Forum History
VK Logger Forum was established in 2006.
In it's peak there were almost 3,000 members, but to keep the usage stats fair dinkum, the membership was regularly flushed of inactive users.
Declining participation in the 'naughties' resulted in the Forum being suspended in 2016.
It was observed that people had endless time for Facebook, but wouldn't contribute content to the Forum, when a Forum would have been more appropriate.
So, let's give this Facebook thing a try?
It became apparent that the demographic that favoured the never-ending, often incoherent attention seeking dribble, were unlikely to come back to a Forum anyway. Look what I've just bought. Look what I'm eating. Nobody cares. Here's a picture of something that is meaningless to anyone else, but I desperately crave attention from my fellow captive FB FOMO addicts.
This kindergarten mentality on FB provided the motivation to "re-boot" the Forum for those that had no interest in FB.
Sadly after two years of minimal use, the Forum finally disappeared in March 2021 when the domain was not renewed. It simply wasn't worth the effort anymore, and was time to move on.
It should be noted that closing the Forum was decided by the Forum members who turned their back on it, not the Admin.
Still to this day, hypocrites come out of the woodwork, moan and complain about Forums shutting down, but rarely contributed to them on a regular basis. Go figure.
Some effort was required in reestablishing this Forum on a new domain. The back-end database tables and [broken] configuration didn't want to play nicely with the newer version of Forum. After almost 10 hours of hair-pulling, I was within 15 minutes of giving up on making this available, but we made it.
The only maintenance envisaged will be security-related upgrades, as required.
Forum Members
If you were a Forum member when archived, you can sign into the Forum, but there is no point.
You cannot post or register - the Forum is archived as READ ONLY.
All content can be viewed without signing in.
Note: some posters may have changed their callsigns or are now deceased since.
If you wish to contact a former contributor about historical content, you will need to track them down yourself.
Q) Can I see the contact details of Forum members?
A) No, privacy is respected, so email addresses are not visible.
PM functionality is disabled.
Q) Will you delete my old account?
A) No, the Forum was frozen as-is.
Q) Are you back on Facebook?
A) Hell, no. I've been off Facebook for over two years now (since May 2020), and do not miss the never ending dribble.
There is more time now to do meaningful things.
Q) Are there more intelligent alternatives to Facebook?
A) Yes, GroupsIO.
Just about every ham radio interest group is represented there.
You have various notification options about group/topic activity.
World-wide participation without the ads, misinformation, or neurotic attention seeking fools.
This Forum is now presented as an archive in order to preserve the valuable information by those who actually made the effort to post and to share information.
Use the information here as you see fit.
If it helps you solve a problem, great.
Some ads may be visible to help offset the web hosting costs.
Forum archived - no need to register/sign in
Forum archived - no need to register/sign in
Leading horses to water since 2005.