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Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:07 pm
by VK4OE
Greetings to all.

In recent years the Brisbane VHF Group has organised a couple of successful microwave activity days. Basically, these have been on Sunday mornings for a few hours and there has been good participation by numbers of stations on various microwave bands,1296 MHz and above.

We're planning to do the same again on one Sunday in May but we want input from folk as to which date is most suitable. The Sundays to choose between are the 6th of May or the 20th of May.

The first W/E is a long weekend in Queensland, so we don't know if the 6th is or isn't a problem for local microwavers. Then there is the Mothers' Day Sunday that probably should be avoided, and the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club has their annual 'BARCFEST' on one of the other week-ends. Thus there are only two Sundays from which to make a choice.

Which date do South-East Queensland amateur microwave enthusiasts prefer?

Please reply by this medium so that everyone can see what develops.

Here's hoping for good weather (which is usually the case in May in this part of the country!)

Let's see what happens....

Doug Friend, VK4OE.
Brisbane VHF Group.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:59 pm
Hello Doug

The 6th of May is good for me

Cheers Colin QG63it

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:35 pm
by VK4UH
Hello Doug

Yes I will be active for the proposed activity day on either date

currently set up portable for
10 GHz
5 GHz

an almost ready for 2.4

Kevin VK4UH

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:32 am
GD Doug,
I'm good for either date.....
Will have 23 and 9cm......


Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:02 pm
Hi all

Sounds good to me. At this stage, most weekends in May are nominally ok for me, the BARCFEST and Mothers Day weekends excluded.

I have 1296, 2403 and 3400MHz running, although these last two are still both low power..
Let's hope that between now and then I find some time to get slightly higher output power "on line" on those bands.

Next comes the question of portable QTHs for the agreed date. Who plans to go where exactly ?? (i.e. how much effort are participants going to put into the event??)

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:02 pm
Good for both dates Doug 1296 only.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:58 pm
by VK4OX
Hello All,

Perhaps only a minor consideration for other microwavers, but I will be concentrating on the Eta Aquarids meteor shower which is maximum on 2012-05-05 and still good +/- 48 hours around that time. Shower is optimum from 9am to about 1pm which I would imagine is the same time most microwavers want to be out in the field.

2012-05-20 definately better for me.

73, Adrian. VK4OX.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:31 am
by VK4OE
Greetings again, fellows!

Well, most folk have said (on this forum or by direct e-mail) that either date is fine by them and a small majority of the remainder have preferred Sunday the 6th of May. So, weather permitting (usually good at this time of the year), that's when it will be.

Now, it seems to me, that there are two things which will be helpful to 'manage' beforehand. These are suggested operating times for different bands and, for those going portable, locations to be used.

For operating times (local time) on different bands, how does the following sit with everybody?

9:30 - 10:30 1296 MHz
10:30 - 11:30 2403 and 3400 MHz
11:30 - 12:30 all available bands.

As for possible portable locations, two stations can go to the one location, but you'll quickly find that you have to work together in a coordinated way in order to avoid intefering with each other! And there is no problem with anyone being 'creative' and choosing to go to a little-used place to try it out and/or to make different interesting QSOs for the good of all. Home based stations will enjoy having new and different directions to point!

I think that 'management' of locations relates to the likes of Mt Gravatt, Mt Coot-tha, Mt Cotton, Mt Glorious, Clear Mountain, Maleny, Springbrook, etc. What's probably best is for folk to publically state on a "first in best dressed" basis where they are going to be and then everyone else can work around the plan the will gradually be 'growing' thus.

From the experience of other local microwave activity days that we've had, liaison/talk back for establishing contacts and for knowing who is around is not something that can be 'pinned down'. Options are 144.150 MHz SSB, 146.5 MHz FM simplex, the BVHFG's 147.0 MHz FM repeater, 439 MHz FM simplex, and the iChat service related to the VK-Logger. I rather like the plan suggested by the VK3s that there be only one liaison 'channel', but that appears not to suit all folk. It's also can be exciting operating without any liaison - every successful QSO thus becoming even more satisfying, only that there'll be fewer of them.....

How do these arrangement 'look' for a first draft? What comments do any readers have on these points?

Cheers for now,

--Doug, VK4OE.

p.s. As for a location that I may use, I'll allow other folk's to state their intentions and then to fit in with those plans.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:43 pm
by VK4OE
Greetings again.

