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Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:51 am
by VK4OX
The 144MHz Sporadic E (Es) season had been very poor so far with only a minor opening to vk5 on 2011-12-27 for about 25 minutes for me, and the odd opening for vk2 up to north qld.

Then THE event occurred..Things looked promising from 0000z on New Year's Eve. I was copying short skip 6 metre beacons from all over the place. When this happens, the usual problem on 144MHz for me is, "Where to point the Beam?"

This year, I had bought an old Watkins Johnson vhf/uhf surveillance receiver covering 88MHz to 260MHz on one band and 230MHz to 500MHz on another. This rx has a very useful Panadaptor which can span about 3 MHz of the spectrum, +/-1.5MHz from the received centre frequency. I built an 88MHz to 260MHz Log periodic antenna.

The 88MHz to 108MHz FM band is chokka here and finding dx stations is just too much trouble so I began looking at the 112MHz-118MHz VOR beacon band.

At about 0115z I began "seeing" DPO, the Devonport VOR beacon on 116.3MHz in QE38...Then at 0128z I worked vk3py. Nothing for 20 minutes, then all hell broke loose. The Band was then open until 0539z, when the last vk5 was heard.

Summary: 32 vk3's... 8 vk5's....1 vk2 and 2 fk8's

Grids worked QF02, QF03, QF12, QF15, QF21, QF22, QF23, QF31, QF43, PF85, PF94, PF95, RG37.

Interesting VOR's heard: DPO in QE38; BOR in QF03; WJS in QF44; NAR in QF35; WG in QF34; MTP in PF95; LEC in PF99; MCO in QF42; CWS in QF21; LVG in QF32; NHL in QF03; MIA in QF15. There were probably many others but I was busy working stations. The Panadaptor proved very useful, as I could watch the display for sigs while working the dx.

My internet connection was very slow and entering qso's into vklogger was so slow, I gave up.
An unforgettable opening.

I'd be interested in others' comments regarding this opening.

HNY to all.
73, Adrian, VK4OX.

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:36 am
by VK5PJ
Adrian et all,
Walked into the shack here 03:18Z and turned the 144 rig on, even before the finger is off of the power button I can hear vk2zt calling CQ, now the TXCO takes a while to settle so I chase him up the band with one hand on the VFO while trying to give him a report and juggle the tuning as it warms up. from then on it moved to vk4 03:39 (vk4ox) or more to the point we were hearing vk2's and vk4's at the same time.

Lots of local VK5's on the band from here and we could here the vk4rtt beacon merrily keying away for quite a bit of the opening, towards the end (around 05:50Z for me) it became more a task of who haven't I worked or catching up with previous contacts to have a bit of a chat as time permitted :-)

Like Adrian, the FM band here is chock a block with local and regional FM's so a listing of aviation VOR transmitters is very handy to use on the stations wideband Rx (ICR-7100) as they each have an assigned national freq. Ask Ron 3AFW or Adrian 4OX for a copy in PDF format.


Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:14 am
by VK4FB
Happy New Year to all!!

New Years Eve 2011
It was a lot of fun, what a finish, pile ups on 2 metres.
12 VK3’s
13 VK5’s
1 VK2
No, it was not 20 metres, but it certainly felled like it.
Noticed 80+ people on the 2 metre VK LOGGER.
It went rather smooth, well done to all!!

Wouldn’t that be nice for the Summer Field Day weekend. :D

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:37 am
Watching the reports unfold on the logger and tearing my hair out because my beam was down i decided to try my repeater ant. (3el vert 2m high fed with RG58)
ended up working 31 vk3, 3 vk5,2 vk1, stations from Melbourne, Adelaide , Mildura and Canberra were copied at the same time

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:56 am
by VK3HY
Happy New Year

Lots of 144MHz QSOs ranging from Nthn NSW to Charters Towers in FNQ. This was the longest 144MHz Es opening I have experienced. I managed to add two new Grid Squares bringing my modest tally up to 52.

