Things that annoy me and maybe others

General discussion - When it doesn't fit anywhere else

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4KGW »

VK5MTM wrote:It annoys me when people post their DX spots on iChat rather than the logger where spots are supposed to be posted.

Am I the only one who feels this way?
yup you are
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Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK3FZ »

hams who say we are using an icom etc. i always ask are there two of you ?

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2VHF »

PSK operators who run the same old macros over and over again.

A bit of interesting free text can add a whole lot more to a PSK contact. :?:
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Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK5ZK »

VK5MTM wrote:It annoys me when people post their DX spots on iChat rather than the logger where spots are supposed to be posted.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

What annoys me far more is the reverse where idle comments are posted on the logger rather than Ichat. This is clearly against the guidlines for logger use but there are a couple of serial offenders who somehow think they are exempt.

Important spots should always be on the logger but many beacon reports only clutter up the logger and putting them on Ichat is fine by me.

My pet 6mx gripe is the daily whining about QRM on 50.110.

In an ideal world it wouldn't happen. It isn't an ideal world. It will always happen. Having a daily gripe about it changes nothing.

Garry VK5ZK

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK3XRI »

oh jeeez guys and possibly girls , what ....cmon this is meant to be fun and relaxing , sure there are things that annoy me on the air as well , but who cares
may be we should all join the face book trend and add a "not liked" button to our radios ......

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2GOM »

Burt has got it nailed when it comes to the truth about amateur radio.

Watch and listen to his gripes here. Some are very funny :D

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

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Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK5IR »

VK5ZK wrote:
VK5MTM wrote:It annoys me when people post their DX spots on iChat rather than the logger where spots are supposed to be posted.

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Important spots should always be on the logger but many beacon reports only clutter up the logger and putting them on Ichat is fine by me.
I'm ok with beacon spots on the logger because it relates to propagation reporting which is what I use the logger for, but when people post their spots on iChat only it tends to bother me as I don't have iChat open most of the time.
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Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2HRX »

VK2GOM wrote:Burt has got it nailed when it comes to the truth about amateur radio.

Watch and listen to his gripes here. Some are very funny :D

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH


Hi hi!
QF56ne, Ryde, Sydney

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4NM »

Yeah I heard this years ago....back then I arked up at him when he started on about the "lowest form of hams" contesters....but now I just laugh..ha ha ha

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2AVR »

Burt knows what's going on! :)

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4MIA »

Biggest annoyance of all would have to be DH's that tune up on a DX Split Freq operation on the TX frequency of the station calling.


1. Is your antenna that inferior that you have to tune it up?
2. If you're getting the big 1KW ready to break the pile up why not tune somewhere away from the TX freq

This happened so many times during the TN2T activity it is just plain ridiculous and also now during VP6T, these DX'peditions are working split for a reason.

Equally annoying is anti-contesters and sorry to say ignorant VK's ragchewing near a DX'pedition's operating and split frequency.

The anti-contesters whinge and complain about the entire band being chocka-block and that they can't find a freq to have a ragchew on......BOO HOO!! Cry me a river or suck it up for 24 or 48 hours, I'm sure you'll survive. If not use the 3550-3700 portion of 80m or 2m then you can chew the fat all you want OK!

Now as for the ignorant VK's ragchewing, a prime example was during VP6T on 20m just a few days ago.

VP6T was on 14180 working split 185-190 for quite a while. Dialing around just to have a listen to the Zoo calling them I came across a VK2 and VK3 having a good old ragchew on 14187 (no they weren't there originally). Needless to say these two pork chops carried on for 20 mins complaining about the QRM trying to take over their frequency!!! So of course they refrained from giving in and sat there and continued their QSO.

This is the ignorance that needs to be addressed, it's common practice for ragchewers to hang around 14193, 14195, 14197 and the like.

I could rattle off the offenders that do this on a regular basis (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and to sit there and say "Bugger the DX'pedition, I've been here for 20 mins" just isn't in the spirit of the hobby.

