposal -I am not against changes - The proposal has been looked at in depth by the Contest Committee of the WIA and they agreed with the path that John is on

To have a different opinion is not the grounds to cast aspersions - that's why I had a dig - there are three on the contest committee under 50 and only two based in VK3 so the argument of old farts (which I find offensive we are all young at heart) and VK3 Centric doesn't cut the mustard. In fact the biggest representation is VK4 with 4 members.

We are yet to be convinced it is a truly viable alternative to the current system.

John VK3KM has shown to us that the current system is well supported.

Perhaps what is needed is an entirely different contest for DX based - Do we need a whole new VHF UHF Contest ? Maybe but who would run it ?

Of interest I joined and sort counsel from EU and USA based contesters regarding DX based scoring and it really seems apples for apples - I refer you to the Yahoo group that has promoted same in the USA and the research they did found at http://www.w9smc.com/SMC%20VHF/Distance ... t.v3.1.pdf

Please don't consider that it was rejected carte blanche as almost all of the recommendations of the VK1DA proposal have been adopted, but does the distance system really give us a better result ? Personally I don't think so - we need to be realistic as to what can be best and one shoe fits all is not the case.

VK4 is far different to VK3 and VK5 and lets not even work out why VK6 have local contests....

Personally I feel VHF/ UHF Contesting (NOT THE FIELD DAYS) needs radicalisation into a Multiplier style contest that works in the USA - Why ? Because USA Canada is the closest to our conditions - One big country (OK TWO) whereas Europe has lots of stations in lots of countries in close proximity.(and some very big hills)
But this has been tried before in the late 1990s and not found popular - Was it to early in the development of PC logging ? Distance based scoring is already used in the John Moyle and UHF activity is almost zero...

Its not the silver bullet some think it is

Hope to hear you on the bands...
Trent VK4TS
PO Box 275 Mooloolaba 4557
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4EA »


Thank you for the comprehensive reply, I'll take this to another topic so the field day discussion can continue unabated.
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4MJF »

Thanks guys it seems the discussion is still alive and well. For me Peter your wasting your time with Trent and co, not interested in these bands, we need a real lobbiest to bat for us.
John VK4MJF :J :J :J
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK2AAH »

I was tossing around getting out on the weekend with a portable tripod, VHF & UHF yagis & my radio and activate a couple of grid squares to firstly have a bit of fun & enjoy some fresh air, and secondly to give out a few numbers, but after reading this nonsense I've scrubbed this idea. Why would I go & do something for fun while others are treating it like a Jihad? I think you've lost the plot guys...


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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK3ALB »

VK2AAH wrote: Why would I go & do something for fun while others are treating it like a Jihad?

Richard, you should go because you enjoy playing radio.
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK4ADC »

VK3ALB wrote:Richard, you should go because you enjoy playing radio.
That's the reason I participate on all bands up to 10GHz in these events, this WFD excepted due to a very recent QTH shift. I am still hoping to be able to get a signal out on 6M SSB, 2M SSB & FM, ditto for 70CM, even though it will be with low gain non-rotatable antennas from the new QTH's backyard.

As for the distance versus grid discussion, I would like to see all FD logs dual-scored and the participants can then really see how the actual results compare for the two scenarios.. and I am one of those 12 persons who entered the Ross Hull this year.. and how did that happen ??? Simple, I entered my Summer FD log as the one day of Ross Hull activity.

Finally, publicising the dual-score outcomes might finally put this whole matter to bed. All it needs is those using VKCL to zip and email their actual FD log files rather than just the normal 8 or 24 hour contest summary file so that someone can do the data manipulation and production......

See you on air during the WFD on the 22nd !!!!
Doug VK4ADC, QG62lg51
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK3VB »

Where are vk3's planning on going this year? May be able together out somewhere this time
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK3BQ »

VK3YB wrote:Where are vk3's planning on going this year? May be able together out somewhere this time

I understand vk3er/p aren't keen. A bit too cold this far south! :))

wifey double booked me, ill only have fm from the car so, suspect no activity,.. :D
Last edited by VK3BQ on Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
Mount Waverley, Vic. QF22NC39XL
http://www.vk3bq.com/ <-ham blog

Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK5KC »

VK5KC and VK5NRG will be operating 6m to 23cm, near Cherry Gardens in VK5.
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Re: 2013 Winter VHF/UHF Field Day

Post by VK5KK »

Come rain, hail or hopefully shine VK5KK/P will be portable at usual winter sites

PF94 (Windy Point, Belair)
PF95 (*Coach Rd, Skye)

Schedule TBA - Bands 50 MHz - 24 GHz,

*If weather is good will venture to a more challenging PF95 site!
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