I reckon QSO of the day might go to Perrin VK3XPT who worked 4FNQ at Charters Towers on 144.130MHz using an FT817 and a hand held 4 element Yagi in his back yard. 5x1 reports were exchanged just before his 'Armstrong antenna mount' and FT817 battery both lost power.

73 Gavin VK3HY

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:41 am
Yes, it was great - I only worked the one station on 2m - John VK4FNQ (1582km) with 50W to a vertical in my backyard. Of course polarisation doesn't mean much during Es activity. He started out 55, but faded a bit, but I heard him later 59+.

I heard a few other VK4's (including you Adrian!) and a VK3 but was content just to listen to the unfolding chaos!

That contact goes in my log as possibly the second best Es opening for distance, the biggest one being back from the UK in the late 1980's where I worked the whole arc of Europe from E through to S over the course of a few hours, with just 2.5W from an FT290 to a 5 ele Yagi!

Es is certainly one of the most unpredictable and exciting propagation modes when it happens.

Happy New Year to all.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:39 am
HNY all......

VK3 12
VK5 5
FK8 2

other VK3 & 5's heard.
2 new grid squares.....

In amongst it all, worked JA1WQF on 1296 EME, and monitored K7XQ and VK2AMS trying to QSO.

A pretty good finale for 2011!


Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:53 am
An interesting day in this sporadic E season, indeed!

Looking at the Logger History for 2m, there were many paths around 1100-1200 km, which is relatively short. However, the shortest reported path was this one:
31-Dec-11 03:13 VK5ZK >> VK1BG in QF44MS on 144.1000 SSB 59 > PF94JL @ 931.1km 91°
Huge signals, also VK1DJA 5/9+. This is real fun.
For an Es cloud at around 100 km, the raypath elevation angle is a bit over 9 degrees!

The path midpoint - and point of Es reflection - is over northwest Victoria, 465.5 km from either station. But there's no ionosonde there to tell us more about how the contact happened.

Not to worry. Es clouds at these mid-latitudes drift in a general westerly direction at speeds ranging from 40 metres/second up to 100 metres/second [1,2].

I took a look at the Canberra ionograms for the period around 1 to 2 hours before the VK5ZK-VK1BG contact. I was looking for ionograms showing "spread Es" - an indicator of possible 'petit chordal hop propagation' beyond the 'classic MUF' - and with a top penetration frequency, ftEs, of at least 17 MHz [3], which would support 144 MHz propagation.

At 0143 UT, there it was:
Canberra ionogram 0143 UT 31Dec2011.gif
Ionograms prior to that time did not show high enough values of ftEs.

The time difference between the ionogram and the VK5ZK-VK1BG contact is 1 hour 30 minutes. Calculating the westerly drift speed of the Es cloud/patch, I get 86 metres/second - neatly within the speed range.

As the Es height was 96 km, the raypath elevation angle for each station I calculate to be 9.4 degrees, relatively high and not common. I'll save you the geometry and the arithmetic - I've set it all out in [3]. Quite a few contacts were at distances around 1900 km, with raypath elevation angles around 1.5 degrees.

The M factor was 12.2, and the MUF . . . 200 MHz !

Now all the Field Day gang needs is a 16-day planetary wave to re-create the windshears of yesterday . . . or a series of 5-day waves, or a 10-day and a 5-day . . . ANY combination of the above. I might remind readers that 13 January last year was a BIG day on 6m and 2m (of which the VK9NA DXpedition took advantage).

Posted in the interests of pure interest.

73, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

[1] From, W.R., and J.D. Whitehead 1986, “Es structure using an HF radar”, Radio Science, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp 309-312.

[2] Whitehead, J.D. 1997, “Sporadic E – A Mystery Solved?”, QST, October and November.

