VK1KW novel beacon trial

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VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

VK1KW has been running a novel beacon on 144.410 during the day. It has both a conventional 12WPM Morse ID, and a abbreviated QRSS3 (Morse with 3s dits) ID which is copyable up to 30dB lower in level than the 'high speed' Morse message. Ability to more accurately identify very weak signals can provide an 'early warning' of improved propagation, and in the absence of strong TV carriers going forward, could make almost regular beacons more useful.


In this case, the keyer (pictured above) is pretty simple. It is accurate enough in timing (within a few seconds in a month) to allow image stacking to find those really weak traces.

An animation of the 10min grabs on my grabber today is at http://youtu.be/P8jv03j3VR4.

If you would like to try decoding using Spectran, Spectrum Lab, or the like for yourself, here is an audio file of about 4min (about 7MB download): http://vk1od.net/grabber/cs09/VK1KW.wav. Set your software for QRSS3 and look in the range of 900Hz to 1100Hz.

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK3PY »

Hi Owen,

Great news on the beacon. What is its proposed operating schedule, and what are its power and antenna details? I used to be able to copy the old Canberra beacon most evenings in the "olden days" of the 1980s and early 1990s. I'll be listening for this beacon if there's any chance of it being copied down here.

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK1KW »

It goes without saying how valuable beacons are for the VHF DX hunter and in the past they have provided the evidence of very nice 2 meter openings to the West and South from my QTH. Unfortunately it has all been one way and since the demise of the original VK1 beacons, we have been reliant on everybody else's beacons and there have been none in VK1 for others to profit by. With the recognition by the local club members that we should be doing something about resurrecting the VK1 beacons, I have been running a trial CW beacon on 144.410 from my QTH in the interim under my callsign. Initially it was 10w into a large array beaming West keyed by a PC running 24/7. Not the best idea for a beacon.
I had seen the success that a prominant VK3 Ham (Barry) has had with a clover leaf antenna mobile and decided I would make one and see how it would go.
I was surprised. Much better than a turnstile, much better than a halo and the SWR was almost perfect. They are pretty easy to make with bits from the big green shed place so I have made another and stacked them on a pole just above the roof line. It was interesting to see the reports coming back. For 10w the distances were amazing being heard in Victoria and Northern NSW. The antenna article on the Big Wheel (cloverleaf) is from QST September 1961 and is available if you search the net.
Fortunately at that time I was offered the loan of a simple keyer from Owen VK1OD to try in place of the PC. Much better idea.

From end to end, the temporary VK1KW CW beacon is on 144.410Mhz at 10w from an FT-736r into two phased cloveleaf antennas just above the roof line.
The beacon is on most of the time with the exception of when I am asleep at night or doing 2 meters during the AE session in the mornings.
The CW keyer has a 2 minute cycle time which starts with QRSS3 very slow morse code on the even minute. The QRSS3 code is KW.
In the odd minute of the cycle the keyer generates my callsign in normal CW at about 12wpm.

You will see the QRSS3 "KW" on a waterfall display way before you hear the CW content depending on propagation.

Remember this beacon is a CW signal which will be on frequency (hope) when your radio CW mode is selected so tune down if in USB to get the beat note.
Good hunting and reports will be most welcome.
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

Hi Rob,
Have spectran running today listening for your beacon.

I was hearing it as I was fiddling with spectran so should have some reports and screen grabs soon :)



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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

Here's a few screen grabs showing what I'm seeing here.

The multipath AE looks cool :)


Probable AE
Probable AE
AE Multipath
AE Multipath
What I see most of the time
What I see most of the time

VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

VK2XTT wrote:Here's a few screen grabs showing what I'm seeing here.
Tim, at the time of these grabs, were you able to identify the signal by ear (ie the 12WPM Morse ID), can you identify the KW in QRSS3?

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

Hi Owen,

I can just hear it when the trace is orange/yellow and the cw is resolvable by ear. When its is the blueish colours its not audible.

I've left it running while I solder up another project and there has been some interesting traces scroll bye.

I've just switched Spectran to QRSS3 to see what it looks like there.



VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

Hi all,

QRSS3 screen grab from spectran.

KW is quite visible on the screen.


QRSS3 from Spectran
QRSS3 from Spectran

VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

VK2XTT wrote:Hi all,

QRSS3 screen grab from spectran.

KW is quite visible on the screen.


Looks like Spectum Lab but you said Spectran?

Again, could you identify that signal by ear alone... ie was the QRSS3 segment an aid / necessary to identify the signal?

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

VK1OD wrote: Looks like Spectum Lab but you said Spectran?

Again, could you identify that signal by ear alone... ie was the QRSS3 segment an aid / necessary to identify the signal?

yup my bad - I meant Spectrum Lab.

Not having a CW ear and being pretty poor at it, I can resolve the normal ident. at times, the QRSS segment.



VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK

Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2FAK »

Hi all...

Guys tell me if I am looking at the right signal here....using Argo
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

Yup that's the right signal. You can clearly see the KW in morse on your display .



VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK

Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2GOM »

I have also captured a few (AE'd) 'KW's' in Spectrum Lab.

When pointing my 7ele Yagi at VK1, my antenna points squarely at the side wall of the house next door, so I'm quite pleased to have captured this.


73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

John, Rob,

Yep, that is the signal.

Good to see... but the other thing that is interesting is whether you could have identified the signal without the QRSS3 message component. You might even call it the KEY thing, pardon the pun!

I think I know the answer, but in the interest of objectivity, I would rather hear it from observers!

Thanks for the feedback.

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2XAX »

I think the QRSS component in important whether or not you can hear it since, when using a spectrum display, it is immediately obvious what is a beacon and what is RFI.

It is an important feature for those of us who live in the middle of suburbia with a multitude of nondescript carriers all around.



VK2XAX :: QF56if23 :: BMARC :: WIA :: AMSAT-VK
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

Thanks TIm.

I thought since we have seen Spectrum Lab in several flavours, and Argo, we 'needed' Spectran... here in its QRSS3 presets:
I might prompt you all to think about Doppler, and how you can see a signal at a steady freq due to an aircraft. The signal that pops up for a little while out of the noise, and with constant freq is probably not Doppler shifted, and is a 'direct' signal rather than an aircraft reflection.


Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2GOM »

I certainly haven't heard anything through the speaker. And further to that, I haven't really even got a full callsign copy... only through seeing this discussion topic, then seeing the 'KW' in the QRSS do I know what the source is!

I am continually monitoring it at the moment, and saving screen dumps to disk to review later.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / GW0MOH
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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2OMD »

VK2GOM wrote:I certainly haven't heard anything through the speaker. And further to that, I haven't really even got a full callsign copy... only through seeing this discussion topic, then seeing the 'KW' in the QRSS do I know what the source is!
You are probably aware that beacons sometimes get 'spotted' just because a signal is heard on or about the nominal freq, ie without decoding ident. Whilst that practice might give correct results some of the time, if we all did it the spot database would be less useful.

One could insist that if you can't get Q5 copy, you cannot identify a signal... but with a bit of sleuthing it is possible to identify a signal with fairly high confidence even though it is not Q5.

An example was ZL1TPH's recordings of a few weeks ago where there was a question of whether he was hearing VK5RSE. There was little doubt in my mind as when you looked at the timing of the elements that were visible on a spectrum trace, there were limited choices of what fitted in between. For example, though I could not see all of the dits of the 5, I could see three and there was no valid character that could fit in the interval up to the visible start of the following R. Likewise around the S and E. Now that was plotting high speed CW, had VK5RSE carried a short QRSS3 segment then narrower bin settings could be used and the signal that was indistinct to the ear would have been clearer.

If you know that VK1KW's message repeats on a 2min cycle and that the QRSS3 segment occupies the even minutes with "KW", then it is most unlikely that some other signal resulted in the spectrum chart you offered.

In a wider application, if beacons included a minute or two of QRSS3 with some known and distinctive content (perhaps the last two letters of the callsign), distinctive considering the frequency, we could reasonably accurately identify signals even though they might not qualify as 'readable'.

Identifying a beacon is an important step to usefully observing it as an 'early warning' propagation indicator.

I have been constructing a suitable with 6 isolated outputs to key the various resurrected VK1 beacons, so if accepted it may provide opportunity to identify the beacons at quite low levels. Though the driver outputs are isolated, the keying is synchronised so if you hear a beacon on one band, the timing on the other bands is the same.

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Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK5PJ »

Hello Owen & Rob,
for quite a while now I have been using and watching WSPR, I have come to a few conclusions, some will poo poo me and others may agree.

WSPR is great for a semi manned station if you want to know what happened a while ago and you do not mind leaving your PC on a lot.

WSPR is not an ideal beacon mode, given the way we generaly use beacons at the moment. When I walk into the shack I check for audible beacon signals to judge band conditions for the there and now, VHF paths fade and peak sometimes over very short periods, WSPR is not much help in this respect especially where meteor or AE is apparent.

I do feel that an alternative to WSPR is needed, one that is not as timing or frequency dependant as WSPR, one that can still allow a beacon to be on its own freq and not a shared frequency. No beacon owner realy want to have a complicated collection of equipment to maintain, most beacons are lucky to get a visit once a year.

QRSS has the potential to be that beacon mode by embracing a mixture of QRSS single tone and traditional CW. I feel that the prototype beacon mode developed by Owen and put to air by Rob deserves a wide trial within VK and beyond.

Peter, vk5pj

Re: VK1KW novel beacon trial

Post by VK2FAK »

Hi all...

Ok now I have a better idea what the beacon is all about, and I will say that a few times the CW was heard here but just a bit light to be fully copyable...

Remembering I guess that most listening here may not be running any Pre-amps which would be a significant advantage...

Tomorrow I have set up Spectrum Lab's display to pretty much show only signals that fall in the audible range ( 0 to say -15db visible ), so even if I miss seeing it live, but later, I will know that the chance was very good it was audible.

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