Icom IC-9100

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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2XAX »

VK2GOM wrote:
Regarding the TS2000, I have heard some worrying reports about annoying 'birdies'... whether these truly are in the radio, or are weird mixing products, I don't know.
They're definitely in the radio, as a member of the satellite community I often here comrades with TS2000's lamenting the birdies because they appear on the down link of some favorite satellites making working them nigh impossible.



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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2JDS »

you can keep your kenwood, a ts2000x wont be coming here, too small and cluttered screen, too many small buttons and too many birdies.
the pair of 910's i have here are great and maybe i might just consider a 9100 when they eventually arrive , but : as with all products they will release some, see how they go , and then upgrade/fix the next batch.
i worked in the service dept of a major(huge) tech product company and they always waited for the second batch before distributing.
lets see how the important bits turn out : apart from the usual stuff we want a good crystal oven, a gps lock option input, and a RIT that will actually go past 2khz either side, that's so annoying when the doppler shift on 23cm moonbounce often exceeds 3khz
73's Dave vk2jds, see you at Gippstech
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2HRX »

I have a 910H, great radio. The annoying buggy bits I'd like to see fixed in any replacement would be:

1.The really small power knob that doenst allow you to set different power levels across the 3 bands. Very annoying when operating a linear on 1 band but not on others.
2. A decent S meter.
3. Ground on Tx or PPT pin to switch a linear etc. Annoying when the way to switch is to use the 12VDC out via a relay to make a ground conenction.
4. Label the rear connections with labels on the rear not the b****y side.
5. Better peforming VOX. All of my Yaesus's are better than the 910.
6. Wider RIT limits as some stations are so far off that the RIT cant grab them.

If the 9100 doesnt fix at leat most of these I'd stick with the 910.

QF56ne, Ryde, Sydney

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3MY »

VK2GOM wrote:I have been following the IC-9100, since the original .pdf flier appeared last year.

However, does anyone know the official release date? Or have you seen/heard anything?

I see one major VK retailer (apart from promising the best price on it) had it listed as 'Due June', which then changed to 'Due July' which has again recently changed to 'Due July/August?' (maybe the added question mark suggests something)

Is a release of a new radio like this simultaenous worldwide, or is it on an as-per basis as each country grants its approvals?

The IC-9100 looks great for me since it looks so much like my old IC-746, I could probably swap the two on my bench and at a glance, the XYL wouldn't notice :D

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
Hi Rob,
What can I say, but the notion of NO IDEA comes to mind, I can tell you 100% as of June 1st the radio was not in production in Japan, it is expected to be released later this year, so a few people may have to wait a little longer, and the person you're talking about should actually ask a authorised dealer instead of pulling expected dates out of his a***, sorry hat.

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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3BA »

VK2HRX wrote:I have a 910H, great radio. The annoying buggy bits I'd like to see fixed in any replacement would be:

1.The really small power knob that doenst allow you to set different power levels across the 3 bands. Very annoying when operating a linear on 1 band but not on others.
2. A decent S meter.
3. Ground on Tx or PPT pin to switch a linear etc. Annoying when the way to switch is to use the 12VDC out via a relay to make a ground conenction.
4. Label the rear connections with labels on the rear not the b****y side.
5. Better peforming VOX. All of my Yaesus's are better than the 910.
6. Wider RIT limits as some stations are so far off that the RIT cant grab them.

If the 9100 doesnt fix at leat most of these I'd stick with the 910.

7. N-type connectors for all bands, not just 70 & 23.
8. Increase the power on 23cm to 30w.
9. Colour TFT screen.
Starting to dream again...
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2JDS »

while we are at it we want a noise blanker that Really Works, same goes for the DSP modules.... they are pretty poor
next is properly mounted N sockets so they dont flex and crack the inner wire from the pcb inside.
proper side handle that wont break.
what else is on your wishlist?
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by vk1da »

we went through that wish list exercise last year and it gave us all a warm feeling etc... but nothing much else.

I think Ross's comments are most informative as he is in a good position to know the latest status.

Regarding your comment on the RIT, have you tried using the two vfos rather than the RIT? ie. first hit A=B then Split. You just need to remember what you are tuning but if you go split you can have as much offset as you like.