[3] Harrison, R. VK2ZRH 2011, "A New Model of VHF Sporadic E Propagation", viewtopic.php?f=43&t=9832

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:24 am
Now all the Field Day gang needs is a 16-day planetary wave to re-create the windshears of yesterday . . . or a series of 5-day waves, or a 10-day and a 5-day . . . ANY combination of the above.
Dear Roger, too much sciencey-gook; by now we all know that somewhere someone unidentified simply cracked the Mother Of All Liquorice Straps (MOALS) and the rest is history. For all the Es we desire on the next Field Day, all we amateurs have to do is ask everyone we bump into in the next two weeks "Do you own the MOALS? If so, please crack it. Ta." Easy-peasy.

Just after 0215z I was “encouraged” to go outside and check that the fire-pumps were working ok – so naturally I dived into the shack to grab my sunglasses (there was a lot of sun about). I noticed there were voices coming from the radio – a lot of voices – VK4-type voices. Between 0219 and 0238z I worked seven VK4s, six from QG62 and Adrian, VK4OX, in QG63. I reluctantly paused and went to play with the pumps. Returning at 0345z it was apparent that things were still running hot, but the footprint had spread a bit, and in the next 25 minutes I worked VK4UH in QG62, VK4BLK in Yeppoon (QG56), VK4FNQ in Charters Towers (QG39), VK4FPFH in Hervey Bay (QG64), and VK4VN in QG62. I left the shack again, returning just after 0500z to work Ron VK4BRG in Bundaberg.

At 0428z I noted hearing Colin VK5DK at 52 on backscatter, calling/working a VK4, who I could also hear at a similar RS (I foolishly didn’t note the call of the VK4).

John, VK4FNQ, reminded me that we last worked in 2006 – so it’s been a while since I had the luck to be home during an Es event.

In all, 13 VK4s worked, with the bonus of an addition of four new grid locators to my personal tally. I’d not worked into the Brisbane area on 2 m before. VK4FNQ was the most distant station worked, at 1917 km. The nearest was Dennis, VK4ACE, at 1321 km.

I also noted failing to complete contacts with VK4BKP, VK4VFO and VK4KR – with potentially another two new grid locators in that group.

It was really good to see so many stations calling and then immediately QSYing to a nominated frequency for completion of the contact. Frankly it made finding new stations to work a breeze – just take the VFO for a spin up and down the band! Only one of my 13 contacts was carried out on 144.100, which was always busy but was not unusable.

Moreover, it was just nice to have been home at the time of such an event – for a change!

Mmmmm - liquorice straps...

73 and HNY,


Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:08 pm
Certainly the best Es opening in my experience. The only comparable event was the Leonids Meteor Storms of around 2001(?) when I was in Sydney.

Yesterday I worked only a total of 10 VK4s, but I was actively chasing new gridsquares and passed up many contacts in squares I already have so that I could work a new one.

Stations worked:

0209 VK4OX 53 both ways on 144.175 QG63kf 1439km - As always Adrian is usually first one there during an opening.

0214 VK4MJF 59+ both ways on 144.130 QG62lm 1375km

0214 VK4KLC 59+ both ways on 144.150 QG62mj 1367km

0219 VK4ACE 59+sent 59+40rx 144.100 QG62ji 1350km

0229 VK4CDI 55 sent 59rx 144.160 QG52xh 1306km New gridsquare.

0313 VK4FMAG 41 sent 44rx 144.100 QH30ku 2094km New gridsquare and great to see a couple of F-Calls in the thick of it!

0320 VK4FNQ 55 sent 59rx 144.130 QG39ex 1994km John always seems to be there when the band is open into VK4.

0331 VK4KR 52 both ways 144.100 QG53hg 1348km New gridsquare.

0336 VK4BLK 52 sent 55rx 144.125 QG56jt 1726km

Had a break to drop my daughter back at her mother's. The band was still open when I returned:

0453 VK4FLR 57 sent 59rx 144.150 QG56jr 1717km

Ron, VK4BRG in QG65 was in here quite strongly for a short time and I missed the opportunity to grab another new square from Melbourne. I worked Ron so many times from Sydney that I was sure I'd worked him from here, but once I realised I need that square from here, he was down in the noise, occasionally peaking up to 52 for a couple of seconds, then disappearing again. Next time.....

