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Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:43 pm
A friend is wanting to pass the standard license exam. I have been collecting info to help him.

I was hoping to find some downloadable past exams, or sample papers. So far I've not found any. Does anyone know where I can find such a thing?

He is contacting the radio electronic school to see what they have, but the more material and practise he can get the better.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:30 pm
Amateur Radio Victoria has to trial Standard exams online here:

Best wishes to your friend.

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:34 pm
by VK4TJ
G'day, Jack:

The RES had the only sample paper that I was aware of. Haven't been able to find it since he revamped his site, but that does not mean it isn't there.
Something I find REALLY helpful with my Foundation candidates is to take the syllabus apart, line by line, and reverse-engineer each statement into a few possible exam questions. No reason it wouldn't work just as well for Standard. They told us "if it isn't in the syllabus, you cannot be examined on it".

One of my recent Advanced candidates highly recommended the written study material from I'm sure their Standard material is equally good....

John VK4TJ

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:17 pm
go to and download Hamexam v1.2 - covers advanced, standard and regulations

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:37 pm
by VK2PR
+1 for Hamexam.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:46 am
Hi Roger, John, John and Peter

Thanks for the info. I have downloaded the Hamexam program. And I have also downloaded the sylabus. Both will be very useful.

One problem is finding up to date info. EG, the sylabus requires we are able to identify others license class by their callsign. The only print out I can find so far is from pre-Foundation days and tells me about novice and intermediate licenses. No good today. The ACMA used to have this in their operating proceedures page, but not any more. It'll be out there somewhere, but I'm spending more time searching for stuff like this than I thought I would.

Another reason I'm helping (apart from that if I didnt help, I wouldnt be much of a friend) is that I have never sat an Aussie exam. I did mine in the UK and got the VK ticket by reciprocal agreement. So I thought I'd go through the motions of sitting the exam and see what the differences are between the two countries.

I'll let you know if I pass :?

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:32 am
by VK3YE
VK2AXL wrote: One problem is finding up to date info. EG, the sylabus requires we are able to identify others license class by their callsign. The only print out I can find so far is from pre-Foundation days and tells me about novice and intermediate licenses. No good today. The ACMA used to have this in their operating proceedures page, but not any more. It'll be out there somewhere, but I'm spending more time searching for stuff like this than I thought I would.
If all else fails I'm pretty sure this is in the callbook.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:44 am
Callbook! Why didn't i think of that?

I'll add it to his recommended reading list.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:59 am
One problem is finding up to date info. EG, the sylabus requires we are able to identify others license class by their callsign. The only print out I can find so far is from pre-Foundation days and tells me about novice and intermediate licenses. No good today.
check out

If you remember H L M N P V these cover all standard calls - no call starts with q and R denotes a beacon/repeater then this will cover all questions in the reg database - there does not appear to be any questions on VK$WIA-WIZ (WIA), VK$GGA-GGZ (Guides Aust), VK$SAA-SDZ (Scouts Assoc.), VK$IYA - IYZ (International years)

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:44 pm
Thats it!

Excellent John. Thanks.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:17 pm
by VK3YE
VK2AXL wrote:Callbook! Why didn't i think of that?

I'll add it to his recommended reading list.
And don't forget the excellent (but unheralded) Australian Amateur FAQ maintained by VK1DA

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:21 pm
by VK3YE
VK2FJRS wrote:If you remember H L M N P V these cover all standard calls - no call starts with q and R denotes a beacon/repeater then this will cover all questions in the reg database - there does not appear to be any questions on VK$WIA-WIZ (WIA), VK$GGA-GGZ (Guides Aust), VK$SAA-SDZ (Scouts Assoc.), VK$IYA - IYZ (International years)
Although a few oddities have snuck through. Eg VK7ROY is an individual not a repeater. And one or two VK3s got Os before most thought it was a permissible suffix. As far as I know the Q block is untouched (even though other countries eg USA use it without problems). And some beacons have legacy 'VKnVF' callsigns.

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:45 pm
by VK2RQ
When I was studying for my regs, and was trying to remember which call signs were for standard licences, I made up the sentence:
High Voltage Lines Make Perfect Nests.

The first letter of each word indicates a possible first letter in the standard licence callsign suffix.

73, Matt VK2RQ

Re: Looking for past papers

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:51 pm
by VK5IR
I was taught Harry Likes My New Panel Van. Never forgot it since the first time I heard it.