EMR Compliance

ACMA, Licencing, and Examination discussion
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EMR Compliance

Post by VK3ALB »

I recently had a discussion on the topic of EMR compliance and it got me thinking about what this really means and how an amateur could assess their station. I've downloaded the ACMA Radiation Protection Standard and started to read it but I found it quite dry. Is there a practical description of this topic and more importantly is there a practical way for an amateur to assess their station?
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK4CDI »

Doug VK3UM has some software, EMRCALC, specifically for EMR measuring.

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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK4ABW »

Is this what your after?
more good stuff.doc
(97.5 KiB) Downloaded 244 times
more good stuff tables.doc
(234 KiB) Downloaded 297 times
By the way...the ACMA does not accept Dougs program

I've been through this process several times now with the ACMA to comply my 4.5kw ssb on 6mtrs :wink:
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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK3ALB »

Thanks Gents,

Doug's program is very interesting and gives the user an easy to understand view his/her station compliance. It's a shame the ACMA don't accept the results of this program.

Gary, your notes are interesting too. It looks like it's part of a larger document. Is it available for download from the internet?
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK3ALB »

VK3ALB wrote: Is it available for download from the internet?
Never mind, just found a copy here. http://www.sm2cew.com/Amateur.pdf
Lou - VK3ALB

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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK4ABW »

no worries there. I fell into the trap of using the VK3UM calculator, only to be told they won't have a bar of soap to do with it. Don't get me wrong as i personaly think Dougs program is great. 8)

Just stick to their published doc's and you can't go wrong. :wink:
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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK3AUU »

I notice in their blurb at
http://www.acma.gov.au/webwr/consumer_i ... elines.pdf
that they say "However, general techniques that provide reasonable approximations of field strength near a transmitting antenna, may be applied to many situations."

Doug's program does all of that and probably produces results at least as accurate as their formulae do. I have a program of my own which is derived from a combination of EZNEC and an XL spreadsheet which replicates Doug's results fairly well in the far field and is somewhat better in the near field as well.

Thier reluctance to use Doug's program is just an a*** saving exercise.


Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK2JDH »

I was selected for a audit 18 months ago. The ACMA sent out a pile of paperwork. If I met certain criteria I did not have to do any calculations. From memory if my antennas where more than a set distance from the propery boundary, and my average TX power over set time was less than the threshold, no further investigation was required. This would be applicable to most hams. I think this was called 'self certify'

The guy handling it was a ham from the Perth ACMA office and was very helpful.
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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK4ABW »

random check (as per their blurb).....my a*se.
I've had to do it twice..and that was well before my first QRO application years ago.

Having all my antenna's at/or greater than 50 foot on a 26,500 sq mtr block........i filed the 'self certify' documents in the green bin :roll:

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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK6ADF »

vk2jdh wrote:
The guy handling it was a ham from the Perth ACMA office and was very helpful.
Well that won't happen in the future. The office was closed down
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Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK2JDS »

I am going through the process of qro application right now, drawing the diagrams,, filling out the forms, faxing and emailing etc.
its for some more power on 23cm eme (300 watts carrier) and also i applied to be able to operate digital modes for 6 metres.

You cant apply for more power when you intend working terrestrial stations, its only for EME.

The ACMA website, while not thrusting amateur stuff right in your face, is easy enough to work with once you have been told what forms to fill out. just download, edit them and email or fax back.
the charts and tables in the forms dont cover 4.6 metre dishes, so i applied some guesswork and interpretation of the tables to come up with the answers.
my dish is located on a pole close to the ground, not up on a tower, so i am hoping that wont be a problem. the thing is simply way to big and heavy to elevate much more than it is already. I live out in the country and besides my own house the nearest permanent neighbour is a kilometre away.
will let you know what happens.
73's Dave vk2jds

Re: EMR Compliance

Post by VK7JG »

I applied for EME and Meteor scatter. with the modes CW WSJT and SSB . for 6 2 and 432.

I received a blanket approval for 1kW on all frequencies above 50Mhz for reflecting signals from a Celestial object .

I did have the ACMA visit my home and carry out a site inspection before approval was given . Not having immediate neighbors and a high aerial does help.

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