Don't know what's wrong with your noise blanker if it doesn't work. Remember it is only for impulse noise like ignition clicks, it isn't supposed to cut the other noise out, let us know once you invent a circuit that does that! Mine works fine. My field day generator makes s7 ignition type noise on 2m and the 910 NB cuts it out altogether. Have to turn it off when the locals are pointing my way though.

BTW great to be able to chat with you at Gippstech last weekend - nice to meet the face behind the voice and the forum postings, at last!


Andrew Davis VK1DA Canberra, VK2UH Yass
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK6SIX »

I reckon Tokyo ham fair..... august 2010..... will be the release show for the 9100

Price around $7000 RRP in australia

cheers from perth

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2GOM »

VK6SIX wrote:
Price around $7000 RRP in australia
Interesting... since that is getting on for double the estimated price of sub $4000 at a Sydney shop.

Irrespective of the price, first thing I want to see is one put through it's paces at the ARRL lab, assuming they are still allowed to do reviews on radios given the silly American licensing conditions the FCC are now enforcing regarding the 'illegal' crossover of amateur radio during paid work.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3MY »

VK6SIX wrote:I reckon Tokyo ham fair..... august 2010..... will be the release show for the 9100

Price around $7000 RRP in australia

cheers from perth

Isn't specultaion a wonderful thing.............

Just like all the things I read about the Kenwood TS-590S, and nobody really has any ideas as yet.

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2JDH »

VK2GOM wrote:[assuming they are still allowed to do reviews on radios given the silly American licensing conditions the FCC are now enforcing regarding the 'illegal' crossover of amateur radio during paid work.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
I don't see how reviewing a radio is against the US part 97. What is a no go, as is any where in the world, is using a ham radio to pass messages for your employer , although the FCC have exceptions in emegencies and drills for certain occupations.

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2GOM »

It was highlighted in CQ magazine recently, that doing amateur radio in connection with paid employment, eg. an ARRL employee doing a rig review, on air, whilst paid by ARRL, is by the letter of the rules illegal.

In the same vain that ISS operations using amateur radio by paid astronauts is again, technically illegal as far as the US rules go.

They are currently thrashing it out I believe and trying to find a sensible way forward.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3BA »

It looks like it's going to be released in Japan in October... http://tinyurl.com/29unhkl

And other info... http://www.ab4oj.com/icom/ic9100/main.html

So I guess we might see it here six months later.

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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2HRX »

Just over $4K AUD. A lot better than some other numbers that have been floating around.
QF56ne, Ryde, Sydney

Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK2GOM »

That translated page on the tinyurl is brilliant! At the bottom it refers to an 'Otoantenachuna'. Yes, spell it out :lol: Gave me a giggle.

I'm glad this radio is on its way. I have a feeling that one day somehow I will see one on my shack bench as a HF to 23cm shack in a box.

Interesting the Japanese version comes with the DV module as standard, but other versions it's an option.

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
Last edited by VK2GOM on Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK6ADF »

VK2GOM wrote:That translated page on the tinyurl is brilliant! At the bottom it refers to an 'Otoantenachuna'. Yes, spell it out phonetically :lol: Gave me a giggle.
I must be slow...it took 3 attempts before I finally worked out what a Otoantenachuna was :evil: How funny

73 Phil...VK6ADF
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK6SIX »

The final product should be on display at Tokyo Ham Fair on the weekend 21/22 august.

Probably take a few weeks to get into dealers in JA.

I still reckon the........ "full of fruit".......R.R.P price in VK for a genuine icom australia supplied rig will be pushing towards $7000.
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3PF »


I would have thought that you would be familiar with "Jinglish" translations by now. Or have the Japanese manufacturers improved there "English" versions so much since the 1970s that we have lost the ability to read between the lines?

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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK6ADF »

VK3PF wrote:Phil,

I would have thought that you would be familiar with "Jinglish" translations by now. Or have the Japanese manufacturers improved there "English" versions so much since the 1970s that we have lost the ability to read between the lines?

Well to my defense, I had just arrived home after a 13 hour work day but I must admit to not seeing too much Jinglish lately.
:D :D :D :D
73 Phil...VK6ADF
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Re: IC-9100 due date?

Post by VK3PF »

Hi Phil,

No foul!

Yes, the JA manufacturers have improved their use of English immensely over recent years. Now some need to interpret Chinlish instead. And I agree - long days do affect our ability to think (and interpret) laterally!


Peter VK3PF
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