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Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:27 pm
Hi all,

Over here in ZL we have tables presented (with VHF and above contests) with "Best DX" worked per band. Also total overall winner, overall winner per band etc..

Often you may not be in a position to win overall or to be a winner per band, but you can get a "Best DX" per band as an extra bonus.

That best DX per band is also listed with distance..

Quite neat to actually read who worked the greatest distance per band.


Steve ZL1TPH

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:30 pm
by VK4TS
There are no prizes in the USA or EU VHF UHF contests yet they have have about four times the activity we do.... :(

They are doing something right - if the entire contest is making 20 contacts every three hours it makes for boring must have interest for the operators - without giving away a waffle iron to the winner of the highest score by a Left Handed Microwave operator (always thought that was the missus) :lol:

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:46 pm
by VK4OX
I'm rapidly losing enthusiasm for Field Days. I'm always a home station in these events. I try to put my station on the air for the benefit of PORTABLE stations. If they go to all the trouble of getting out there, the least I can do is get on the air and give THEM contacts.

I spent the first few hours of the FD trying to get through a wall of HOME stations working eachother. There were several weak PORTABLE stations in VK2 that I could have worked but the incessant "CQ Contest" by Brisbane HOME stations and then HOME to HOME QSOs made it all so TEDIOUS. I spent the rest of Saturday afternoon asleep in front of the TV Cricket.

It seems strange to me that all the wingeing about lack of activity is coming from HOME stations. The Field Day is NOT put on for HOME stations.

I think the HOME to HOME category should be abolished. If you don't like that idea then go PORTABLE.

It seems that every few months the idea of buying QSOs with money or some other inducement is run up the flagpole to see who salutes. To save responding every time this occurs, please visit previous Forum Topics that thoroughly debunk this idea.

If anyone thinks that activity will suddenly increase because a few trinkets and baubles are laid on the table, think again. You might get a few new punters, but just as many old school operators will drop out. I, for one, will NOT activate my station in any, on air, event that offers cash prizes or other tawdry inducements.

73, Adrian. VK4OX.

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:14 pm
by VK4FB
Adrian, :lol:

that's not nice.

I would like to donate a price for the highest scoring F-CALL in the next Winter Field Day 2012

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:22 pm
Participation in radio completions happens for a variety of reason, all of them are right none of them are wrong ( except one that has already been alluded to): to go portable, to help your mates, to throw a few numbers about, to test new gear and ideas, to get away from the home station, to have fun, to teach others, a bit of friendship amongst a group, to win a category, to do a PB. If letting someone win a meat tray works and gets more participating them I am all for it.

I thought the fishing analogy was great. Some like to take a kid out, some like to sit on a jetty and relax, some like to trawl about for a keeper, some like to win a competition, some like to win prizes, some like to test out new ideas/gear, some like going out with mates, some like to fish new grounds.

I want more people participating to make my participation more fun. I wasn’t involved in previous discussion on this topic so it is OK for us to have this one I reckon:))


PS: Maybe I'll throw in the first leg of lamb; for the station in the next competition that I get the most points from?

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:45 pm
by VK5ZD
Should all VK VHF UHF Contests limit multi ops to single transmitters to encourage more call-signs on air ??
Great idea! Please let me know where I can get a single transmitter that covers all amateur bands from 50MHz to 47GHz :lol:


Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:54 pm
by VK4TS
Sorry Iain -

Single transmitter is a HF contest operators term - Basically it means ONLY one transmitter on air at once -

But when you find that magic 50mhz to 50Ghz TX put my order in please !

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:45 am
VK4NM wrote:People should enter contests for the love of it not for the priZes. I'll continue to enter contests to beat my previous years score and try and obtain a PB (personal best for the non sporting). Same reason I play golf every Saturday - yeah sure you can win a $70 pro shop voucher if you win but the main reason I am there is to improve my handicap and see if I can beat my PB.
From my memory of the LCD and associated regs is that offering 'Prizes' or 'Cash' as a result of operating a Amateur station would be contrary to those regs.
Happy to be corrected.

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:14 am
by VK5ZT
Hi all

Despite my earlier comment about prizes at the National Foxhunt event, I hasten to add that the fact that there are prizes for any amateur event has no influence at all on my participation.

As mentioned by someone earlier, it costs a lot in time and effort to participate if field days, potentially even more so for a rover. If one was concerned at winning a prize, it would likely be cheaper to not bother with the competition and just go out and buy the item you would be trying to win!!

I agree with the notion that very few people (if any) would be enticed by prizes and as such do not believe such an idea would work very well.

That may be as much to do with the potential value/usefulness of any likely prizes.

However, lets suppose the prize for each section of the VHF/UHF field day was a new IC9100 with 23 cms fitted or a complete set of DB6NT Transverters from 23 cms to 3 cms! (impossible, I know, but lets be hypothetical!)

I have a sneaking suspicion that the participation rate would skyrocket and competition would be fierce.........



Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:02 pm
by VK4FB
VK5ZT wrote:Hi all

However, lets suppose the prize for each section of the VHF/UHF field day was a new IC9100 with 23 cms fitted or a complete set of DB6NT Transverters from 23 cms to 3 cms! (impossible, I know, but lets be hypothetical!)

