Hi Guys,
Finally put a 1/4 wave whip on the car and fired up the quad bander (FM only) mobile. Preliminary results are encouraging - this is the first time I have played on 6m and the coverage from Roleystone is really quite spectacular up and down the Perth escarpment. The downside is that the repeater seems to open quite frequently with noise - a quick search suggests the issue is paging transmitters near the Roleystone site and the problem appears intractable. This prompts two questions from me:
1) Who in the holy hell is still using a pager in 2019??? Are they even a thing still?
2) Wouldn't enabling CTCSS on the repeater input prevent the nuisance triggering? Is there some technical reason why this cant be done on a 6m repeater?
VK6RAP Interference
Re: VK6RAP Interference
Emergency services for one, certainly the case with the CFA here in VK3.Who in the holy hell is still using a pager in 2019???
Damien VK3RX