I also missed out on VK4FPFH in QG64. A nice signal from Peter, but again I was a little slow on the uptake.

At the end of the Es event, Bob ZL3TY was working into VK3 and VK5. I could only just hear him, so unfortunately missed out on another.

The band was also wide open into VK7 and I worked joe VK7JG at 59+ both ways. Had to go then as guests were arriving for NYE celebrations.

All in all, an extraordinary day on 2m.

I also must say congrats to Andrew VK3BQ for his efforts on the vertical.

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:50 pm
by VK4HJ
Yesterdays opening was the first multi-state; country, opening I have experienced on 2M.
It was a thrilling occurence.
I worked 18 stations in VK3,starting at 01:43 .
At 02:42 Found FK8IA and FK8ET talking on fm;Had contacts
with Pascal on ssb and fm,contact with Michel on fm only.
Went and had lunch with a big smile on my face.
03:25 worked into VK1 for 1 station.
03:30 worked 3 VK5 stations.

What it taught me:-
1. Dont get too excited and not qsy off the call frequency.( I thought propogation would evaporate any second.)
2.Make sure I have a bank of memories dedicated to the space between 144.1 ---144.2 (makes it easier to do 1.above)
3.The bottom end of 2M is worth watching--It can be amazing.

Thanks to all,looking forward to next time....

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:21 pm
144 Mhz opening 31-12-2011

02.16 VK3BLD 5x9 5x9 qf22ma 1391 kms
02.17 VK3KH 5x9 5x9 qf21mt 1410 kms
02.17 VK3PY 5x8 5x9 qf21fx 1425 kms
02.18 VK3DUT 5x5 5x7 qf32vf 1248 kms
02.19 VK3YFL 5x9 5x9 qf22pf 1359 kms
02.20 VK3YCQ 5x5 5x5 qf21hv 1424 kms
02.22 VK3WRE 5x4 5x4 qf31gt 1340 kms
02.25 VK3AMZ 5x9 5x9 qf22fe 1407 kms
02.27 VK3LN 5x8 5x20/9 qf22in 1360
02.27 VK3ALB 5x4 5x9 qf21gt 1435 kms
02.32 VK3WN 5x5 5x5 qf12wj 1421 kms
02.49 VK5DK 5x8 5x8 qf02je 1629 kms
02.57 VK5ACY 5x8 5x3 pf95sb 1538 kms
03.00 VK5DK 2nd report update now 5x10/9 5x9
03.15 VK3OER 5x9 5x9 qf23bd 1344 kms
03.20 VK3ZAZ 5x7 5x7 qf12ag 1542 kms
03.20 VK3AKK 5x8 5x5 qf21et 1444 kms
03.21 VK3HZ 5x8 5x2 qf22ne 1372 kms
03.22 VK2KRR 5x10/9 5.8 qf34mr 1042 kms
03.27 VK3ZAZ 5x2 5x5 2nd contact
03.31 VK3EJ 5x9 5x9 qf24tb 1179 kms
03.38 VK3LY 5x9 5x9 qf03up 1463 kms
03.53 VK3MIR 5x9 5x9 qf15bt 1291 kms
03.59 VK5PJ 5x5 5x6 pf95pc? 1556 kms
04.39 VK5ZK 5x6 5x5 pf94jl 1629 kms
04.41 VK5NY 5.3 5x2 pf94hs 1627 kms
04.55 VK5NY 2nd report update now 5x10/9 both ways.
05.02 VK5BC/P 5x5 5x5 pf85mc?? 1741 kms. Can be corrected on grid.
05.06 VK5AKK 5x9 5x9 pf94ix 1609 kms
05.24 VK5GF 5x8 5x9 pf94hk 1644 kms
05.26 VK3MTV 5x5 5x8 qf15bt 1291 kms v/antenna
Posted for people researching propagation conditions.
Thanks to all that took part.