I have a sneaking suspicion that the participation rate would skyrocket and competition would be fierce.........


I agree!! Tim

Highest Scores , if Portable or Home station:

F-CALL Category


FULL CALL Category

I would like to know how much it is for a full page ad in the AMATEUR RADIO MAGAZINE
I believe it would be easy to attract sponsors. Yaesu, Andrews Communications, Strictly Ham,, Spider Beam, Minikits............
How much do you think it is worth to be the main sponsor for the biggest event (Contest) in Australia

EXAMPLE: Years ago, when I had a business ( Cafe Restaurant) I used to sponsor an amateur Volleyball team, I provided all the uniforms



Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:35 pm
This just goes around in circles.
Year after year.
After every Field Day, there is always some form of a post mortem... which is a healthy sign that some people do actually care enough about their hobby.
VK4VDX wrote:EXAMPLE: Years ago, when I had a business ( Cafe Restaurant) I used to sponsor an amateur Volleyball team, I provided all the uniforms
Roland, any left over?
The Winner of the 2013 Summer Field Day will receive a ladies Volleyball uniform. :lol:
Seriously, whilst I don't agree with the enticement of prizes, (how shallow and materialistic have we become then?), I do agree that change is required.
And I also acknowledge that some people are scared of changes in their lives.

Some fresh enthusiasm and new ideas are required, beginning with the management of the contest itself.
Sorry, but I cannot remember a different Contest Manager, ever.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

It is no longer sufficient to send out a few email on some 1990's era "reflectors" requesting logs, and think the job is done.

Proper Event Management is a specialised industry all of it's own.
Without spending a fortune, perhaps the WIA could engage a consultant to advise on how these events could be brought into the 21st century.
Better yet, are there any WIA members who work in the field of event management, and would be willing to help?

It is not 1990 anymore, and none of us are getting any younger either.

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:52 pm
by VK4FB
My Reply is on the bottom of my QRZ.COM page
check it out. :D

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:22 pm
by VK3PY
Well, if the consensus is that change is required, what about running a "manager-less", Logger-based contest? Decide among yourselves what the rules should be. Entrants can submit their log summary along with actual logs, electronically, by a cut-off date. Transparency is guaranteed so cheating would be obviated as everyone is free to scrutinise other entrants' logs.

Such contests could be run concurrently with established events, or on other occasions. Participants could decide to enter either the Logger events or the traditional events, or both.

Oh - no prizes, please. Count me out if such inducement is proffered. I do what I do because it's what I enjoy. I work for pecuniary gain. Amateur radio is my diversion.


Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:47 pm
by VK5ZD

I don't see the point in changing the rules just for the sake of doing so. What we really need is to increase the participation rate. If this requires a rule change then so be it.

The spring VHF/UHF field day had 64 entrants. As someone mentioned earlier in this thread, there are over 15,000 licensed amateurs in this country which means less than 0.5% of them entered the contest. Why weren't the other 99.5% interested? I suspect that at least 50% haven't even turned on a radio in the last 12 months :roll: but that still leaves plenty of others. Maybe someone (the WIA?) should run a survey to try and find out why people don't take part. I expect most of the them would just say "I don't do contests" but there may be a few that say "I'd take part if ....", and these are the ones where a rule change might help.

Re sponsors, these people generally expect that they might get some return for their investment, usually through advertising. However, wearing a tee-shirt saying "Eat at Joe's" while camped on a remote mountain past the back of beyond is not likely to generate much extra revenue for the sponsor :(

The issue of prizes is a bit complicated. In most other sports (e.g. the lawn bowls mentioned earlier in the thread) if the other team doesn't turn up then they forfeit and you win. Not so in our case. If the other teams (stations) don't turn up then you lose because there's no one to work :cry: i.e. Maximum effort does not guarantee a good score. The other issue is that, unlike lawn bowls, we're not all playing on the same pitch/green/whatever it's called (as VK4BOF mentioned earlier). IF there was a prize (and I'm not suggesting there should be) then I think it should be given just for participating rather than winning (e.g. recipient selected at random from all logs with, say, 10 or more contacts).


Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:29 pm
by VK3BQ
VK2DAG wrote:
VK5ZT wrote:I agree with the notion that very few people (if any) would be enticed by prizes and as such do not believe such an idea would work very well.
Me three.

If prizes were offered make it random, throw all calls that sent in a log into a hat and then there is one winner of the goodies, or one per section. Hand out a few numbers, send in a log, win a prize.

Like a voucher to the wia bookshop A uhf antenna book or a free years wia membership??

A state wia run/paid for upgrade course for the winning f call?? Etc.

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:10 am
VK3BQ wrote:Like a voucher to the wia bookshop A uhf antenna book or a free years wia membership??
A state wia run/paid for upgrade course for the winning f call?? Etc.
The whole prize money etc idea is a bit tacky, but they are great (and practical) ideas, and not hard... you would think.
Who wouldn't like a new UHF/Microwave/Antenna Book, etc.

