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Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:10 pm
VK3YE wrote:... and calling those about to sign off) are all way way more important.
All good advice and absorbed. But this line beats them all! :lol:

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:28 pm
VK3YE wrote:... and calling those about to sign off) are all way way more important.
Clever in the minds of some, plain rude in the minds of others... but I guess you find that on balance, that achieves contacts Peter.


Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:24 pm
Well I finally took the plunge today and ordered my Icom IC-7200! Cant wait for it to turn up and start making my presence felt on the HF bands! Selling points for me buying this rig were, ruggedness, basic with some bells and whistles, a USB connection on the rear, and it works very similarly to my Icom IC-R75. Not to mention that they will look good side by side too! Also ordered the SM-20 microphone and the LDG IT-100 tuner as well. Now I just have to start and finish my Cobwebb antenna and away we go! :D :D :D

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:18 pm
enjoy the 7200 I have one here and they are a great rig dont forget to hook up hrd it unlocks a whole lot of controls.

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:58 pm
I am currently running HRD Version and it works very well on my Icom IC-R75. Tried the newer paid Version 6 and my computer kept locking up after 10-30 seconds. But the older Version 5 runs fine, so will stick with that.

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:46 pm
Well got the Man Radio Desk (no man shack here!) set up and replaced the Kenwood R-2000 with a Yaseu FT-8800R and an Icom IC-7200! NOW I have to pull my finger out and get a HF antenna up! :D

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:58 pm
Nice! Looks pretty serious. What equipments did you upgrade from?

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:22 pm
Hey Weiyun,
I upgraded from ZERO! Just getting back into AR after quite a few years absence due to family and work! Did have a Kenwood R-2000 but sold that, and got the IC-R75. Today the IC-7200 finally arrived. Now I have to get my HF antenna up, which is going to be a 5 band CobWeb antenna derivative, covering 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres (I hope!). :D

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:27 pm
Lucky you to have the space for a cobweb. I have some cobwebs here too, but woven by those little arachnids. :roll:

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:52 am
Well after looking around at the various options available to me, the Cobweb came out on top for me. Even putting up a dipole is problematic. The Cobweb will fit in what space I have, 3M x 5M backyard! And I cant use the roof as I am in a rental, so hamstrung all around! Will let you know how I go.

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:19 am
VK2FABS wrote:I am old enough to know that there really are very few truly independent reviewers on the net. Everything with a grain of salt is needed. But thanks for the reminder and the detail on the spec reporting. Now that's out of the way, the other attraction on the KX-3 from my angle is its firmware upgradeability. I have checked and noted that none of the Yaesu mobile HF units are upgradeable. Guess one can argue that one would only need to upgrade if there are problems in the first place. Or I've been conditioned by the new features that come with each iteration of iOS firmwares. Irrespective, I do like the idea of potential performance/functionality improvements that come with firmware updates. Any criticisms on that?
The only other concern with radios is the quality of adjacent-frequency filtering. On contest days the bands are packed with close-in stations and a good receiver has narrow selectivity, not sensitivity. Radios with an I/F DSP are generally better in that regard because you can customise the filter response. In saying that, once the bands get that crowded I lose interest anyway. If everyone is just shouting signal reports at each other it's not really that interesting, events like ILLW do interest me though as you normally end up having a chat with the other operator about where they are and what they're using. Any normal radio is very happy with lighthouse weekend, we've used my FT-897D, an Alinco, some home brew stuff with very basic specs... and had an absolute ball. Too many dials and knobs detracts from the beauty of simply having a frequency dial and a PTT button and a much more natural sound coming out the speaker.

You will also find with the "simpler" radios that the radio does what it does out of the box and that's it. Love my FT-897D as it's robust and does what I need. On the other hand a KX-3 is basically a software defined radio so there is a lot of smarts written into it that can be upgraded. Whether you like this idea (buy a radio that is maybe 95% finished, the bugs get fixed and maybe a new feature tossed in after the fact) or buy something with fewer features that Just Works(tm) from day 1. I like appliances these days, you turn them on and use them and then turn them off again. Excessive updates and patches gives me the shits, I guess that's the first sign of old age...
VK3YE wrote:... and calling those about to sign off) are all way way more important.
LOL Peter :)
VK2OMD wrote:
Clever in the minds of some, plain rude in the minds of others... but I guess you find that on balance, that achieves contacts Peter.
Owen, would you rather somebody butted into the middle of a conversation instead? Or are you only on radio to have a 1 on 1 chat with somebody you already know... hang on.. they make a special device for that.. can't quite think of the name but they fit in your pocket these days and let you contact anyone worldwide regardless of ionospheric conditions....

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:34 am
VK2AVR wrote:The only other concern with radios is the quality of adjacent-frequency filtering...
Lots of good points there. Yes, like what you said, I understand that KX-3 is a particularly solid receiver, being ranked #2 on Sherweng's receiver ranking (

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:01 pm
The vagaries of the human mind. sigh :shh:

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:31 am
An update to all the kind people here who have advised and guided me to my first, well, second rig (first being an HT). Brought out my 30+ years old Weller station last night and did a bit of brute force soldering and tube shrinking and now I have power! Radiator/s next. 8)

I decided to use XT60 connectors for convenience and compatibility with the battery charger. Easy plug and play for adding that in-line wattmeter or a fuse or straight in. Not fully decided if a fuse is even necessary here. 4200mAh LiFePo battery should be quite adequate for my needs and a decent balance on weight and volume. I am also starting to realise a full kit for portable backpacking operation/fun will not be that kind to my hip and shoulder. This is not going to be UL (ultra-light) by bushwalker standard. No pain no gain... :roll:


Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:38 pm
Well got my second bit of kit today for my HF setup! Now I can progress and build my HF dipoles and other antennas with total confidence! Let the fun begin! :D

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:45 pm
by VK4TI
VK4GJW wrote:Well got my second bit of kit today for my HF setup! Now I can progress and build my HF dipoles and other antennas with total confidence! Let the fun begin! :D
Mine took several days to be easly drivable , have fun

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:17 pm
VK4GJW wrote:Well got my second bit of kit today for my HF setup! Now I can progress and build my HF dipoles and other antennas with total confidence! Let the fun begin! :D
Nice! I went el-cheapo on that front and picked up a Sark100 based Mini60. Some say it's a clone but I can't find an "original". Fingers crossed it'll be at least close to accurate. Wouldn't mind referencing it with a quality unit like your.

Like you, antenna build is next here too.


Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:21 pm
by ZL3PX
VK4FABS unless you think a 4200mah battery cant totally destroy that nice new rig you must be dreaming "fuse it or loose it"

Re: HF setup - Equipment choice

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:35 pm
ZL3PX wrote:VK4FABS unless you think a 4200mah battery cant totally destroy that nice new rig you must be dreaming "fuse it or loose it"
Thanks! I think I expressed poorly earlier but yes, I have made the fuse connector and will be used. In any case, given the peak current capability of these Li packs, if a short happens, a fast blow fuse is unlikely to be able to save the KX3 but to prevent more serious complications.