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Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:18 am
Hi Everyone.
I have noticed small but trivial things that annoy me (and others).
1... Hearing the words "73's"

2... The other night I was on 40m (7.130 net) and this applies to other bands as well.. There was a very noisy electrical storm happening at the time and many operators were complaining about how the QRN was bad but still giving 5/9 report. I'm at a loss to understand that one. To me thats just lazy. People want a REAL reports like readability of 3 or maybe 4 due to noise on the band.

3... With all this debate about calling on 6m (whatever it is) then QSY'ing off the calling frequency so others can have a go. What about applying this to 2m SSB 144.100MHz as well. I don't care if you are just making a brief contact for a minute or two. All I want and other baby stations like to call as well and we are waiting in line to have a go. And while I have your attention what about waiting at least 20 seconds between your calling on 144.1. I think its a but rude to just call over the top like 5 seconds afterwards too. This doesn't apply to DX stations.

I'm sure there are things that don't sit right with you either.


Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:42 am
Add to that, Hams who say Hi, Hi ( laughter ), Whiskies instead of Watts, "What's your Personal ? " and can't spell Yaesu, vertical, aerial, dual, Nally, amateur..... !

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:49 am
by VK2TS
Hi Karl

Some pretty valid points:
1: The correct usage is 73 not the plural, yes that urks me too. The other one is break or breaker. I ignore anyone who says it. This is NOT CB (Thank God!)
2: Laziness is frequent with signal reports. They should be provided as heard.
3:There are lots of LIDs on all bands and we also have that same problem on 6m and 2m in Wollongong. No sooner have you placed a CQ call then someone calls half a second later. They say they cant hear you - Yeah right!!!

I just hope these other so called 6M DXers drop the dead donkey of trying to get all domestic (VK)traffic onto 50.200 as it has never and will never work. A call frequency is just that, no point having two frequencies LOL I am lucky I can in fact use dual watch on my IC7600 and listen on both but why should I. I have found that the DXers are in fact generally most of the LIDs on 6Metres. If they want to call on 50.200 good luck dudes :)

OK I have had a winge now. I feel satisfied.


Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:25 am
by VK4TS
If that's the entire list - the world is a much safer place than I thought - :lol:

73 73s so what - they are polite - live with it -

Call frequencies ? who needs them ?? Live with it, you are complaining about CB terms and want a calling frequency - try 27.355 sometimes -

Signal reports ?? QRN ?? Strength can be S9 and readability 5 when clear of QRN - so what ? live with it - it is subjective - if the person decides you are 5 and 9 with QRN thats what a subjective report with it ...

Somali pirates attacking shipping - SOPA legislation -Government Taxes - poverty - child abuse crimes - animal cruelty -

time to go for a fish and see the outside world -

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:48 am
by VK7DR
My six metre rig is tuneable. I assume others have similar functionality, even on higher VHF bands.

But I don't use six metres any more. And for the same reason, (but multiplied many times) that I don't use twenty metres.

There is life below 14mHz.

It seems to me there isn't really much point in using this place to whinge, except to troll for a bit of amusement.

(a) because it seems that no-one here is ever wrong.
(b) because talking here is not putting the message where it belongs.
(c) because Amateur Radio ought to provide so much satisfaction from what it offers the interested ham that what other people do is merely a side issue and scarcely worth the time.

My list for this coming week: build a balanced match for my new electret headset, build a tuner for my 130ft vertical (80metre half wave/160 metre 1/4 wave), pull down old inverted vee, redo the balanced line to the 160m dipole, build a better input circuit for the 4-400 amp, put in three new earths and a bus bar for the rigs, put up a 900mhz antenna for broadband, etc, etc - and do as much listening and testing and rag chewing about radio as I can.
It is a full life... whinging is mostly reserved for amusement on air.

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:26 am
People tuning up on frequency of existing QSO at full power. How lazy/inconsiderate/stupid can you be... and I hear it often.

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:11 pm
by VK4OX
All of the above AND...
Posters who use incorrect units. mHz is milliHertz. There's not much life below 0.014Hertz.

Adrian, VK4OX

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:24 pm
Hello all
The other day I was working a US amateur and someone starting to tune up on the frequency we were using. He said to me, John let's stop transmitting and allow this person to tune up - we don't want to interfere with him! I was most impressed. The down side is that it is too easy to give into RF bullies!
John D

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:24 pm
by VK2XQ
VK3ART....don't worry about your "personal" don't forget that cringe worthy old favourite "what's yah handle".