VK5ZD wrote:...What we really need is to increase the participation rate...
I doubt anyone would disagree with that.
But, in other words, the event needs to be managed, which includes promoting it, not just collating the logs.

Are there too many VHF/UHF Field Days?
Do we really need three per year?
A quick glance comparing the results of 2011 Summer and Winter Field Days, reveal that less than half participated in the Winter FD.
The less frequent something is, the more you tend to look forward to it.

As I alluded to above, none of us are getting any younger.
I suspect many "Home Station" operators of today would have been very active and out and about in previous years.
For health reasons, or perhaps they have simply been there and done that, is why they no longer go portable.
Not unreasonable?

So how is the event promoted to "younger" people (say, under 45?) that might enjoy participating for a first time, and hopefully get the "bug"?
From what I see on 21st century "hangouts", it isn't.

As far as I know, the Field Days have a writeup in "Amateur Radio" (with it's limited readership), and is posted on two email reflectors.
That's it.
Nothing has really changed since the late 1990's.

That means "we" need to entice new participants, and being realistic, most likely from a younger demographic.

How about regular promotional videos on YouTube?
(Which of course can be embedded in the WIA website as well.)
Show how much fun it can be going out camping and making contacts.
(Providing it isn't pissing down of course - like last weekend up here!!! :cry: )
I can't find anything with WIA branding on YouTube.

Is the "WIA" on FaceBook?

How about posting/promoting on this very forum?
Beyond what us individuals try to achieve, in compensating for the complete absence of "official input".
It's only been around since 2006. :roll:

Anything that will appeal and capture the interest of younger tech savvy people.
And email reflectors don't.

I fear the style of promotion required, and trying to reach out to a fresh audience might not ever happen, because of a generational gap that seems to exist.
I'm 48 this year, and I still don't understand Twitter!
VK5ZD wrote:Maybe someone (the WIA?) should run a survey to try and find out why people don't take part.
Good idea, but flawed.
If people cannot bother participating in a Field Day, then what are the chances they will take part in a survey?

Ad hoc polls have been run on this forum over the years.
Out of the 100's of daily users, only a small fraction ever bothered responding.
And it only takes a few mouse clicks.
I'd like to think people haven't become that lazy, but evidence does suggest otherwise.

And why do companies/advertising agencies have to give away prizes these days, simply to get responses?

Look what happened today to the legendary company "Kodak".
Resist change, poking your head in the sand hoping things will go away, or be slow to react, and it's a slow but certain death.

The apparent rise in Field Day participation in recent years is partly due to having VK Logger around, and the activity and interest it has helped create.
I would bet, if VK Logger were turned off, and no suitable replacement came along, we would see Australian VHF/UHF activity in general (including Field Day participation) fall back to where it was circa 2005.

Just my honest and frank assessment of where we're at, at the moment.

Check this out

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:55 am
by VK4TS
The WIA Facebook Page is found at ... 1752091009

and the tweets for the news is found at

and plenty of WIA related You tube items - maybe they should be corralled together into one account


DO we just have too many VHF UHF Contests ? We have the RD and the John Moyle as well, as the other major VHF UHF events -

Personally while I am a very keen HF contestor - I usually only seriously operate in 4 per year - Last year was the CQ WPX and the CQ WW only....after the effort that goes into one of these big bashes a month or two is needed off the radio...we usually spend at least two full weekends in preparation prior to a contest weekend - so a lot of time is dedicated to them

Is this the problem with VHF UHF ? I know the VK4GHZ team spent a lot of prep time - and then of course the psychological scaring for the rain might take 3 months to get over... :D

Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:09 am
by VK3BQ
VK4TI wrote:The WIA Facebook Page is found at ... 1752091009

and the tweets for the news is found at

and plenty of WIA related You tube items - maybe they should be corralled together into one account

Yep. The twitter feed was last updated in November and does not mention the contest. It appears in the 48 tweets made. It's only mentioned the rd contest once. No VHF/UHF contest info.

The Facebook page is a simple info front end that appears to refer to 2010 and not had any recent updates.


I am here:,145.116621

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:42 am
by VK4TS
Looks like it needs an RSS feed for the FB page and the twitter accounts - I know these will drop out of sync and maybe that has happened

Re: Summer Field Day 2012 (Jan 14/15) thread...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:16 am
VK2CU wrote:Maybe move the Spring one to September and the Summer one to Febuary.
Bad move!
Moving the Summer FD back to February, and there will be zero chance of Es on 2m, and diminished chances of Es on 6m.
At least where it is, there is a small chance of Es on 2m.
If anything, it should be brought forward one week.
From a purely propagation perspective, the summer FD should be brought forward by two weeks.
You would almost be guaranteed on Es on 2m, but the reality is, that weekend may make it awkward for family orientated activities around New Years.

The Spring FD is always a good try out day to check everything before the Summer FD.

Fewer national Field Days would help increase the enthusiasm for when they do happen.

In Brisbane, we had a microwave activity day on October 23.
It was a lot of fun!
Localised activity days can always fill in the calendar.