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Re: PSK on 50MHZ?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:23 pm
by VK4QB
Hi Rob,
Well sort of. :? According to the ACMA rules , as I see it ( and I wear glasses,) those of us that live in the states of QLD, NSW, VIC, & ACT have to operate with reduced power (appro 20 watts ) at distances greater than 120 klm from the main Channel 0 transmitters at Toowoomba & Wagga and 60klm away from the translator and feed stations using channel 0. And full power outside those states. Closer that 120 klm and 60klm of the channel 0 stations, no transmissions of PSK31 allowed. :) All this data is listed by other people in these forum pages.
Be good. :wink:
Brian 4QB

Re: PSK on 50MHZ?

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:29 pm
by VK4QB
Addendum to the last post
.We can still use 50.220 for PSK 31 but at reduced power. However if we go above 50.300 we can use full power.
Brian 4QB :roll:

Re: PSK on 50MHZ?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:31 am
by vk3six
VK3TOM wrote:Recieved my Email today.

So we can run PSK and the other modes if we want but we will have to all decied on channels for them above 50.300, the WIA band plan will not just work.

Why not In the 52 MHZ Narrow band section 52.220 / 52.225 / 52.230, this would solve our problem.


Stations east of the VK3/VK4 border CANNOT OPERATE between 50.3 and 52 MHZ

Re: PSK on 50MHZ?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:44 pm
by VK4XA
From my reading of the latest LCD and from my communications with ACMA the following is permitted.

If you live in VK's 1, 2, 3, 4 then the band 50.3 to 52.0 MHz is out of bounds, period it's 50.0 50.3 with 120W PEP maximum power output and the 52. - 54MHz with 400W PEP (For AOCP (Advanced) holders)

If you live in VK's 5,6,7,8 etc then ALL of the band 50.0 - 54.0MHz is available to you and with the maximum SSB power output of 400W PEP (For advanced licencee's).

Note that according to the LCD only SSB, CW and RTTY are permitted modes for VK's 1, 2,3,4 with a maximum SSB output power of 120W PEP and at no time does it mention that PSK of any form is permitted.

It is however a different kettle of fish altogether for VK5,6,7,8 etc as they have no band or mode restrictions upon them for the 6M band.(Apart from the usual maximum bandwith usage by a transmission restriction that is)

There ya go :)