This posting relates to my earlier one where I suggested that we should each publicly state where we propose to operate in this event. I mentioned: "Mt Gravatt, Mt Coot-tha, Mt Cotton, Mt Glorious, Clear Mountain, Maleny, Springbrook, etc." and that it's probably best for folk to declare their interest in using a site on a "first in best dressed" basis.

As far as I am aware, no-one has yet made any publicised move in this regard. So I want to 'kick off' the situation by stating that I propose to go to Springbrook (near the 'Best-of-All lookout'), and that Wayne VK4WS expects to be at Howell's Knob near Maleny. As well as activating as many other bands as possible, Wayne and I want to test the 24 GHz gear that we have been using (now with increased output power) over the same distance record path that we established last year.

So where are other SEQ microwavers proposing to go portable on the 6th? Alternatively, please state if you intend to operate from your home location, and where that is.

Cheers and 73,

--Doug Friend, VK4OE.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:47 pm
by VK4OE
Greetings again to all readers.

It's Wednesday evening as I type this and the BOM forecasts "Fine, mostly sunny" for Sunday which, looking at the map, could well be true.

That means it's looking like a great weather day for being out portable with our amateur microwave gear!

I haven't noticed any further public postings relating to other stations operating on Sunday morning, other than my posting regarding Wayne '4WS and myself. I believe from some personal correspondence that several folk may be about, but other folk don't yet know about those this is a little 'nudge' towards telling SE Queensland what to expect!

Also, no-one has commented on my draft plan for use of different bands (see previous posting), so I am guessing that is the way it will now 'flow' on the day.....

Let's make Sunday morning a real buzz!

Cheers and 73 for now,

--Doug, '4OE.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:21 am
by VK4EA
I'll claim Mt Glorious on behalf of myself, Kevin VK4UH and Phil VK4IIO. We will have 23, 13, 9, 6 and 3cms. Talkback via 2m SSB or FM repeater is fine by me.

I will have the tablet with me for vklogger duties.


Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 11:09 am
I'll be off to a high spot in adjacent Algester with 1296 (20w), 2403 (low power), 3400 (low power), all SSB, and a 'loaner' from Doug VK4OE to dip my toes into 5760MHz on FM. Portable QTH is still QG62mj, just a little south west of home..

Talkback on 144.150 SSB (horizontal) and/or 146.500 simplex, 147.00 (or other) repeater is planned (vertical).

I have already 're-fitted' the FD trailer with the standard coaxes, the microwave harness and rotator cables again this morning, the mast pipes plus the 23cm yagi, the 2m yagi and a 2m/70cm whip added as well. There is just the battery box, genny, dual rotator controller and the radio gear to be added on Sunday morning.

I am hoping to do my microwave equipment checks this arvo (and/or Saturday) to make sure all is operational, XYL intervention dependent :D

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:02 pm
by VK3PY
Way down south, to Algester
Just a little south-west of home........

Sorry Doug, but I couldn't resist. I there a river a'windin'? Big nuggets maybe?


Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:07 pm

Don't know about
VK3PY wrote:Way down south, to Algester, Just a little south-west of home........
but the words alone don't mean much unless accompanied by the relevant music :lol:

No river, no nuggets, just a high-ish spot with a little better takeoff than from home at microwave frequencies.

I couldn't resist either :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 7:45 am
by VK4OE
Greetings again, fellows.

It's great that some operators/groups have posted their plans for us all to see - thanks for that!

I have received a message from the City of Brisbane Amateur Radio Society to say that they till occupy Mt Gravatt on Sunday morning from an early hour to initially work 144 MHz aircraft enhancement contacts to the South then, in the 'Activity Day' times, they will have 1296 MHz and 10368 MHz in use. Like all of us, they will be aiming to further sharpen their portable microwave operating skills!

It seems that there is no consensus on talk-back frequencies/modes/channels to use although I believe that the primary frequency will be 144.150 SSB. Others could be 146.5 MHz FM simplex, the BVHFG 147.0 MHz repeater, or the 'iChat' facility on the VK-Logger.

Should be a great morning!

--Doug, VK4OE.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:05 am

I'll have both 144.150SSB & 146.500 (or 147.000) FM running simultaneously so will keep track of both modes.


Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:30 pm
An interesting morning.
John VK4TJ and I set up at Gormans Gap QG52xi, and worked most everyone on 1296, moved to 2.4Ghz and worked pretty much the same .....
Unfortunately 3.4 Ghz we weren't so lucky...Doug VK4ADC copied us very weakly, and we did not hear anyone.. :(
Tests later that day seems to indicate the dish doesn't seem to do much..taking the feed off and using that as an antenna seemed to be just as good as the 90cm offset dish...More tests are needed......
But all in all a good time....thanks to all who took the time to head out and about.....


Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:59 pm
Hi Doug and Phil , nice chilly morning on Mt Gravatt and good to work you both
John vk4mjf and self had a good mornings entertainment .
See you both at F/Day
de CRO

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:30 pm
Today was a good day for me too. I had the first real contact on 3400.150 MHz since I built the transverter, confirmed that my gear on 2403 was working by working Doug VK4OE/P at Springbrook plus worked a number of stations around the place on 1296 SSB. I managed to work Doug on 5760 FM as well - with around 20mW into the horn antenna - and over a 75KM path length. Doug could hear me on 1296, 2403 and 3400 while I was beaming close to 180 degrees away from him so that was very satisfying.

Callsigns heard/worked on the various bands today included VK4CRO/P, VK4MJF/P, VK4EA/P, VK4UH/P, VK4IIO/P, VK4CDI/P, VK4TJ/P and VK4OE/P. There were a few others active during this event but I didn't actually log them. Liason was primarily on 146.500FM, a little on 147.000 repeater, and a little on 144.150SSB.

One effect that I initially thought may have been instability (a "buzz") inside the 2403 gear disappeared when I turned the gridpack in certain directions so I am guessing that it was actually a WLAN somewhere fairly close to me. It was the only reason I didn't make more contacts on 2403 - I just couldn't hear the stations above this QRM. The location I used is being re-developed for more housing so that is the last time at that spot and maybe the next portable QTH ( i.e. for the Winter VHF/UHF FD in June) won't have the same problem.

It was that sort of day that makes it worthwhile getting involved in microwave and has enthused me even more towards building up my own gear for both 5.7 and 10 GHz. I doubt that it will be done before the Winter FD, but maybe by the Spring FD :D

To all who participated today, thanks for making it a good event.

Re: Brisbane/SEQ Microwave Activity Day in May 2012

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:05 am
by VK4EA
I'll echo Doug (VK4ADC) sentiments. I had a great day, learnt that I have much more to learn :lol:

Started with 1296 initially with a 18 element beam, changed to the 4 element yagi fed 1.2m dish, good results. Changed the dish feed to the 2.4GHz 4 element yagi, again good results. Tried the can feed, similar results, but I'd have to say the yagi feed worked a tad better. Contacts with VK4OE/P, VK4ADC/P, VK4CRO/P, VK4TJ/P and VK4CDI/P.

Tried 3.4GHz, nothing heard from Algester or Springbrook, suspect the foliage and lack of TX power (20mW) let me down.

Then went to 10GHz and learnt my offset dish feed arrangement was woeful. Phil (VK4IIO) and Kevin (VK4UH) got great results from their Kuhne based transverters and prime focus dish.

Then onto 5.7GHz, Kev quickly established contact with Doug (OE/P) and again my woeful offset dish feed proved dreadfull. Moved the transverter to Kev's dish and feed, a bit better. The main thing that fixed it was different 10MHz source, obviously the internal 10MHz TXCO needs to be tossed over the left shoulder. We then tried Geoff's (VK4KJJ) massive 5GHz horn where he made a succesfull contact to Springbrook using my measly 20mW. It was easily the best performing 5.7Ghz component on the day.

- a dB here, a dB there make all the difference
- treat cheap eBay sourced 10MHz TXCOs with a degree of suspicion
- the elevation angle of offset dish is critical
- the mounting of feeds for offset dish is critical, mine where not aimed correctly
- I need more TX power for 3.4, 5.7 and 10GHz
- our location was less than optimal for Mt Gravatt, too much dense foliage, we observed much scattering on 2.4GHz.

Many thanks to the operators who went to the effort, especially to Doug (VK4OE) for organising the event.

Bring on the Winter FD, I expect to improve some more.
