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SK: Eric Jamieson VK5LP

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:36 am
Eric conducted the VHF-UHF An Expanding World column in AR over decades.

He was awarded an OAM for his community work (IIRC).

Eric was undoubtedly a remarkable guy.

I presented a paper at the 1979 Future Amateur Communications Techniques (FACT) Symposium on "Investigations of Long-Distance VHF/UHF Amateur Contacts Across the Geomagnetic Equator".

After reviewing what had been published on 144 MHz TEP in QST and Radio Communication, I provided an analysis of the JA-VK experience, as reported in AR. I paid tribute to Eric VK5LP for the quality of his reporting. Here's what I said:

"I have completed an analysis of the 144 MHz Australia-Japan contacts for 1978 reported by Graham VK8GB and Brian VK8VV. The reports were taken from the column 'VHF-UHF An Expanding World' conduced by Eric Jamieson VK5LP in the WIA's journal 'Amateur Radio'.

"It is a tribute to the meticulous, detailed and accurate accounts that Eric gives in his column that I have been able to do a reasonable analysis and reduction of the data presented. It's a pity more column writers in this field couldn't follow his lead."

In the early 1970s, during the time I worked at IPS Radio & Space Services and we were doing some VHF propagation research, Eric's column proved a good "go-to" resource for "what happened" on the VHF bands.

In late-1971 or early-1972, Eric came to visit me at Birchgrove in Sydney and we spent some hours chewing the fat about matters VHF-UHF, and especially about the worth of beacons.

He was a staunch 6UP subscriber during the 1970s and we exchanged correspondence from time to time.

As others have noted in other forums, Eric's column was where I went first on receiving AR every month.

The history of 6m DX put together by Eric and Steve VK3OT is a unique record, unmatched anywhere.

To paraphrase a famous song: So long Eric, it's been good to know you.

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

Re: Eric Jamieson VK5LP SK

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:50 am
by VK5PO
Vale Eric. VK5LP, "the voice in the hills"

A VHF PIONEER here in Australia.

A very nice bloke too!

73 OM SK ee

Re: Eric Jamieson VK5LP SK

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:42 am
by VK5KK
Hi All

Sad news indeed, the "Voice in the Hills" who became the "Voice by the Lake" (moving from Foreston to Meningie in the 90"s) in his "VHF - UHF An Expanding World" column in Amateur Radio (1969 - 1999).

Just one part of the greater life of Eric ... a RAAF WW2 Radio technician with 2 years active duty in the Pacific theatre running HF circuits (no wonder VHF became his forte!) and later a professional technician through the introduction of B&W & Colour TV. Patron to SERG (South East Radio Group) for many years, Past President of the SA VHF Group and creator of "that" column and editor for 30 years. Eric's wrote a few columns and newsletters over his life ... his first column was a half column in the "Short Wave Listener notes" on the front page of Adelaide's "The Advertiser" Saturday edition from the age of 13(!) until the outbreak of WW2 in 1939!

The confidant of many and judge on MORE than a few cases, Eric was the consummate journalist with a precise and balanced manner that cut to the point .. witness some of his columns! Never shy to set a real challenge, most recently (2012) Eric donated funds to set up the "Eric Jamieson Indian Ocean Award" for the first 2 metre contact between Australia and the African continent (3 awards Digital, Voice and CW). VK6 now on notice!

Outside of radio, an active leader of local community. Eric was awarded an OAM in 1992. That in itself is another story. Perhaps lesser known, Eric was also prolific and respected author of numerous historical publications for groups across South Australia in his retirement.

Confined to a wheelchair for most of the last 20 years, some life gaols changed but his devotion did not. Eric's trademark "thought for the month" in his column summed up his humour about life as it was ,,, there are a few stories of partners & family reading the column just for the quote! A closely guarded secret how those quotes came about :-)

Condolences to Merna and family

David Minchin VK5KK

Re: Eric Jamieson VK5LP SK

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:35 pm
Sad to hear of Eric's passing.
I don't think I ever spoke to Eric on air or by other means, but I was well aware of his dedicated contribution to AR Magazine VHF UHF Column.
My condolences to his family & friends.