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VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:48 pm
by VK4TS
Oliver W6NV and Seppo OH1VR will be QRV Lord Howe April and will have 6M capabilities :D

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:32 am
by VK4TS
Ollie - W6NV will have Skype on his laptop to liaise 6M contacts -

Good news for everyone needing a contact..

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:27 am
Have Lord Howe and/or Norfolk ever been worked on 2m, 7Ocm or 23cm? It should be possible from southern VK4 and VK2 during summer Es. Can we encourage some ops to give it a go? :D


Wayne VK4WDM

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:19 pm
by VK3KH
Norfolk has been done on these bands in the last few years.


Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:19 am
by VK4TS

Seppo will be QRV on 6M tonight and for the next several nights will looking for VK and Pacific and South America. Seppo will be listening for KH7Y beacon CQ on 50.105 and of course CQ some ourself on 50.110. He uses VK9/OH1VR.

VK9LT will probably be on 14.002 most of the night.

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:46 am

Maybe Seppo no show on 6M cos like many of us he is sick of all the 6M bullshit this cycle..

I think this cycle has shown 6M has no credibility when it come to DXpeditions who have to spend many dollars on a trip.

Then you go to the VK9 EQSL in box and get this warning

Look in your Logbook for this QSO before confirming it! If you confirm QSOs without verifying them, you may be giving fraudulent credit for eAwards!
If this QSO is NOT in your Logbook, then please REJECT it!

A sign of the times, I am told cos some idiots tried to claim countries on 6M this cycle including qso with VK WTF?

More fool the idiots for hitting the CONFIRM GREEN TICK..

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:52 am
VK4WDM wrote:Have Lord Howe and/or Norfolk ever been worked on 2m, 7Ocm or 23cm? It should be possible from southern VK4 and VK2 during summer Es. Can we encourage some ops to give it a go? :D


Wayne VK4WDM

How about it Wayne you go OK?

Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:57 am
by VK4TS
Times have changed Steve,

Seppo may not have had the propagation gods smiling on him. That's very nice that you were fortunate to have propagation in 1990.

Ollie gave me the information I passed it on.


Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:00 am
So thats the current excuse ?

No prop?

OH1VR you will rememebr was the 1st EU to hear VK.



Re: VK9LT QRV 6M April

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:02 am
by VK4TS
That makes sense Steve.

With regards to EQsl - yes, a very big issue -

With regards to stations claiming worked by using emails to confirm contact NEVER on...even seen example of that on this Logger for a VK to EU 6M DX.

WIA Awards now accept LOTW and EQSL but only AG stations, and now has ADIF upload...

You work them on the radio otherwise it is not a valid QSO.