Off my soapbox now



Derek VK4MIA

The HB35C......My Aluminium Amplifier

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2GOM »

Each to their own, but I never actually understood the point of HF contests. Exchange only your callsign, and a completely fictional (most of the time, anyway) signal report.

And amass as many of those as possible in a set period? :roll:

I'm with Burt on this one! :lol:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4TS »

Its a quandry - activity - As much as the non contestors don't want to admit; contest activity does prove bands are open !!! Much more than many realise - five years ago in what was about the bottom of the cycle we worked a massive USA pileup on 15M that lasted for well over four hours and the strongest station was S5 - the majority were s1 and 2 - in the same contest we worked ten metres for over 400 QSOs into EU and Asia - when the "experts" said there was no propagation - the antenna was nothing more than a three element tribander - NB use of the word we meant there was more than one of us...and not my split personalities ...

The negative ones amuse me - but I think it could be society in general -

This is the log short cuts - these days we expect over 30 zones and 100 Countries on all bands 80~10 in the average contest weekend from VK4KW

Call: VK4TI
Station: VK4TI

Added: 31/Oct/2007
Class: M/S HP
QTH: Toowoomba QLD
Operating time: 48

Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 0 0 0
80: 1 1 1
40: 19 10 11
20: 516 29 71
15: 608 24 44
10: 455 9 7
Total: 1599 135 72
Total Score = 948,060

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4KGW »

VK2GOM wrote:Each to their own, but I never actually understood the point of HF contests. Exchange only your callsign, and a completely fictional (most of the time, anyway) signal report.

And amass as many of those as possible in a set period? :roll:

I'm with Burt on this one! :lol:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
Sitting around discussing one "effected" body parts doesn't offer inspiration here , contesting can and often does become the start of friendships , ask any old timer

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4KGW »

VK2GOM wrote:Burt has got it nailed when it comes to the truth about amateur radio.

Watch and listen to his gripes here. Some are very funny :D

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Funny ?
bigoted and unreasonable
obviously a good reason for his status as untouchable

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2GOM »

Another one Burt touches on in another video... the old "Name here is Fred" often heard on air.

He responds with "Well, what is your name when you are anywhere else?"

What is wrong with "My name is Fred"? :roll:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4KGW »

VK2GOM wrote:Another one Burt touches on in another video... the old "Name here is Fred" often heard on air.

He responds with "Well, what is your name when you are anywhere else?"

What is wrong with "My name is Fred"? :roll:

73 - Rob VK2GOM / G0MOH
Nothing , he's simply put a smarta56e , I bet he has had some hard education in bars

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4BLP »

Bogus reports annoy me, particulary the 5's when you hear someone say "I can just make you out, here's a 59 report", when clearly the report should be a 39, or perhaps something lower than a 3. Granted what I might be finding hard to hear might be clear as a bell to everyone else, but when someone says that they can barely hear the party calling them, and giving a 5 for readability, something's not right.:)

I can understand the "hi hi" for non-audio transmissions, i.e. morse, but if I think it is funny enough to say "hi hi", I've have a over the air chuckle in appreciation instead.

But that's just me. :)

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK2AVR »

maybe "hihi" is a sarcastic laugh.. like you say if you can refrain from laughing normally then it wasn't really that funny.

either that or it's just a deceitful, polite form of laughing. like the equivalent of a golf clap.

Still. I'd rather quaint archaic traditions continued rather than splattering the airwave with LOLs, ROFLs and twitter hashtags.

Re: Things that annoy me and maybe others

Post by VK4BLP »

VK2MIA wrote: Still. I'd rather quaint archaic traditions continued rather than splattering the airwave with LOLs, ROFLs and twitter hashtags.
I'm in 110% agreement with you on that one !!!

We don't need to turn Amateur Radio to become another msn messenger or sms service with that crap in it.
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