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:31 am
Here is an animated representation of the spots that were made on VK Logger 2m and above this day.
It's a simple animated GIF that loops. This begins at 30-DEC-2011 at 18:30 UTC (5:30am AESST) and finishes at 31-DEC-2011 12:00 UTC (11pm AESST).


Each frame is 60 minutes wide, centered on the time shown.
ie; +/- 30 minutes of the time indicated

A reminder of the colour coding:
Yellow = FM Broadcast Band & TV
Red = 2m
Blue = 70cm

Of course, only spots with grid locators can be plotted on the DX Path Map.
If spots were made without the DX's grid, then it don't appear!

It only took a few hours to cobble together. :shock:

You can copy this GIF image by right clicking on it, and do a Save Image As.

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:12 am
by VK4OX
Hello Adam,

Thank you for a wonderful depiction of the event..It was a pity that, for me, my internet connection was so slow, I only spotted two of my 43 QSO's on vklogger. I did manage to spot most of the VOR Beacons that I heard, so at least I did contribute a few Yellow lines.

Although my slow internet connection was the main reason for non spotting, the data entry system into vklogger is, in my opinion,(still) too clunky for rapid qso entry during these hot house events.

Again, please consider vk5zk's and my views on this subject expressed in a previous Forum topic....

73, Adrian. VK4OX.

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:14 am
by VK3BQ
I've never experienced an E's opening on 2M before, so was impressed with the experience.

My yagis are installed against the side of the house, so only have a small diamond x5000 at 5m, it claims 4,5dbi at 144mhz. 100w from the 9100 ,and 20m of rg213.. not that much power.

given the modest antennas, I sat back and let the bigger/stronger stations do most of the work, but picked off a handful when I could given the rapid activity.

02:06 vk4mjf 5x9 5x7 qg62mm 1377km
02:14 vk4ace 5x9 5x7 qg62ji 1342km
02:15 vk4ox 5x9 5x9 qg63kf 1431km
03:21 vk4fnq 4x1 5x5 qg39ex 1983km
04:22 vk4flr 5x7 5x8 qg56jr 1707km

at around 5pm, after a mad search in the shed for the right connectors and Ubolts, i managed to put a 9 element m2 antenna on a 5m pole, to have missed the event,


Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:08 am
by VK5BC
Hi Adam
Great to work you on 2m.
VK4GHZ wrote:Here is an animated representation of the spots that were made on VK Logger this day.
Great representation of how conditions occurred and again shows the great value of the logger and the value of spotting. I was operating from my portable location Corny Point PF85mc and the computer is separated from the rig hence did not spot a lot.

2m was open for a long time here with signals in & out from 0315z to 0515z. In total worked 17 x VK4's & 3 x VK2's. 1st contact was with Steve VK2ZT at 0320z but band was probably open earlier, I was out. My last contact was with VK4BOO at 0514z. Most of the VK4's were from QG62, 63 & 64 the exception being Errol VK4KR in QG53.

Great opening with signals varying up to S9 plus, but I have experienced openings with much stronger signals from this location.

73's & HNY to all
Corny Point PF85mc

Re: Massive 144MHz Es Opening

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:10 pm
by VK2ZT
Was a great day .
Worked 4BKP 5/5,4RO 5/5,4KAY 5/9,4FNQ 5/9,5AKK 5/3,5GF 5/9,5NY 5/9,5ZPS 5/9,5FD 5/6,5ASK 5/5,5ZK 5/2,
3MIR 5/9,5ACY 5/4,5JL 5/2,5LD 5/3,5PJ 5/5,5BC/P 5/9,5KFB 5/5,4BEG 5/9,4AFC 5/9,4KHZ 5/9,4FLR 5/9 ,
5AYD 5/3,ZL3TY 5/5 .
