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Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:08 pm
I had to rejoin "THE LIGHT BLUE WIRE" in my ancient old ICOM IC-720A for me to be 'all legal' again - it was cut years ago to get RF at 26MHz for a Microwave Modules transverter...

I wonder where that transverter is I don't want it !

...but it's all good because I had been meaning to spray the crackly pots and switches for the last 15 years... :)

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:54 pm
few F-calls late last year
Sorry guys this is totally wrong! Look carefully at what I posted from the ACMA, especially the list of breaches they found. Obviously this if not aimed a F calls alone, more than just a few stations were involved.

According to advice I received from the WIA director I contacted, this is part of a nation-wide audit of all classes of ham stations[/b] and will continue as, where, and when, sufficient ACMA field staff are available. The WIA will be making an official statement on the matter as soon as possible after the national office re-opens.

So I suggest all of get our stations in order.


Wayne VK4WDM

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:41 pm
Sorry but the ACMA do make, police and interpret the rules. It's called government by regulation. The Act itself simply gives the ACMA the power to make as many regulations as it likes. See the Act:-
107 General conditions
(1) An apparatus licence is subject to the following conditions:
(f) such conditions (if any) as the ACMA may determine, by written instrument, in relation to that particular type of apparatus licence;
(g) such other conditions as are specified in the licence.


111 Changes to licence conditions
(1) The ACMA may, by notice in writing given to the licensee of an apparatus licence:
(a) impose one or more further conditions to which the licence is subject; or
(b) revoke or vary any condition imposed under paragraph (a); or
(c) revoke or vary any condition specified under paragraph 107(1)(g), 108A(1)(f), 109(1)(f) or 109A(1)(k);
or etc. etc. etc.
If you end up in front of a magistrate trying to exlain yourself, any burden of proof is on you. The interpretation the magistrate will abide by will be that of the ACMA.

To state the circumstances of the email to the ACMA more accurately - I was having a discussion with an F call responsible enough to do the right thing who asked me if he could use other than the standard microphone. I told him it was not up to me to interpret conditions but I would email the ACMA for him. I did so and the response I got was that the microphone was part of the transmitter and he could only use either the original supplied microphone or one listed by the manufacturer as a standard option. Everything from the microphone to antenna output had to be as supplied. The email also specifically excluded the antenna.

Personally I see that as a little silly because they could also interpret the antenna as part of the transmitting equipment but that's the response I got.

It was an attempt, by both of us, to do the right thing. When in doubt, ask the relevant authority.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:38 pm
I don't think it's silly to exclude the antenna. That is the one area we can experiment in!

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:25 am
by VK4TS
and don't experiment to hard in the antenna department or you will be accused of running excess power .........grab a copy of HFTA to isolate the optimum antenna for the DX paths you are interested in and have fun...

A well positioned antenna can have a power lobe advantage of up to 40 db over a poorly positioned antenna and that more than makes up for the 400w that full call privileges allow.. :D

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:18 am
Could not agree more with you Trent. In fact if you could point to one single thing that an F call should do to work with what we've got (power limitation) is to get into antenna design and construction to boost and direct that signal.
Yes, I am frustrated with 10 watts most of the time expecially when I hear dx but until I get my Standard call what I can do is work on my antennas to squeeze out what I am limited to.Perhaps not suitable to all with QTH or budget restrictions but it is something to learn and implement on the way to licence upgrade.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:53 am
by VK3HJ
VK2FJCM wrote:Could not agree more with you Trent. In fact if you could point to one single thing that an F call should do to work with what we've got (power limitation) is to get into antenna design and construction to boost and direct that signal.
Angelo's attitude is what we should all have.

With the higher power licences, it is a bit easy to just turn on an amplifier to attempt to make up for a poor antenna.

Your best investment in your station is not a more expensive radio, bigger amplifier, or shinier microphone, but a better antenna. Your signal will be better directed at the desired station, and you will hear him better. It needn't be on the scale of Radio Australia (would be nice, but...). There are many effective, compact antennae you can learn about, build, and enjoy on air.

In a nutshell, your best gain is in your antenna.

Luke VK3HJ
Learn something new every day.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:32 pm
by VK5ZD
In a nutshell, your best gain is in your antenna.
I'll second that. A PA might improve your Tx signal but antenna gain works on both Tx and Rx.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:27 pm
Angelo's attitude is what we should all have.



Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:45 pm
Just looked back through this thread and I have to say the said inspector must be killing himself laughing, he does populate these forums.

To respond to other posts...

Unlike VK3FGCP, he does not appear to have actually pressed the PTT and emitted out of band RF (VK3FEMT, correct me if I am wrong).

You are correct, the offending mobile was on 439 simplex - I purchased the radio solely to give me 70cm FM capability during contests. At other times it lives in its box. The said portalbe was on two repeaters. As for the mobile it was only ever tx'ing on 439.

From VK3FEMT's post... Even when he asked if I had any other portables I pointed out one he hadn't noticed, ...
note that he didn't ask about mobiles- he specified handhelds- as these can be used without an external antenna or power (assuming it has a battery fitted).

Incorrect, note I mentioned the 1907, which is a mobile radio and one of the two radios in question.
And its the one I am having exceptional diffulcty in getting reverted to normal. So if anyone knows the mod to wideband these damn things I would love to know, so I can get someone to get it back to normal.

At the end of the day the way I see it is they have a job to do, they were doing it - end of story.
I don't have any issue with it at all.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:11 am
I agree also. No point talking and not being able to hear. The only thing that might be more important than an antenna is location. I know I can't get a signal out of the Freeway tunnel but I can get a long way with a few watts from the right hill. Other than that, antenna, antenna, antenna.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:16 pm
VK4WDM wrote:Sorry guys this is totally wrong! Look carefully at what I posted from the ACMA, especially the list of breaches they found. Obviously this if not aimed a F calls alone, more than just a few stations were involved.
Oh, I can't wait to get onto that list, with a big red cross next to my name. :twisted:

It makes me laugh thinking the ACMA raiding my back shed with the TRG looking for suspect equipment.
They ignore the meth lab in the corner and go straight for the box of YIGs.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:27 pm
I don't think it's silly to exclude the antenna. That is the one area we can experiment in!
I am sorry, I didn't express myself very well. I think they should perhaps be a little more explicit in their description of what constitutes the "transmitting equipment". As has been mentioned, the rules don't say the microphone and radio must come from the same manufacturer. That was the interpretation that was given to me after my question was answered by the ACMA after being referred to their technical branch.

The ACMA said the microphone must be the one that comes with the radio or available as an option.

The thing I thought silly was that the rules don't mention microphones but the ACMA told me they ARE included. The rules don't mention antennas either but they ARE NOT included. If the words "from the microphone to the output plug" or something similar were included in the LCDs, it would have made things a little clearer.

To put it on record, I think F calls (or anyone) should be able to do pretty much as they please with antennas (within safety guidelines). You don't have to agree with me in all situations but I also think we should have national building codes allowing us all to put up 20 or perhaps 15 metre towers but that's another topic.

The microphone issue is another thing. It is possible to underdrive or overdrive inputs with a microphone designed for another radio from the same manufacturer, even one that plugs straight in.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:12 pm
hi all
is the ACMA still making house calls?
is just Vic?

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:11 am

I am hearing of stations Australia Wide being inspected. Its a good thing, weeds out the twits.
Not just F-calls either, anyone with a HAM license.

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:57 pm
Interesting to read WIA President's comments in this months Amatuer Radio on this topic. Seems the ACMA has a bit of work to do!


Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:26 pm
VK3LAJ wrote:I am hearing of stations Australia Wide being inspected.
I wonder if I'm on the top of the list for rocking the boat, or I'm off the list because I'm in the too hard basket ? :roll:

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:35 pm
D'oh - there's irony... I don't bother rejoining the WIA because of their inaction on my letter to them on the same topic, then in this months mag the president writes some words on the subject. And I don't get the mag since I'm no longer a member.

Got to laugh I suppose :lol:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:17 pm
VK2GOM wrote:D'oh - there's irony... I don't bother rejoining the WIA because of their inaction on my letter to them on the same topic, then in this months mag the president writes some words on the subject. And I don't get the mag since I'm no longer a member.

Got to laugh I suppose :lol:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
It might not be too late to to renew Rob and get any back issues of the mag you may have missed.

I thought it to be a well considered approach to the situation along with some good advise. I suppose it takes a good while to get a reply to requests for documents made under the freedom of information act?

Maybe you were just a little hasty :wink:


Re: ACMA inspecting lots of F Calls

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:02 pm
VK3AIF wrote:Maybe you were just a little hasty :wink:
I'll get my skates !