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Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:41 pm
Well, my two bobs worth: I contested keenly on 2m AM back in the early 70's and as a bit of a dinosaur, still make do with whatever gear I can lash up at home - I don't run to fancy commercial transceivers. Thus, I was disappointed to find that my home brew gear - albeit SSB this time around - is pretty useless for contesting because I can't QSY my separate tx and rx fast enough to keep up with the modern day contest pace. Anyhow, I am not giving up completely. Next step is to introduce a 2nd DDS VFO so I can preselect and switch between 2 frequencies (I'm thinking the calling freq plus one other for exchanging details) and then I'll give it another go. Hoping to see some of you around in a few months time. cheers Grant VK3ZTE

Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:05 pm
VK3KTO wrote:This could combine a pleasant family outing, as the XYL and harmonics would be able to enjoy a picnic or some other activity. So there is certainly a place for an FM seection in field days, as long as all mode equipped stations were not eligible to enter that section but were able to include the FM contacts in their total score.
73 de Mike VK3KTO
I agree, a whole new separate contest would be stupid considering the numbers of participants (or should I say log submitter's?) isn't exactly huge.

To have an 'FM Section' incorporated into the VHF/UHF field days where one could enter the all mode section or the FM only section as Mike has suggested would be a positive move. That way the SSB'ers could keep SSB'ing and the FM contingent would have some hope of making a reasonable number of contacts. As mentioned in other posts regarding the younger generation - as a whole amateur radio has to devise ways to keep pace or it will continue to slowly sink into the mud.

As with everything, for it to become a success it would need to be heavily promoted by the WIA (via AR etc) and all the clubs dotted around the countryside. It would be senseless to just quietly add it and chug along hoping it would gain momentum all by itself.

Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:56 pm
VK4ADC posted:
"I might add that VKLogger is an indicator of those who are interested in other than simple ragchewing. Do they visit here, post here ?? If neither then where are they finding out their info ???"
We have known each other for many years Doug, so you know what I do. I don't post on the logger because of "flaming issues" and other non descriptive comments.
There seems to be an attitude currently in HR that everyone knows best, whereas we are all still learning every day and that is how it should be.
Does being a forum diehard (not aimed at anyone in particular) make you an expert, something else, or just someone with too much time on their hands.
Personally I prefer not to "normally" comment via this medium, and research ideas from professional sites and from an engineering background.
HR is undergoing a major revolution, unless we innovate and push the boundaries the spectrum we currently have will eventually be given to commercial applications.
Considering that in the last 2 and a bit years I have built transverters for 2.4 to 76Ghz, not using Demi, Kuhne or XDK, but discrete components cobbled together, I think I have been active in the hobby of construction but have little interest in contests, does that mean I am a failure because I don't operate in a contest, I don't think so. It's all about what you get out of the hobby.
Contest activity in SEQ may be poor but that is not an indication of no activity in the SEQ corner.


Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:51 am
Well said Rex.
I to still enjoy the constuction side of the hobby even after being licensed for over forty years.I am not into contests either, to each his own.
Cheer, s Daryl

Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:42 am
VK4REX wrote: Considering that in the last 2 and a bit years I have built transverters for 2.4 to 76Ghz, not using Demi, Kuhne or XDK, but discrete components cobbled together, I think I have been active in the hobby of construction but have little interest in contests, does that mean I am a failure because I don't operate in a contest, I don't think so. It's all about what you get out of the hobby.
Contest activity in SEQ may be poor but that is not an indication of no activity in the SEQ corner.

Sorry Rex, no outright flames from here. Post away.

I spend only a very small portion of my AR-time on air. Most of it is in the workshop doing things on the workbench. My current project is a new-version dual rotator controller using a PICAXE 28X2 plus two of the CMPS10 compass modules, an inbuilt GPS receiver for accurate time and Maidenhead locator detail etc. Only a small portion of the code is from my earlier version device and the remainder is all new. I have spent literally weeks working on the hardware and software to make the project do what I want it to and I have high hopes that it will function properly during the JMFD next weekend. The project started last June and it is finally nearing completion. By the same token, much workshop time has been spent since 2009 creating gear, antennas, cabling etc with the idea in mind of participating in FDs. My previous suburban QTH was so noisy due to noisy computers, TVs, solar systems and the like that it was near impossible to work on some bands but FD outings provide a measure of isolation from the miscellaneous noise sources and make it possible to work some 300-400KM on 2M SSB... , something virtually impossible from that home QTH. My new QTH is a lot better but I still enjoy going out and participating in FDs if for no other reason than proving how well (or poorly) my gear is functioning, whether it be the "black box transceivers" for HF/VHF/UHF or the mainly homebrew microwave gear up to 10GHz.

My diehard status (taking it personally) is mostly due to the 8 years that I have participated in the VKLogger forum, responding to threads that are of interest to me and initiating threads where I think someone out there may have info that would be useful to help solve an issue. It is also participating and encouraging in AR though via the internet.

I will have been licensed 48 years as of next month and still enjoy a few different facets of AR, not just workbenching, contesting or FDs. I am still learning too, but by the same token, I do know a considerable amount about engineering, radiocommunications and AR and maybe my knowledge added to a forum thread or my web site helps others understand how to do things or how to make things work.

Maybe I am not as apathetic towards AR as I thought.

Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:04 pm

Re: How big a change is needed to stop the apathy ?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:38 am
I apologise in advance for my heretical thoughts...

My experience over the last five or so years that I have been licensed is that it isn't apathy that stops AR activity.

It is more like time pressure, a lack of interestingness and a huge focus by the AR community on "old men's" activities.

I've tried to participate in contests, despite the usual pressures regarding the rest of life, but it doesn't excite me.

I've tried to get involved in the local radio club. Now going to a meeting a couple of times a month, where you sit in a hall and follow a meeting agenda is not something that excites me either. As a newcomer, hoping against the odds that the experienced members of the club would actually do some radio stuff to help you learn was a forlorn folly. It turns out, that sitting in that hall and following the agenda was exactly what they wanted to do. The new interlopers who wanted to do stuff were fairly quickly made to feel unwelcome.

I used to do the daily commute repeater ragchew. Met some nice folk and it took my mind off the complete insanity of driving for an hour and a half in Sydney traffic twice a day. Sadly, my new job precludes me from that daily AR exposure.

Add to all of this the need to make a living, keep the house in running order, pay proper attention to SWMBO (happy wife = happy life), participation in (shock!, horror!) other hobbies and activities that make me actually exercise, then finding the spark and inspiration to get out into the shack gets tough.

I would love to spend time pottering in the shack "building stuff" but time, money and mentoring are sadly very scarce.

All of this says more about me than it does about the hobby, but as a relative newcomer I hope this perspective provides some background as to why AR has slipped down the list of priorities for me, and I suspect many licence holders who still have to work and are still trying to build a life.

A final thought - it is easy to say how do we increase activity, it is harder to implement - it is harder still to sustain that increase in activity in a meaningful and interesting way.