2014 Summer Field Day

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Re: 2014 Summer Field Day

Post by VK4GHZ »

the john moyle is alot of fun
It does not instill much confidence in submitting a log though, if the communication is this poor.

Some of these volunteers need turning over, where some fresh blood every now and then doesn't hurt.

The sad reality is, WIA members have absolutely no say in this, and positions only become vacant with the onset of OM related health issues, or death.
Then you get these clowns that say "stop whinging, do something, get involved", but you cannot remove the incumbents anyway, so there's no point joining.
The ultimate catch-22.

The WIA can attempt to modernise all it likes, but if the front-end volunteer interface is in the 1980's, it's wasted.
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Re: 2014 Summer Field Day

Post by VK3BQ »

Here comes the metric system.


Change is never easy. And the ones who seem to resist change are the ones who least understand the bigger picture. Having said that. Change also needs a clear message and goal! So that the aim is shared.

Maybe they want to die in a nursing home!

Back to the contest. I think we need some vk3 rovers :))
Andrew Scott - VK3BQ
Mount Waverley, Vic. QF22NC39XL
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Re: 2014 Summer Field Day

Post by VK5ZD »

VK4GHZ wrote:Good luck with that one!
I emailed the John Moyle FD Contest Manager (Denis Johnstone VK4AE) six weeks ago.
I was enthusiastic about being able to participate in the JM this year, and was seeking some more information from him.
To date, I have not had the courtesy of a reply.
I emailed Dennis the other day with a question about the contest and got a reply the same day 8)
Maybe you should try again.
Iain Crawford - VK5ZD
Munno Para West, SA - PF95ih
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