VK2MIA....How about the goofballs who tune up their radio (whistling into the mic, going "aaaaaahllllloooow") on 50.110MHz? are correct about 50.200, people stick to 50.110MHz because that's where the overseas DX turns up, not on 50.200.

I too, like everyone else (we all reach this stage of life eventually) are nearing the land of GOM (Grumpy Old men), what raises my eyebrows?:

* People who undertake a conversation on 110, get a room! They get cranky when you remind them, or when you call over their contact!

* The ones that whistle "K" at the end of their DX call, or have one of those stupid CB radio type Roger Beeps.

* People who appear on the screen as logged into I-Chat but are not actually there, last year I sent numerous messages to a station I wanted to work for a new grid square as the band was open and he was on I-Chat. No reply until 45 minutes later, "Sorry Jack, was out the back cutting the lawns" was the reply, band had dropped out by then. If I am not at the radio and watching the computer I log off, would be nice if others did same.

* Operators who I work for a new grid square and agree to swap a QSL, but never return the card despite sending a stamped self addressed envelope, or in the case of a couple of ZL's a greentsamp or two.

* Blind Calling, people reaching semi orgasmic gusto screaming a DX stations call because they have seen it posted on the logger but cannot even hear a whisper of the station concerned. Remember the old DXers adage: "If you cannot hear it, you cannot work it.".

* Big Gun DXers who "re-work" a DX station they have already contacted before (and even have a QSL card from) whilst others who need it for a new one get trampled on. Sure, re-work it if there is no one answering, but it's not good form when half the east coast is calling, many who need it for a new one!

* Computer CW sent at 100 miles an hour that no one without a computer linked to decipher it can read.

* Home made phonetic alphabet, it's hard enough sometimes in poor conditions to read the proper ITU phonetics without trying to workout some other mumbo jumbo. Then get angry because the other operator cannot work out your suffix...

Had my monies where is my change? Jack VK2XQ

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:55 pm
by VK6OX
Sheesh, 22nd January must be "Grumpynox" ....or is that "SadSackstice".

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:20 pm
VK3ART wrote:Add to that, Hams who say Hi, Hi ( laughter ), Whiskies instead of Watts, "What's your Personal ? " and can't spell Yaesu, vertical, aerial, amateur..... !
Russ, dare I add people selling "duel" band radios?

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:37 pm
Hehehe ... come on guys. The internet is no place for this kind of whinging. Take it where it belongs ... on air :D

Besides ... I'm just getting ideas for new and improved methods of rocking the boat.

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:51 am
VK5BJE wrote:The other day I was working a US amateur and someone starting to tune up on the frequency we were using. He said to me, John let's stop transmitting and allow this person to tune up - we don't want to interfere with him! I was most impressed. The down side is that it is too easy to give into RF bullies!
Well the reason is simple really, you have to allow him the opportunity to finish tuning up and call one of you so you know which callsign not to acknowledge!! :mrgreen:

I was listening on 40m the other night, 2 guys having a lengthy chat when someone starts tuning up on frequency. After a minute of complaining they start imitating this clown saying "I can do that too you know", switched to CW and sent tones to each other. Was quite funny actually, the 3rd party never came on air and probably just as well.

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:51 pm
What annoys me most is that the DX is so bad that I take time to read threads like this.

Cheers Chaps

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:58 am
VK6KDX wrote:What annoys me most is that the DX is so bad that I take time to read threads like this.

Cheers Chaps
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:48 am
by VK3ZJ
"What annoys me most is that the DX is so bad that I take time to read threads like this." True
VP6T on the air when I'm not
The worst of all my dislikes on the air :evil: " AGAIN " :evil:

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:42 pm
Well the next few days on 10m and 6m should cheer you up :D

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:19 pm
Things that annoy me....

People ignoring others because they believe a term they used may have once been popular on CB.

Breaker was a CB term. Break was always an amateur radio term. It has fallen out of favour now, likely due to its similarity to the CB term.

I mean... get over it. Its hardly like hes calling you Good Buddy!!


Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:40 pm
"Break" is a legitimate word any of the radio services I have been involved in: marine, military and amateur. It can be used correctly in two ways: 1. to signify that a station needs to break into in-progress communication in order to deliver an important message or instruction to stations already in contact. If this in an emergency situation you call "break break break." Good operators will always respond to "break" but it must only be used when absolutely needed.

The other use is when relaying to another station when "break, break, over to you + call sign" is used so signify that you have finished with the first station and are now calling the other one to relay the message.

"Breaker" is never used in proper communications.


Wayne VK4WDM

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:21 pm
by VK5IR
It annoys me when people post their DX spots on iChat rather than the logger where spots are supposed to be posted.

Am I the only one who feels this way?